
  1. 现代思想政治教育坚持以人为本的意义及途径

    The Significance and Way of Insisting the Humanist in Modern Ideological and Political Education

  2. 坚持与时俱进的现实意义

    Practical Significance on Persisting in ″ Keeping Pace with the Times ″

  3. 通过分析我国经济改革成功的实践,阐述坚持效益原理的意义以及影响现代管理效益的因素,提出了提高现代管理效益的途径。

    Through analyzing the successful experiences of our country 's economic reform , this paper expounds the significance of upholding the benefit principle , probes into the factors influencing the benefit of the modern management , and puts forward some paths for increasing the benefit of the modern management .

  4. 他们坚持严守法律的字面意义。

    They insist on sticking to the letter of the law .

  5. 加入WTO后坚持群众路线的现实意义

    W TO and the Mass Line

  6. 论坚持艰苦奋斗精神的价值意义

    On the Significance of Insisting on the Spirit of Struggling Arduously

  7. 着重探讨了人文代价存在的原因、市场经济行为中坚持人文价值取向的意义及减少人文代价的具体措施。

    This paper emphasizes on the reason why humane cost exists , the significance of holding humane value orientation and specific approaches to reduce humane cost .

  8. 为了深刻认识坚持和谐思维的重要意义,需要在与斗争哲学的比较中把握其本质和特征。

    To understand the vital significance of persisting in profound harmonious thinking , we need to grasp the essence and character of the harmonious thinking through comparing with the philosophy of struggle .

  9. 文章坚持海德格尔诗学的基本意义在于对传统美学价值的颠覆、对文本直接经验的绝对意义和对文艺之谜的谜性的强调。

    It is of opinion that the fundamental significance of HEIDEGGER 's poetics lies in a subversion to conventional esthetic values , with emphasis on the absolute meaning of the direct experiences from the text and on the riddling nature of artistic and literary riddles .