
tiān cì liáng yuán
  • a godsent marriage
天赐良缘[tiān cì liáng yuán]
  1. 我从来没相信过命运,但这次就真的好像是天赐良缘。

    I have never believed in fate , but it does seem like it was meant to be .

  2. 他们夫妇深感他们的结合是天赐良缘,上帝赐予他们保持婚姻牢固的动力。

    The two feel they were set up by the heavens , which gives them motivation to keep their marriage strong .

  3. 嘉莉的爱只是增添了他的生活乐趣,一份额外的乐趣,他要好好享受这天赐良缘。

    Carrie 's love represented only so much added pleasure . He would enjoy this new gift over and above his ordinary allowance of pleasure .