
  • 网络homogeneous catalyst;Homogenous catalysts
  1. V2O5为均相催化剂。

    V_2O_5 is a homogeneous catalyst .

  2. 有机锡化合物已广泛应用于杀虫剂、船舶涂料、PVC塑料热稳定剂以及有机反应的均相催化剂等。

    Organotin compounds are widely used as biocides , coatings for ship , heat stabilizer for PVC plastic and homogeneous catalyst in organic reaction .

  3. NY型均相催化剂对乙二醇产品UV值的影响

    Effect of NY Catalyst on UV Transmittance of Ethylene Glycol Synthesized by Homogeneous Catalytic Hydration

  4. 选择的系列均相催化剂显示了较高的催化活性,硝酸铜的催化活性最高,COD去除率达到97.5%。

    The catalytic activity of copper nitrate was the highest among homogeneous catalyst selected and the removal rate of COD was 97.5 % at 190 ℃ .

  5. 氟两相催化体系(FBC)是一种新型均相催化剂固定化(多相化)和相分离技术。

    The FBC ( fluorous biphase catalysis ) is a new nonaqueous immobilization and phase-separation tech-nique .

  6. 将Cu(Ⅱ)-IAA-PEI/SiO2用作非均相催化剂,用于分子氧氧化乙苯与苯甲醇的氧化反应,研究了催化活性与影响催化氧化反应的主要因素,探索了催化氧化机理。

    This immobilized complex was used in the oxidation reaction of ethylbenzene and benzyl alcohol by molecular oxygen as a heterogenous catalysis , and the catalytic activities and the mechanisms of the catalytic oxidations were investigated .

  7. 用铜模快冷法制备均质Al-In过偏晶合金均相催化剂的固载化研究

    Preparation of homogeneous Al-In hyper - Monotectic Alloys with copper mould rapid solidification method

  8. HC-402-2型苯加氢均相催化剂的改进

    The Improvement of HC-402-2 Homogeneous Catalyst for Benzene Hydrogenation

  9. 研究了利用电厂粉煤灰作为非均相催化剂,催化H2O2氧化对氨基苯酚(PAP),讨论了各种因素对PAP去除率的影响。

    Fly ash from power plants was used as heterogeneous catalyst in the process of oxidation of p-aminophenol ( PAP ) by H_2O_2.The effects of various parameters on the removal rate of PAP were investigated .

  10. 针对NY型均相催化剂催化水合乙二醇的工艺,探讨了催化剂对乙二醇产品紫外透过率(UV值)的影响。

    UV transmittance of ethylene glycol ( EG ) synthesized by homogeneous catalytic hydration of ethylene oxide was studied . The effect of the presence of NY catalyst and rectification temperature of catalyst containing EG was investigated .

  11. 在催化剂应用方面重点介绍了非均相催化剂在Baeyer-Villiger氧化反应中的应用。

    As far as catalysts applications are concerned , we mainly introduced the applications of heterogeneous catalyst in Baeyer-villiger oxidation reaction .

  12. 主要涉及两相反应体系中的水溶性膦配体以及均相催化剂固相化、氟两相催化、非离子液体催化体系和超临界CO2中的氢甲酰化反应等几种新型反应体系。

    In particular , the developments of new-style reaction system , such as water-soluble phosphine in two-phase catalysis system , the supported catalysts , fluorous biphase system , non-aqueous ionic liquids catalysis and hydroformylation in supercritical carbon dioxide were mainly introduced in this paper .

  13. 介孔分子筛MCM-41具有较高的比表面和规整的结构以及表面带有羟基,因此可对MCM-41进行官能团化,从而实现均相催化剂在MCM-41中的组装,达到均相催化剂多相化的目的。

    Mesoporous molecular sieves MCM-41 has large surface , ordered structure and silanol groups on its surface . It can be functionalized and applied to assembly homogeneous catalysis , which makes it possible to heterogenize homogeneous catalysts .

  14. 溶胶-凝胶(sol-gel)技术在均相催化剂的固载化方面有如下一些优点,无机溶胶-凝胶基体热稳定性好,呈化学惰性,保护被包容分子以及具有高比表面和孔隙率。

    The sol-gel technology offers several advantages over the immobilization procedures employed in the preparation of heterogeneous catalysts . Inorganic sol-gel supports are indeed superior in their thermal stability , inertness towards and protectability of the entrapped molecules , and in their porosity and high surface areas .

  15. 用液相氧化法制晶种,添加独特的均相催化剂,制得长120nm,径30nm氧化铁红的棒状粒子。

    Then the rod particle-superfine ferric oxide with ( 120 nm ) length and 30 nm diameter is prepared in the liquid homogeneous catalytic oxidation system , in which the crystal seed is prepared by liquid phase oxidation and the unique homogeneous catalyst is added .

  16. 渣油悬浮床加氢裂化均相催化剂及工艺研究

    Study on homogeneous catalyst and process for residue suspended bed hydrocracking

  17. 苯加氢均相催化剂中调节剂作用分析

    Discussion on Effects of Modifiers in Homogeneous Hydrogenation Catalysts of Benzene

  18. 均相催化剂制备的乙丙共聚物的组成均匀性研究

    Study on compositional heterogeneity of ethylene propylene copolymer produced by homogeneous catalyst

  19. 铁催化剂流化床合成的石脑油馏分粘土层间镶嵌金属络合物催化剂&均相催化剂多相化的一种模式

    Hydrocol naphtha fraction clay-intercalated metal complex Catalyst-a model of homogeneous catalyst heterogenization

  20. 然而,负载型非均相催化剂却能够克服解决上述难题。

    However , heterogeneous catalysts can solve these problems easily .

  21. 非均相催化剂催化的丁二烯气相聚合的模型化研究

    Modeling of Gas Phase Polymerization of Butadiene with Heterogeneous Catalyst

  22. 用于生物柴油的非均相催化剂的研究

    Study on the Heterogeneous Catalyst Used in Preparing Biodiesel

  23. 以菜籽油为原料,以非均相催化剂催化制备生物柴油。

    Biodiosel was prepared from rapeseed oil with methanol catalyzed by heterogeneous catalyst .

  24. 介绍了均相催化剂的固载化研究进展。

    The progress on the research of immobilization of homogeneous catalyst is introduced .

  25. 直馏柴油催化氧化脱硫均相催化剂的制备与评价

    Preparation and evaluation of desulfurization catalysts for homogeneous catalytic oxidation of straight-run diesel

  26. 均相催化剂活性的一种理论判据

    A theoretical criterion of the activity of homogeneous catalysts

  27. 超声场下苯酚吸附相平衡和均相催化剂氧化降解实验研究

    Study on the adsorption equilibrium and the homogenous catalytic oxidation of phenol under ultrasound

  28. 在此基础上进一步开发研究钛-锡非均相催化剂有可能取得重要进展。

    Therefore , development of Ti-Sn heterogeneous catalysts will be a focus in this aspect .

  29. 对铂基、钯基、钌基和镍基非均相催化剂的结构和催化性能进行了比较,讨论了催化剂助剂抑制脱氯副反应的机理。

    The characteristic properties of platinum , palladium , ruthenium and nickel-based catalysts are summarized .

  30. 为了降低生产成本,对非均相催化剂研究很多。

    In order to reduce the product cost , heterogeneous catalysts have been investigated mostly .