
jūn yún jiè zhì
  • homogeneous medium;uniform dielectric
  1. 矩形波导中沿E面均匀介质柱散射特性的边界元分析

    Boundary - Element Analysis on Scattering of E-Plane Uniform Dielectric Post in Rectangular Waveguide

  2. 光波在两均匀介质分界面上反射、折射的特殊现象

    The special phenomena of light reflection and refraction on two uniform dielectric surface

  3. 非均匀介质中静电问题的Green函数解法

    The Green 's Function Method of the Electrostatics in Inhomogenous Dielectric

  4. 竖向非均匀介质中的Love面波

    Love waves in vertical inhomogeneous media

  5. 分区填充均匀介质直波导中本征模集的完备性与并矢Green函数

    Completeness of set of eigenmodes and dyadic Green ′ s functions of waveguide filled with locally uniform dielectrics

  6. J积分在分层非均匀介质裂纹问题中的应用

    Use of the J-integral in layered non-homogeneous medium crack problems

  7. 提出了一种非均匀介质下基于形状光学层析成像技术(OT)的图像重建数值方法。

    The image reconstruction numerical methods are proposed under non-homogeneous medium used shape-based optical tomography .

  8. 高斯射线束(GB)方法是一种用于计算不均匀介质中波场的高频近似方法。

    Gaussian beam ( GB ) method is a high-frequency asymptotic method of computing wave-fields in inhomogenous media .

  9. 用Green函数法解决非均匀介质中静电学的Dirichlet问题。

    In this paper , the Dirichlet problem of electrostatics in the inhomogenous dielectric is solved by the Green 's function method .

  10. 使用GEM求解Bingham流体在非均匀介质中的渗流问题

    Solution to the flow problem of Bingham fluid in inhomogeneous medium with the green element method

  11. 非均匀介质中非对称耦合传输线的ABCD参数

    The ABCD Parameters for Asymmetric Coupled Lines in Inhomogeneous Medium

  12. 针对任意平面分层的非均匀介质情形,以偶极子激励为例,应用快速傅里叶变换(FFT)来完成汉克尔变换计算。

    Here , fast Fourier transform is used to finish the calculation of Hankel transform in case of a dipole exciting in arbitrary planar layer media .

  13. 其中利用求解均匀介质柱散射的三阶表面辐射条件算于讨论了入射场为横磁模(TM)和横电模(TE)的散射情况。

    The third-order OSRC operator is used to analyse the scattering from a homogeneous dielectric cylinder illuminated by a TM or TE polarized plane wave .

  14. 二维不均匀介质中点源P-SV波响应的有限差分近似算法

    P-SV wave responses for a point source in two-dimensional heterogeneous media : finite-difference method

  15. 其中时域有限差分方法(FDTD)是一种时域计算方法,在解决非均匀介质,任意形状和复杂结构电磁问题中非常突出。

    The finite-difference time-domain ( FDTD ) method is a time domain method , which is good at solving inhomogeneous materials and complicated structures .

  16. 本文就通过研究尾波Q来探索地壳内不均匀介质随时间的变化及其与地震发生的关系作了初步探讨。

    Through the research on coda Q , this paper discussed the variations of the heterogeneous media in the crust with time and explored preliminarily its relation with the occurrence of earthquakes .

  17. 以下覆半无限空间近垂直入射平面P波,作为弹性波数值模拟的特例,来模拟接收函数,从而为横向非均匀介质中接收函数的反演和偏移成像问题奠定了研究基础。

    Receiver function is simulated for inhomogeneous media , as a special case for elastic wave modeling with nearly vertical incidence plane P wave as initial condition , and provide the base for inversion and migration of receiver function in inhomogeneous media .

  18. 在L1空间上研究了板几何中一类具完全反射边界条件下各向异性、连续能量、均匀介质的奇异迁移方程。

    The objective of this paper is to research singular transport equations with anisotropic continuous energy homogeneous slab geometry for perfect reflecting boundary condition in slab geometry .

  19. 本文从三维波动方程的Kirchhoff积分公式出发,首先经离散化给出无限均匀介质中的边界单元法公式。

    The formula of BEM suited to solve the problems of wave propagation in boundless medium is obtained from numerical treatment of Kirchhoff integral equation .

  20. 接着利用Fourier变换方法得到了场延拓的形式表达式,然后给出了几种特殊垂向非均匀介质下场延拓的精确解析公式。

    Then the formal expression for the field continuation is obtained by the method of the Fourier transform , and the precise analytic formulas for the field continuation under a number of special non-homogeneous medium are given .

  21. 本文对分层非均匀介质裂纹问题的J积分进行了研究,旨在把J积分方法用于焊接接头或分层复合材料的断裂分析。

    With a view to apply the J-integral to the fracture analysis of welded joints or multilayered composites , a study of the J-integral on crack problems of layered non-homogeneous medium is made .

  22. 研究了二个半平面的反平面运动,二个半平面都是剪切弹性模量与材料密度为梯度的非均匀介质,它们之间的界面是具有Coulomb摩擦的单侧界面。

    The anti-plane motion of two half-planes , both are composed of gradient non-homogeneous media and the interface between them is unilateral interface with Coulomb friction , is investigated .

  23. 本文在B、P、C坐标中给出了弹性波在横向均匀介质中的传播矩阵,并将其表示为五个形式简单的矩阵乘积,其中有四个矩阵是与频率无关的。

    In this paper , we have given the propagator matrix of elastic wave in a lateral homogeneous medium for B. P. G. coordinate system . This propagator matrix may be represented with five matrix factors , among which four matrices are independent of the frequency .

  24. 该算法是二维格子法(一种二维非均匀介质中PSV波传播的数值模拟算法)向三维非均匀介质情况的推广。

    D grid method is the extension of the 2 D grid method that models P SV wave propagation in 2 D heterogeneous media .

  25. 给出了二维Bingham流体非均匀介质渗流方程使用GEM的求解过程及运算结果,并从Bingham渗流机理方面验证了GEM的可靠性。

    The computing process and results of the flow equation of 2D Bingham fluid in inhomogeneous medium were given , and the reliability of GEM was validated based on the Bingham fluid theory .

  26. 用GEM(greenelementmethod)求解了一维Bingham流体在均匀介质中的渗流问题,并与边界元方法进行了比较,发现两者基本吻合;

    The flow problem of 1D Bingham fluid in homogeneous medium was solved by means of the green element method ( GEM ) . It has been found that the results obtained from GEM are consistent with those obtained with the boundary element method ( BEM ) .

  27. 研究结果表明,对均匀介质而言,矩阵H各列具有相同的非零元素分布,谱法LU分解的误差在吸收边界条件下,不影响波场模拟和成像计算;

    The result in this paper indicates that for constant velocity model all the arrays of matrix H have same nonzero values , and the errors brought by SF method will not affect the computation of wave fields if an absorb boundary condition is used ;

  28. 例如,对Helmholtz方程做傅里叶变换,得到一个具有全局化的平面波解的简单方程,傅氏调谐基函数在均匀介质中的传播即依赖于这个方程。

    For example , after operated with Fourier transformation , Helmholtz equation becomes a simple equation with a solution to plane wave , which describes propagation of sine wave in the uniform media .

  29. 光线在梯度折射率介质内沿Fermat原理决定的曲线路径传播,因而梯度折射率介质内的辐射传递相对均匀介质内的辐射传递要复杂得多。

    In graded index medium , the ray goes along a curved path determined by the Fermat principle . The solution of radiative transfer in graded index medium is more difficult than that in uniform index medium .

  30. 针对求解均匀介质体的瞬态电磁散射问题,采用基于MOT的方法求解Müller方程来分析,对分析中矩阵元素的积分求解,提出了一种奇异分离方法。

    To analyze the transient scattering of homogeneous dielectric bodies , the M ü ller equations with MOT method were chosen . A singularity-extraction technique was presented to calculate the integrals of matrix elements , which considers the time delay effect .