
  • 网络Gene tree;gene genealogies
  1. 结合已发表人的序列,用简约法构建了基因树。

    Combined with the human tyrosinase gene sequence , the gene tree was constructed using parsimony method .

  2. 演化设计系统负责提取产品实例基因,建立产品基因树,管理演化算法和演化设计操作,最终实现产品设计任务。

    Evolutionary design system is responsible for extracting product genes and establishing product gene tree , managing evolutionary algorithms and evolutionary operation , and realizing product design mission in the end .

  3. 根据Adh基因树并结合前人的结果对牡丹组的种间关系进行了详细的讨论。

    Based on the gene trees obtained in this study and results reported in previous literature , the interspecific relationship of Paeonia Section Moutan was discussed in details .

  4. 外类群对构建基因树的影响

    Effect of Outgroups on Construction of Gene Trees

  5. 一般来说,为了构建一组物种的进化树,科学家们首先是根据从这些物种中得到的基因组序列信息来构建一组树,称之为基因树。

    Generally speaking , to build a phylogenetic tree for a set of species , one constructs a phylogenetic tree from genes taken from those species . Such trees are called gene trees .

  6. 以21株猪瘟病毒的编码序列作为研究对象,通过对基因树的比较和四重体分析,研究猪瘟病毒毒株间可能的重组关系。

    To study the possible recombinant relationship among differently derived classical swine fever virus , the coding regions of 21 isolates were analyzed to detect recombination and breakpoints through gene trees comparison and quartet analyses .

  7. 基因树间拓扑距离数据的比较进一步证明:与分割拓扑距离相比,通经拓扑距离是一种更为精确的测度,利用相对通经拓扑距离构建了8个基因的拓扑距离树。

    Comparison of the topologic distances between gene trees further showed that the pathway topologic distance is a more exact measure than the partition topologic distance . A topologic distant tree of 8 genes was constructed using NJ method .

  8. 乙肝病毒X基因转基因树鼩模型的建立和病理学研究

    Establishment of transgene animal model of tree shrew with HBV X gene by using the spermatogonial cells as the mediating vector

  9. 结果:p53、Bax基因在树鼩HCC形成过程中,它们的表达均呈递增趋势。

    Results : The p53 and Bax genes expressions were increased with development of HCC .

  10. 不同时期H5N1病毒的HA和NA基因进化树及基因变异率线性回归分析

    Phylogenetic and linear regression analysis on HA and NA gene of H_5N_1 virus during different periods

  11. N基因进化树与全基因进化树基本上保持一致,基于其他不同基因构建的进化树大体相同。

    TheN gene phylogenetic tree is basically consistent with the tree of the complete genome , and the other trees based on different genes are much the same .

  12. 目的:探索以精原细胞作为载体建立带乙肝病毒X基因的树鼩转基因动物模型的可行性。

    Objective : To investigate the possibility of using the spermatogonial cells as a vector to establish trans-gene animal model of tree shrew with HBV X gene .

  13. 用MEGA软件按断点分段做基因进化树分析以验证该断点的正确性;

    To confirm the breakpoints , separate phylogenetic analysis according to the breakpoints was performed with MEGA software .

  14. HA1基因进化树显示出以很长的主干和很短的侧枝为特征。

    The results showed that the evolution of HA1 represented a long trunk with short side branches .

  15. 建立的基因进化树表明不同来源的该属细菌16SRRNA基因序列比较,同源性达98%。

    The established gene tree showed that 16s rRNA gene sequences of different origins are relatively conservative , the lowest homology come to98 % between these sequences .

  16. 基因进化树分析表明,该4株HEV变异株可能为一个新基因型,它不同于HEV(B)、HEV(M)和HEVUS/Swine,按其核苷酸序列的差异可划分为2个亚型。

    Phylogenetic analysis suggested that these 4 isolates represented 2 different subtypes belonging to a novel genotype of HEV , which was significantly divergent from the prototype Mexican , Burmese and US / Swine isolates .

  17. 通过构建各基因进化树及序列比较分析发现,EIV青海株的各基因在核苷酸和氨基酸水平上与欧洲的EIV参考毒株关系最为密切,因此推断,我国A/Equine/Qinghai/1/94毒株可能来源于欧洲。

    Phylogenetic analysis of most genes had close relation with Europe reference EIV strains .

  18. 结果获得了具有很高自展值支持、分辨良好的牡丹组种间关系(GPAT基因)树。

    As a result , a well resolved and highly supported gene tree of sect .

  19. 对5b基因进化树分析表明,SC株、HN株亲缘关系较近,进化过程中发生的变异可能相似。

    The phylogenetic tree analysis of 5b gene of HN and SC isolate showed that the two isolates had closer genetic relationship . The genetic variation of 5b gene of SC and HN isolate was similar to each other .

  20. 核苷酸序列基因进化树分析显示存在2种不同的基因型。

    Phylogenetic tree analysis of nucleotide sequences revealed 2 different genotypes .

  21. 基因工程树的现状、生态风险与对策

    Genetically Engineered Forest Trees : Recent Progress , Ecological Risks and Management Strategies

  22. 父婴传播的乙型肝炎病毒S基因进化树分析

    The analysis of S gene phylogenetic tree of HBV in transmission from father to infant

  23. 重症病例的毒株分散在基因进化树中。

    Also viruses identified in patients suffering from severe infections were scattered throughout the phylogenetic tree of HA gene .

  24. 依据这两个准则,本文提出了一种改进的基于基因功能树的基因功能分类算法。

    According to these two algorithms , this thesis proposed a new gene function classification algorithm based on gene function tree .

  25. 叶绿体系统树与核基因系统树之间的冲突,可能是由杂交、渐渗、谱系分选造成的网状进化引起的。

    The reticulate evolution caused by hybridization , introgression and lineage sorting may be an explanation for the molecular phylogenetic incongruence .

  26. 基因进化树显示ZJ/01/04分离株与Saudi/92株亲缘关系最近,在进化树的同一分支上。

    The phylogenetic tree indicated that Zhejiang / 01 / 04 had the greatest similarity with the Saudi / 92 strain and they lied in the same branch of the phylogenetic tree .

  27. 绘制基因进化树,大小囊蚴感染所获成虫与斯氏狸殖吸虫在同一分支同一位置,与巨睾并殖吸虫亲缘关系较远。

    The phylogenetic trees showed that adult worms infected with big and small cysts and P skrjabini located at the same branch location , but quite far from the phylogenetic location of P.macrorchis .

  28. 从中克隆了8株芽胞杆菌属菌株的内切葡聚糖酶(EG)基因,进化树分析表明它们在核苷酸和蛋白质水平上分属不同的分支,具有一定的多样性。

    Eight endo - β - 1 , 4-glucanase ( EG ) genes were cloned from Bacillus strains and showed different homology by DNA or protein phylogenetic tree analysis .

  29. 黑素皮质激素受体1(MC1R)基因系统发育树与犬的毛色

    Melanocortin 1 Receptor ( MC1R ) Gene Phylogenetic Tree and Canine Coat Colors

  30. 实珍沙卜源基因在香蕉树果实中表达离不开一个合适的表达载体。

    A perfect expression vector is essential for the heterogeneous gene to efficiently express in fruit of banana tree .