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zuò dìnɡ
  • be seated;take a seat;be destined/doomed
坐定 [zuò dìng]
  • (1) [take seat]∶入座;坐下

  • (2) [be sure] 〈方〉∶肯定

  • 这次你们坐定得冠军

  1. 火车开始缓缓加速,乘客们挨个儿在座位上坐定。

    As the train picked up its speed , the passengers slowly settled down on their seats .

  2. 我一在副驾座位坐定Curt就坐在驾驶位上说到,“你得给我指路因为我不知道从这里到你家怎幺走.”

    Once I was settled in the passenger seat and Curt behind the wheel , he said ," I 'm going to need your help because I 'm not sure how to get to your house from here . "

  3. 女孩子们跑到桌边坐定,准备吃早餐。

    The girls ran to the table , ready for their breakfast .

  4. 我们在院子角落一颗树下的桌子旁坐定。

    We take a corner table under a tree in the courtyard .

  5. 我们的新领导人在掌舵老人坐定下来掌舵。

    Our new leader at the helm The old man settled himself to steer .

  6. 他在马车里坐定了位子,另外三位先生也跟着进了马车。

    He takes his place within the carriage , and three other gentlemen follow .

  7. 我已经坐定中间的位置了。

    I 've earned the center seat .

  8. 然后你再花16年教丫们坐定和闭嘴。

    Then you spend the next 16 years telling them to sit down and shut-up .

  9. 但是当他和其他乘客坐定后,舒服愉快的感觉又回来了。

    But when he , and the other passengers , are seated , well-being returns .

  10. 但是当你真的坐定思考的时候,它的感觉迥然不同。

    But when you do sit quiet and think about it , it all feels different .

  11. 但在我坐定等他时想到,他今天能来,就已经是一件值得大书特书的事了。

    But as I sit and wait it still seems remarkable that he is here at all .

  12. 而不日日夜夜坐定,把我们的眼泪擦个干净?

    And not sit both night and day , wiping all our tears away ? Oh no !

  13. 然后,您合上箱盖,坐定,系紧安全带,这才深深地舒了口气。

    You close the bin , sit down , fasten your seatbelt and take a deep breath .

  14. 最后,吴荪甫到他的办公室内坐定,听屠维岳的报告。

    Finally , he went into his office and settled himself down to hear Tu Wei-yueh 's report .

  15. “好了,“他等嘉莉和自己舒舒服服坐定以后,开口说道,”你想吃些什么?”

    " Now ," he said , getting Carrie and himself comfortably settled ," what will you have ?"

  16. 干吗不让我们痛痛快快歇一会呢?我的耶稣,我们屁股还只刚坐定哪!

    Why the hell don 't they give us a decent break ? Jesus christ , we just sat down .

  17. 她在一大堆文件面前坐定之后,整个早晨都没离开她的书桌。

    Usually humorous she sat entrenched behind an enormous pile of papers and didn 't leave her desk all morning .

  18. 这时,我们已经在舱里坐定。茶房端来放着酒瓶和杯子的托盘。

    By this time we were seated in the cabin and the steward brought in a tray with a bottle and glasses .

  19. 待她们坐定之后,那位母亲看到一位熟人,就穿过走道过去跟朋友打招呼。

    After they were seated , the mother spotted a friend in the audience and walked down the aisle to greet her .

  20. 夜晚,他在椅子上坐定,纹丝不动。只有向炉火中吐痰时才歪一下身子。

    And then at night see him fixed in his chair Motionless , except when he leans to gob in the fire .

  21. 全家男女老少都穿上节日的盛装,按辈分依次坐定。

    Men , women and children are put on the family holiday attire , followed by the seated position in the family hierarchy .

  22. 大家坐定以后,丽迪雅说:现在我有点儿消息要报告你们,你们猜猜看是什么消息?

    Now I have got some news for you , said Lydia , as they sat down to table . What do you think ?

  23. 好的,我又要开始讲了,尽管大家还没坐定,但是我不想浪费时间。

    Okay . I 'm going to start even though it 's still in flux here'cause I don 't want to lose my time .

  24. 清纯的眸底坐定几十颗稚嫩的童心,潋滟的柔波辉映雏鹰奋飞的翅膀。

    Pure seated at the end of the opening of dozens of stars young child , full of water Yan reflect the Eagles wings .

  25. 我们坐定之后,我忘乎所以地说,“阿尔罗伊夫人,我想起来了,以前我曾在邦德街见过您。”

    After we had sat down I remarked quite innocently ," I think I saw you in Bond Street some time ago , lady alroy . "

  26. 在墙角的一张小圆桌旁边和赵伯韬对面坐定了后,努力装出镇静的微笑来。

    He found Chao Po-tao at a small table tucked away in a corner and sat down with him , trying his best to smile calmly .

  27. 嗨,奥特曼说,这时火车开出了波思维尔车站,两人都坐定了,预备赶这段漫长的路。

    " Say ," remarked Osterman , as the train pulled out of the Bonneville Station , and the two men settled themselves for the long journey .

  28. 坐定之后,画家便取出画笔和纸张,趁等菜之机,给坐在边上谈笑风生的女主人画起速写来。

    After sit down , then remove brushes and paper painter , while waiting to sit on the machine , draw up the hostess hoardings for China .

  29. 随后,这位中国的超级明星向我微笑,我们握了握手。在窗边坐定后,她从仔裤中掏出香烟,并问是否可以抽烟。

    The Chinese superstar smiles and shakes hands , takes cigarettes from her jeans , sits by the window , and asks if it 's OK to smoke .

  30. 待所有人坐定后,组织者拿出一袋薯片放在桌子上,随即开始处理内部事务,比如募集捐款,但她并没有执意要求。

    As people settled in , the organizer plopped down a bag of potato chips and tackled housekeeping matters , like soliciting contributions . But she did not insist .