
  • 网络surface potential
  1. 带有长侧链醌类化合物的Langmuir膜及其表面电势

    Studies on the Langmuir Films of the Quinone Compounds with Long Alkyl Side Chains and Their Surface Potential

  2. 集成双极晶体管基区表面电势的二维模型及其应用

    A Two-Dimensional Model for the Base Surface Potential in Integrated Bipolar Transistors and Its Applications

  3. 表面电势和构象分析表明,趋同进化的纤维索酶具有相似的活性架构。

    Protein contact potential and structure analysis show that cellulases have similar active site architecture clue to convergent evolution .

  4. 用补偿法测量不同剂量的紫外照射后驻极体的表面电势。

    The charge store stability of PTFE and PP were studied by measuring isothermal surface potential decay after different dose of ultraviolet radiation .

  5. 得出介质靶表面电势、表面积累的电荷密度、离子到达靶表面的注入角度的时空分布规律。

    The spatiotemporal evolution of the surface potential , the charge density accumulated and the ion impact angle at the surface of dielectrics are calculated .

  6. 此外,红外光谱和细胞表面电势分析都表明,不同胁迫下的细胞表面属性存在一定差异。

    Besides , both FTIR and zeta potential analysis suggested that huge difference in cell surface properties existed among the cells adapted to various stresses .

  7. 在模型基础上,研究了量子化效应对反型层载流子浓度和表面电势的影响。

    Based on the model , the effects of quantum mechanical effects ( QMEs ) on the strong inversion layer charge density and the surface potential are studied .

  8. 数值模拟结果显示两个不同的反相胶束浓度区域制约了相关微纳颗粒的表面电势。

    We simulated the charging of the particles in nonpolar solution containing the charged reverse micelles . The simulation showed two different micelle concentration-dependent regions for the surface potential .

  9. 这一结构随电位的变化关系可以通过表面电势的变化对氨基氮原子上孤对电子与金属表面间相互作用的影响来加以阐释。

    The reason for this potential dependency of the monolayer structure was suggested to the influence of surface potential variation on the interaction between lone electron pairs of amino groups with the metal surface .

  10. 讨论了二球体重合区域导体壳(表面电势为0的情形)内电荷在空间产生的电场分布。

    The objective of this paper is to study and discuss the distribution of space electrical field produced by the electric charge within cross-part conductor of two-sphere ( situation of surface zero potential ) .

  11. 模型包括离子连续性方程、动量方程和泊松方程,特别是提出了可以自洽地决定绝缘基板表面电势、表面电荷密度和鞘层厚度关系的等效电路方程。

    The models include the equation of ion continuity , momentum equation , Poisson equation and equivalent circuit equation , through which the relationship can be determined between insulated substrate surface potential , charge density and sheath thickness .

  12. 随后利用平均场的泊松-波尔兹曼方程和优先吸附机制,在极性体系的条件下建立了相关模型,模拟了在较大范围内胶束浓度、颗粒浓度以及粒径尺寸与微纳颗粒表面电势的关系。

    Then using the mean-field Poisson-Boltzmann equation and preferential adsorption mechanism , under the conditions of the polar system , we established a model to simulate the relations between the micelle concentration , particle concentration and particle size with particle surface potential at a wide range .

  13. 采用该模型模拟了鞘层内各物理量(包括电势和电场、离子密度和电子密度、离子速度)的时空演化过程,同时给出瞬时的鞘层厚度、介质靶表面电势及表面积累的电荷密度。

    The spatiotemporal variations of the potential , the electric field , ion density and electron density etc. inside the sheath are studied numerically . The instantaneous sheath thickness , the surface potential at the dielectric substrate and charge density accumulated on dielectric substrates are given .

  14. Hap在空白溶液中的表面电动电势ζ为负值,且随pH值的增加其电负性增大。

    The ζ potential of Hap in blank solution is negative , and the electronegative values increase as pH increases .

  15. 纳米粒表面Zeta电势绝对值随载药量增加而降低,表明胰岛素与磷脂载体之间发生电荷相互作用。

    With increase of drug loading , the absolute value of zeta potential was decreased accordingly , which suggests that the interaction was occurred between the amino group of insulin and phosphate group of phospholipid .

  16. 结果显示:银纳米粒子的直径约为3nm,水动力学直径约为17nm、表面ζ电势约为-35mV。

    Results showed that the diameter of the silver nanoparticles is around 3 nm with hydrodynamic size of about 17 nm , and the zeta potential is - 35 mV .

  17. 声子-电子耦合效应对半导体表面感应电势的影响

    Effect of phonon electron coupling on the surface wake potential

  18. 针对几种常用金属摩擦副,在球-盘式摩擦磨损试验机上考察了金属表面膜及其磨粒对其摩擦行为和表面自生电势的影响。

    The effect of metallic surface film and wear debris on the dry sliding behavior and self generated voltage ( SGV ) of various metal metal systems was experimentally investigated on a specially designed ball on disc tribometer .

  19. 稳态时,镍层表面氢超电势比钯高,氢在镍表面的氧化比在钯表面要困难。

    In steady permeation state , nickel coating needs higher hydrogen over-potential than palladium coating to oxidize hydrogen entirely . So hydrogen oxidation on nickel coating is more difficult than on palladium .

  20. NiNb2O6光电极的表面处理和平带电势的研究

    The Investigation on the Surface Treatment and Flatband Potential of NiNb_2O_6 Photoelectrode

  21. 本文提出了一种计算偏心电偶极子在均匀弱导电介质球表面所产生的电势的新方法,并应用所得公式对心电图机Wilson中心端的电势作了修正。

    A new method computing the potential produced by an eccentric electrical dipole on the surface of a homogeneous dielectric sphere with poor conductivity was put forward . And then the resulting formula was applied to correct the potential of Wilson central terminal of an electrocardiograph .

  22. 本论文利用扫描力显微镜研究了铁电薄膜表面与界面的电势及电畴等微区性质。

    In this thesis , Scanning Force Microscopy ( SFM ) was used to study the nanoscale electric phenomena of the surface and interface properties of ferroelectric thin films .

  23. 本文从静电场中导体的性质出发,用简单的方法证明了、除极化面上的偶电层在任意形状金属壳表面所产生的电势恒为零。

    According to the property of conductor in electrostatic field , this study shows by simple method that the potential induced by dipole layer on the front of depolarization is always zero on a metal shell with arbitrary shape .

  24. 反胶束内表面电荷密度/表面电势的近似解析式

    Surface Charge Density / Surface Potential Approximate Analytic Expression for Insid

  25. 前者已被广泛应用于测量半导体表面电荷密度分布、表面电势以及铁电材料铁电体结构的研究中;

    The former has been widely used in measuring surface charge density , surface potential of semiconductor and ferroelectric domain walls .

  26. 太阳风中的电子入射到月球表面,会使月球表面的电势为负。

    The electrons in the solar wind hit the surface and make the potential of the surface to be negative .

  27. 航天器表面充电模型研究:Ⅱ&航天器表面电势模型和计算

    Study of models for charging on spacecraft surface : II surface electrical potential models of spacecraft and their calculation

  28. 从理论上分析了表面活性剂可以增强液体磁性磨具中磁性颗粒表面电势,从而增加颗粒团聚的空间阻力。

    Theoretically analyzed the surface active agent ( dispersing agent ) can be increase the surface electric potential of pellets in the Fluid-magnetic abrasive tool , At the same time , the steric repulsion increase between the pellets , the hindrance of reunite increase .

  29. 根据数学物理理论,对尖端导体表面附近的静电场进行研究。得出尖端导体表面附近的电势分布和等势线方程。

    Abstrac : According to the mathematics physics theories , proceed the research to the electrostatic field near by the sharp-point conductor surface , the electrical potential distribution and the equation of Etc.

  30. 同时我们也发现,表面活性剂的浓度变化对于前一体系中微纳颗粒表面Zeta电势的调控作用要明显高于后者。

    Meantime , we also realized that the adjustment of surfactant concentration on the Zeta potential for the former was much higher than the latter .