
  • 网络basic production
  1. 原油产量是油田的基本生产指标,影响原油产量的因素很多。

    Oil output is a basic production index of an oilfield .

  2. 土地是农业最稀缺的基本生产要素。

    The land is the basic production factor in the agriculture scarce .

  3. 阐述了光盘行业的基本生产特点,分析了光盘的物料结构和产品属性。结合实例叙述了ERP系统在光盘行业中的管理流程。

    It analyzes the characters of production in CD factory , presents the bill and structure of material and attribution , describes the management process of ERP .

  4. 改善贫困地区的基本生产生活条件。

    Improving the basic production and living conditions of the poor areas .

  5. 车站是铁路运输的基本生产单位。

    Station is the basic production unit of railway transport .

  6. 公交行车计划是组织和指导城市公交运营调度的基本生产作业计划。

    Public Transport Scheduling is the basic work plan of bus corporations .

  7. 两个基本生产规律与企业投入决策

    On the Two Basic Production Principles and Enterprise Investment Decision

  8. 以畜牧业为基本生产方式的是北方草原各民族。

    The nomadic zone consisted of various northern grassland nationalities .

  9. 加强基本生产和生活条件建设;

    To improve some basic producing and living conditions ;

  10. 土地是农民这一弱势群体的基本生产资料。

    Land is the essential production means for farmers , a disadvantaged group .

  11. 这再次反映出一系列大宗商品和基本生产资料的成本压力不断上升。

    This again reflects rising cost pressures for a range of commodities and basic inputs .

  12. 这些因素主要有:基本生产要素、对外经济关系。

    These factors are : the basic the factors of production , the foreign economic relations .

  13. 介绍了2,6-二氯重氮苯氟硼酸盐的基本生产与合成方法、应用和基本生产工艺;

    The basic synthetic method of 2,6-dichlorobenzene diazonium borofluoride , application and the basic technol-ogy were introduced .

  14. 基本生产要素包括土地、资本、劳动力和技术四个方面。

    The basic factors of production include four areas : land , capital , labor and technology .

  15. 陆稻种植是蓝靛瑶的游耕山地农业的基本生产内容。

    Dry land rice growing is the primary production activities of Landian Yaos high land shifting farming .

  16. 运用基本生产函数模型定量分析吉化公司技术进步贡献

    The Contribution to the Technical Advance of JCIC Analysed Quantitatively by Utilizing the Basic Function Model of Production

  17. 结合有杆抽油系统基本生产参数,给出了对单组测试数据进行分析的算法,得到了反映有杆抽油系统运行状态的各技术指标。

    Considering the basic parameters of rod pumping system , an analytical arithmetic of single-group measurement data is given .

  18. 正确称谓中国古代社会,必须以其基本生产方式为依据。

    The proper naming of Ancient Chinese society should be governed by the basic production mode of its time .

  19. 农业基本生产条件的明显改善为种植制度改革提供了必要条件。

    The basic agricultural production conditions were improved could help to increase corps yield and inform of cropping system .

  20. 提高农民素质;加强农业服务体系建设、改善农业基本生产条件以及农业生态环境。

    Improving farmers ' diathesis , reinforcing agricultural service system and ameliorating agricultural basic productive conditions and agricultural environment .

  21. 边际收益递减和规模收益变动是企业两条重要的基本生产规律,企业遵循与合理利用这两条基本生产规律的主要思路为:按生产要素最佳组合的条件来确定不同生产要素的结合比例;

    Margin profit diminishing and gross profit variation are the two basic production principles enterprises should follow and properly utilize .

  22. 本论文运用模糊综合评价方法及开发的评价软件,对东安公司下属的航机公司六个基本生产车间,2003年1至9月份生产现场管理情况进行了评价,并对评价结果进行了分析。

    Which belongs to the Dong'an Co. Ltd. from 1 to 9 at 2003 , and analyzes the evaluation results .

  23. 农村的农业经营形式变为以农民家庭为基本生产单位的经营形式后,原来集体的许多保障功能已弱化。

    Family become the basic unit of the operating units , many of the original collective security functions have been weakened .

  24. 既是土地管理的对象,又是农业生产的基本生产资料,更是物权的重要客体。

    It is the object of land management , the basic productive material , and one of the important objects of physical property .

  25. 介绍了该钢级套管的开发背景、套管的性能指标、基本生产工艺流程、实际性能检验结果及油田的使用结果。

    The development background , casing property index , product process production property measuring results and casing used result in oil-field are presented .

  26. 农民与土地有着一种天然的依存关系,土地是中国农民的基本生产资料和安身立命之本。

    Farmers with land has a kind of natural dependence , land of Chinese farmers is the basic material and settlement of the company .

  27. 运输系统是露天矿山开采的基本生产环节,是维持矿山正常运作的重要纽带。

    Open-pit transportation is one of the basic production processes in the entire mining , and is a link to maintain the mining operation .

  28. 工业用地是工业经济中基本生产要素之一,是用于工矿企业建造厂房、库房及其它工业配套设施的用地。

    Industrial land is the basic factor of industrial production . It is used for the construction of factories , warehouses and other supporting facilities .

  29. 铁路客运站是旅客运输的基本生产单位,也是铁路运输部门办理客运业务的关键服务窗口。

    Railway passenger station is the fundamental production unit of railway passenger transportation and the key passenger transport business service window for railway transportation departments .

  30. 它是国民经济发展的一个基本生产要素,为国民经济的发展提供重要的物质条件。

    It is a basic production factor of national economy 's development , and it forms an important substantial condition for the national economy 's development .