
tiān fèn
  • talent;gift;genius;flair;natural gift;special endowments
天分 [tiān fèn]
  • [genius;gift;talent] 天资;天赋

天分[tiān fèn]
  1. 她有教书的天分。

    She had a natural gift for teaching .

  2. 她后来才发现自己的写作天分。

    Only later did she discover a talent for writing .

  3. 她不仅聪明,而且极具音乐天分。

    She was not only intelligent but also very musical .

  4. 他有学语言的天分。

    He has a flair for languages .

  5. 我相信自己有成功的天分。

    I believe I have the talent to make it

  6. 艾琳有着极高的音乐天分和天生的表演才能。

    Irene is so incredibly musical and has a natural instinct to perform .

  7. 他有做生意的天分。

    He had a natural flair for business .

  8. 仅凭天分,他就控制了所有的危机。

    His genius alone has mastered every crisis .

  9. 布拉特比的祖父很有艺术天分。

    Bratby 's grandfather had been artistically inclined .

  10. 那个男孩透着点天分。

    The boy was touched with genius .

  11. 成为作家要有天分,但更要有创作的冲动。

    It 's a compulsion to write , more than talent , that makes a writer .

  12. 霍华德是个很有天分的钢琴家。

    Howard is a talented pianist

  13. 他完全没有歌唱天分。

    He is no singer

  14. 我一向有学习语言的天分。

    I 've always had a gift for learning languages .

  15. 他有很高的绘画天分。

    He has a strong painting bias .

  16. 她真有学习语言的天分。

    She has a real flair for languages .

  17. 他有绘画天分。

    He has a natural aptitude for painting .

  18. 这孩子很有天分。

    This child has great talent .

  19. 教书是一门艺术和手艺,是天分也是实践。

    Teaching is an art and a craft , talent and practice .

  20. 教师必须以自己的方式来教学——课程设置应该足够灵活,以便老师可以利用自己的天分来实现课程目标。

    The teachers must be free to teach in their own way — the curriculum should be flexible enough so that they can use their individual talents to achieve the goals of the course .

  21. 这些研究生是一群天分很高的学生。

    These postgraduates were a very talented group .

  22. 他有语言天分。

    He had an inborn talent for languages .

  23. 但这部片子与《美国战队:世界警察》(TeamAmerica:WorldPolice)相比,在疯狂的天分及自我意识方面,处处都要甘拜下风。

    an eyebrow-raiser even by his standards - that wasn 't delivered with much more gonzo flair and self-awareness in " Team America : World Police . "

  24. v.归因我们将爱迪生的成功归因于天分与努力。

    attribute We attribute Edison 's success to intelligence and hard work .

  25. 我的导师是个超有天分的教授,WilliamChilds,一位考古学家。

    My adviser was a really gifted professor , an archaeologist named William Childs .

  26. 我的导师是个超有天分的人WilliamChilds教授

    My adviser was a really gifted man professor named William Childs The thesis I wrote for him ...

  27. YoungBloodsProgram是一个独有的为实习生设立的项目,目的是将有创意天分的学生培养成未来TBWA的创意总监。

    The Young Bloods Program is an exclusive internship program that enable students with creative talents to be nurtured to potential Executive Creative Director at TBWA .

  28. Artemis是希腊野外女神,和纽特的兴趣和天分相契合。

    Artemis is a Greek goddess of the wilderness , which dovetails nicely with Newt 's interests and talents .

  29. MTV新闻逮住了这位极具天分的忙碌的演员,他将《神探夏洛克》的成功,归因于一群不同寻常、聪慧、忠诚的粉丝。

    MTV News caught up with the very busy and talented actor , who attributes the shows success to its extraordinary and very intelligent , very loyal fans .

  30. 如果德国自行车赛冠军TheoBos能够赢得北京奥运会自行车赛的金牌,肯定不仅仅靠他的天分。

    If Dutch cycle champion Theo Bos takes gold in the Beijing velodrome this summer , it won 't be as a result of talent alone .