
  1. 便携式矿井地质探测仪在西曲矿的应用

    Application on Portable Type Pit Geologic Detecting Instrument in Xiqu Coal Mine

  2. 据此,在地面使用超低频地质遥感探测仪,即可探测出地下瓦斯气的富集范围,预测其富集程度。

    Thereafter , to use ULF geological remote sensing device on ground surface can block out gas concentration range and predict its extent .

  3. 结合西北地区黄土滑坡的工程地质特点,介绍了一种新的电法勘探仪器及其方法&GDT高分辨地质探测仪和GDS高分辨率测深法,并结合工程实例,指出GDS高分辨率测深法的运用效果较好。

    According to the engineering geological features of loess landslide in Northwest China a new electrical exploration instrument and its method GDT high resolution geological exploration instrument and GDS high resolution sounding method is introduced as well as its application combined with practical work .