
zuò ɡǔ dà qiē jì
  • greater sciatic notch
  1. CLIC点距坐骨大切迹前支85.43mm。

    The distance between the CLIC to the greater sciatic notch was about 85.43 mm .

  2. 国人坐骨大切迹的测量与性别判别分析

    The measurements and sexual diagnosis of the greater sciatic notch in Chinese

  3. 螺钉进针点位于髂骨翼后外侧面坐骨大切迹和髂前上棘连线上方9.2±2.4mm,距坐骨大切迹38.5±3.8mm;

    The optimal entry point on the posterolateral ilium for the screw fixation was found to exist 9.2 ± 2.4 mm superior to the line between the anterior superior iliac spine and the greater sciatic notch and 38.5 ± 3.8 mm superior to the greater sciatic notch .

  4. 髋骨弧形旋转截骨术治疗先天性髋脱位,是在髂前下棘至坐骨大切迹做一弧形截骨。

    Arched rotational osteotomy of the innominate bone is adopted to the treatment of congenital dislocation of the hips .

  5. 结论:髂后下棘和坐骨大切迹恒定存在,变异小;

    Conclusion : The posterior inferior iliac spine and the sciatic notch constant exist , they are easily exposed and identified in operation .

  6. 方法:左右配对的18具髋关节标本随机分成三组,在髋臼后外缘与坐骨大切迹间的中点截骨,建立髋臼后壁大块骨折模型。

    METHODS Eighteen preserved cadaveric hip joints were divided into three groups randomly . The simulated big isolated posterior wall fracture models were created by osteotomy in the middle of the outer rim of posterior acetabulum and the incisura ischiadica major .

  7. 测量进钉点与坐骨大切迹顶点之间的水平距离和垂直距离,测量螺钉长度,测量螺钉矢状面和冠状面的角度,将测量数据输入到SPSS10.0进行统计学分析。

    The horizontal and vertical distances from entry point to apex of greater sciatic notch , the length of the screw , the angle of the screw on sagittal and coronal plane were measured respectively , and then all data were put into SPSS 10.0 for statistical analyze .