
  • 网络abutments
  1. 复杂岩基上拱坝和坝肩岩体变形过程及转异特征研究

    The investigation of deformation process and anomalous characteristics for arch dam and its abutments built on complex rock foundation

  2. 高拱坝的坝肩岩体稳定性分析是拱坝设计中的首要问题之一。

    Dam abutments stability analysis is very important in the design of arch dam .

  3. 拱坝坝肩稳定的三维地质力学模型试验研究岩石力学CT技术概述

    The Study on Experiments of a Geological Mechanics Model with Three Dimensions for the Stability of an Arch Abutment

  4. 同时,采用ansys有限元分析软件对坝肩岩体变形过程进行了数值模拟分析。

    Meanwhile , the ANSYS software of FEM is applied for numerical analysis to rock mass deformation process on dam abutment .

  5. 因此对大型结构分析软件ANSYS的三维非线性计算功能进行了深入研究,在此基础上完成了基于非线性有限单元法的高拱坝坝肩稳定计算分析。

    Basic theory of nonlinear FEM analysis and its realization in ANSYS were studied . Accomplish stability analysis of high arch dam abutment based on nonlinear FEM analysis .

  6. 对在ANSYS中模拟拱坝坝体混凝土和坝肩岩体、断层及较大的裂隙等采用的单元模型和材料类型进行了介绍与分析。

    To simulate the arch dam body concrete and the abutment rock , faults and the big fractures , the elements types and the material types in ANSYS are introduced and discussed .

  7. 某水电站右坝肩边坡发育有顺坡向f1断层,破坏了边坡岩体完整性并由此带来稳定问题。

    Rock mass integrity of dam right abutment slope of some hydro electric station is destroyed with Fault f1 developed , so stability problem is raised .

  8. 本文对拱坝坝肩稳定分析方法进行概述,较为深入的研究了刚体极限平衡法,以及非线性有限元在ANSYS中的运用。

    In this paper , author has a summary to method of stability of arch dam abutment , research method of limited rigid body equilibrium and nonlinear FEM simulation analysis for arch dam designs based on ANSYS .

  9. 为此,对梅山水电站右坝肩坝基排水孔水位、水量、水质进行定期观测,并对现场水pH值测试资料进行了系统分析.宝珠寺水电站坝基排水孔异常逸出物成因分析

    In consideration of the above fact , an observation is performed of water table and water quality from drain holes in the right dam abutment of the Meishan Hydropower Station . Analysis of the formation of abnormal substances discharged from drainage well in Bao-zhu-si dam base

  10. 结合工程实际,通过ANSYS建立大坝两岸坝肩边坡模型,采用非线性有限单元通过降强分析法分析研究了坝肩边坡在不同工况下的稳定性及变形,确定了不同工况下边坡稳定的安全系数。

    After building the model of both sides of the dam abutment by ANSYS , using non-linear finite element , the paper analyze slope stability and deformation under different conditions by strength reduction method , also it determines the safety factors of slope stability .

  11. 接着,对拱坝坝体混凝土和坝肩岩体应采用的单元模型和材料类型进行分析,建立了拱坝坝肩稳定的仿真分析模型。研究了ANSYS中采用接触模型对坝肩滑动面进行模拟的方法。

    Then , it is analyzed how to choose suitable element models and material types for dam concrete and abutment rock , how to set up simulation model for abutment stability analysis , and especially how to simulate slip surface in abutment with ANSYS contact model .

  12. 本文基于大型有限元仿真软件ANSYS,研究了拱坝坝肩稳定安全系数的三种计算方法;并以垂直坡滑动面为研究对象,研究了接触面特性对抗滑稳定的影响。

    The paper , based on ANSYS , a large FEM software for structure analysis , studies three methods of calculating abutment safety factor against sliding , and analyzes the effects of contact properties on stability against sliding by studying the slip surface in a vertical slope .

  13. 西南某大型水电站左岸坝肩边坡分布有多层二叠系凝灰岩软弱夹层,其中对该边坡稳定性影响最大的是标记为A3的软弱夹层。

    There are many weak seams made from tuff of Permian system in the slope of the left dam abutment of a hydroelectric station in southwest China , and of all the weak seams A_3 has the most influence on the stability of the slope .

  14. 采用基于Dijkstra算法的极限平衡有限元法研究两种方案受节理岩体影响的右岸坝肩边坡岩体开挖后的稳定性以及可能产生的滑动模式和机理,得到边坡的稳定安全系数。

    Limit equilibrium finite element method based on Dijkstra arithmetic is adopted to study the stability and the possible sliding pattern and mechanism of right excavated dam shoulder slope affected by jointed rock mass in two projects , and stability safety factor of the slope is worked out .

  15. 小浪底水库运行以来,左坝肩的渗漏水量偏大,当库水超过235m高程时,排水量急剧增加。

    Since the operation of Xiaolangdi Dam , the leakage of left dam abutment has been very large . When reservoir water level exceeds elevation 235 m , the drainage discharge increases sharply .

  16. 结果表明,所控制左岸坝肩稳定性由断层f5为侧滑面、Ⅲ2岩石非结构面为底滑面组成的块体。

    It is shown that the stability on left bank is controlled by a slip body , whose side surface is formed by fault f5 , and bottom surface cuts through ⅲ 2 rock mass , and between the side surface and bottom surface is fault f2 .

  17. 拱坝坝肩含断续节理岩体破坏机理研究

    Damage Mechanism Study Arch Dam of Rock Mass with Intermittent Joints

  18. 浍河水库左坝肩渗漏及其工程方案选定

    Seepage of Left Dam Shoulder of Huihe Reservoir and Its Treatment

  19. 恒山水库左坝肩稳定问题及加固探讨

    Discussion on Stability and Consolidation of Left Abutment of Hengshan Reservoir

  20. 全面研究了坝肩岩体结构特征,其中包括不同结构面的成因分析、结构面的工程地质分级、各级结构面的工程地质特征和坝肩岩体结构类型,建立了坝肩岩体结构模型。

    The rock mass structure of dam abutments is researched completely .

  21. 石门拱坝右坝肩变形观测资料分析

    Analysis of the Right Abutment Deformation Data of Shimen Arch Dam

  22. 超载过程中高拱坝坝肩推力角的研究

    Study on thrust angles of high arch dam abutment during overloading

  23. 重力拱坝坝肩岩体稳定与工程处理对策

    Gravity arch dam abutment rock stability and its engineering treatment measurements

  24. 混凝土拱坝横缝对坝肩抗震稳定的影响

    Effect of Transverse Slots of Concrete Arch Dam on Abutment Seismic Stability

  25. 拱坝坝肩岩体空间稳定分析

    Spatial Stability Analysis of Abutment Rock Mass of Arch Dam

  26. 高拱坝坝肩岩体的稳定性是拱坝结构安全运行的基础。

    Abutment stability is the foundation for high arch dam running safely .

  27. 黑河水库右坝肩平面旋转坡体

    The plane rotation slope on the right shoulder of Heihe Reservoir Dam

  28. 拱坝形状参数及地基弹模对坝肩稳定的影响

    Influence of Arch Shape and Foundation Modulus on Abutment Stability of Dams

  29. 拱坝–坝肩三维可变形离散元整体稳定分析

    Analysis of arch dam-abutment stability by 3D deformable distinct elements

  30. 光面爆破在云鹏电站坝肩开挖中的应用

    Application of Smooth Blasting in Dam of Yunpeng Power Plant