
  1. 目的评定两种自制支架材料DL聚乳酸支架、聚磷酸钙纤维对体外培养关节软骨细胞生长与代谢的影响。

    Objective To evaluate the effect of 2 scaffold materials , poly-DL-lactic acid and calcium polyphosphate fibers , for the articular cartilage tissue engineering on growth and metabolism of articular cartilage cells in monolayer culture .

  2. 自制高分子材料超声造影剂及初步实验研究

    Preliminary Experimental Study of a New Self-made High Molecular Ultrasound Contrast Agent

  3. 两种自制支架材料对体外培养关节软骨细胞生长与代谢的影响

    Effects of 2 scaffold materials on growth and metabolism of articular cartilage cells in monolayer culture

  4. 目的:探讨应用自制复合材料的分叉型人工气管重建犬气管及隆突的可行性。

    Objective To investigate the feasibility of using a new type carina type tracheal prosthesis made of complex material to replace trachea and carina defects .

  5. 游戏材料的使用频率一般,所使用的游戏材料既有专门化玩具,也有非专门化玩具,有时家长还会鼓励并帮助幼儿自制游戏材料。

    The rate of utilization of the materials including specialized and unspecialized toys is moderate , sometimes the parents encourage and help their children make play materials by themselves .

  6. 本文报道了针对中低水平放射性焚烧灰处理的水泥玻璃固化配方研究结果。以一种自制磷酸盐材料作为硬化剂,以水玻璃为固化基质进行了固化剂配方研究,并进行了固化体的性能测定。

    This report mainly presents the results of formulation study for solidification of incineration ash pellets with cement glass , with phosphate as curing agent and water-glass as curing matrix .

  7. 介绍了使用自制的材料制作的大面积阻性板探测器模型的结构和利用宇宙射线测量的效率曲线、单计数率曲线、暗电流曲线、多重计数和信号幅度随高压的变化曲线。

    In this paper , the structure of RPC , the curves of efficiency , counting rate , dark current , multiple hit and signal amplitude versus high voltage measured using cosmic ray are presented .

  8. 结果:自制NECM支架材料无细胞毒性,无溶血现象,无全身毒性,无致热源作用,无致敏淋巴细胞作用,体内埋植不引起炎症反应。

    Result : Self designed NECM scaffold biomaterial for cell culture has no cytotoxicity , no acute and subacute systemic toxicity , and it did not cause inflammatory reaction .

  9. 按照GJB2605-96中有关静电衰减性能测试的要求,自制了复合材料静电衰减性能测试装置。

    In this paper , charge decay test device is set up by authors according to GJB260596 related to charge decay measurement .

  10. 笔者对自制的纳米抗菌材料用表面包覆法进行表面改性,解决纳米抗菌粉体的团聚问题,使纳米抗菌粉体弥散于成纤聚合物PET中。

    The surface of nano-antibiotic material was modified , thus the problem of accumulation of nano-antibiotic powder was solved , and the nano - antibiotic material was dispersed in PET .

  11. 采用霉菌侵蚀法和土壤掩理法对自制的吸水性材料魔芋超强吸水剂(KSAP)的生物降解性能进行了研究。

    The biodegradable property of konjac superabsorbent polymer ( KSAP ) was evaluated by means of mould erosion and soil burying .

  12. 自制硅橡胶印模材料的口腔黏膜刺激试验研究

    Oral mucous membrane irritation tests on new developed silicone rubber impression material

  13. 自制乙肝健康教育材料干预效果评估

    Assessing the Effect of Intervention of Self-made Hepatitis B Health Education Materials

  14. 采用体积法测定常温条件下氢气在自制的碳纳米材料(碳纳米管和碳纳米纤维)上的储存能力。

    This paper studies the hydrogen storage capacity of carbon nanotubes and carbon nanofibers at ambient temperature .

  15. 以学校为基础进行预防艾滋病健康教育的实践自制乙肝健康教育材料干预效果评估

    Implementation a School-based HIV / AIDS Prevention Education Project ; Assessing the Effect of Intervention of Self-made Hepatitis B Health Education Materials

  16. 介绍一种自制银盐全息感光材料的化学增感方法,并分析了它的增感机理.该方法使用柯达D-19显影剂作为化学增感剂,以取代其他增感剂。

    Introduced a method of chemically heightening sensitivity , in which halide holographic photosensitive material was applied , and analyzed its heightening sensitivity mechanism .