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  • gene drugs
  1. 生物技术药物以人类体细胞的基因组、转录本组和蛋白质组三个层次生物大分子为目标,基因药物的研究主要针对致病基因的DNA和基因转录本mRNA两类生物大分子。

    Biotech drugs are targeting DNAs , transcripts and proteins of disease related genes in human cells , among which gene drugs focus on functional gene duplex DNAs and mRNA transcripts .

  2. 基因药物研究现状和对策

    Advances and Strategies in Gene Drugs Development

  3. 华盛顿——星期四,美国联邦政府提出了一种标准方法,用于确保患者定制个体化治疗时的DNA检测的准确性,可以说,此举打开了通往基因药物新时代的大门。

    WASHINGTON - The federal government opened the door to a new era of genetic medicine on Thursday by introducing a standard way to ensure the accuracy of DNA tests used to tailor treatments for individual patients .

  4. 这些研究结果刊登在《行为神经科学》(BehavioralNeuroscience)期刊上,由此提出的见解可能会为肥胖症治疗项目带来启发,甚至可能为基因药物提供灵感。

    The findings , which appear in Behavioral Neuroscience , offer insights that could inspire treatment programmes for obesity , and maybe even genetically targeted drugs .

  5. 它是Opko的候选药物,Opko是在迈阿密的一个由PhillipFrost经营的创业型公司,PhillipFrost是建立了美国安维世基因药物公司的百万富翁。

    It is the lead drug candidate for Opko , a Miami start-up company run by Phillip Frost , the billionaire who founded the generic drug company Ivax .

  6. 该剧根据JoselinLinder同名传记改编,讲述了GwendolynLanger医生在一家顶尖诊所利用神奇的基因药物和高风险的医疗手段治病救人的故事。

    The drama , based on the memoir of the same name by Joselin Linder , follows Dr. Gwendolyn Langer as she saves lives in a cutting-edge clinic that brings together high-stakes medical procedures with the miraculous advances of genetic medicine .

  7. 基因药物在肿瘤治疗中的应用与发展

    The application and development of gene drug in the tumor therapy

  8. 纳米粒给药系统与基因药物的研究进展

    The Research Development of Nanometer Grain Drug-supply System and Genetic Drugs

  9. 肝细胞靶向基因药物分子构形和表达效率的研究

    Molecular conformation and expression effciency in the hepatocyte targeting gene drug

  10. 为了加速使用突破性的疗法和可担负的基因药物,

    To speed access to breakthrough cures and affordable generic drugs ,

  11. 瞧,这个就是我们谈论的基因药物。

    Look , this is the gene therapy we 're talking about .

  12. 这些参数可以用在基因药物研究和基因治疗上。

    These parameters may be used in gene medication research and gene therapy .

  13. 新基因药物为皮肤癌带来希望。

    New gene-targeted drug offers hope in skin cancer .

  14. 基因药物非侵入性肺部给药的问题及对策

    Hurdles and solutions to noninvasive pulmonary delivery gene medicine

  15. 结果基因药物,基因诊断和治疗已在临床上取得一定应用。

    Results : Gene medication , gene diagnosis and gene therapy were clinical used .

  16. 为基因药物和诊断基因芯片的研发提供了依据。

    Furthermore , it also helps to exploit gene remedy and diagnosis gene chip .

  17. 基因药物在临床上的最新应用与研发

    Latest clinical application and development of gene medicine

  18. 基因药物及其产业发展前景

    Prospect of Gene Medicine and Its Industry

  19. 靶向基因药物分子构形对外源基因的表达有重要影响;

    The molecular conformations of targeting gene drugs played an important role in exogenous gene expression ;

  20. 超声基因药物传递新方法的研究与评估

    Study of ultrasonic gene drugs delivery

  21. 肝癌细胞靶向基因药物分子构形与表达量关系的体外研究

    Relationship between the expression quantity and molecular conformations of gene drugs targeted at hepatoma cells in vitro

  22. 基因药物的前沿技术

    Frontier Technologies for Gene Drugs

  23. 基因药物的直接体内基因治疗发展迅速,新型基因药物不断产生。

    The gene therapy of gene drugs have made great progress and many novel gene drugs have been made .

  24. 例如,人类基因药物和家畜基因选择等新兴领域就令人期待。

    For instance , the emerging fields of genomic medicine in humans and genomic selection in livestock are promising .

  25. 就象在体内建立一座微型药厂,它可以源源不断地为患者提供基因药物。

    It is just as a minimal pharmaceutical factory is established in the body and continuously provides medicine for it .

  26. 家蚕丝腺是一个高度分化的组织,具有非常强的蛋白合成及分泌能力,因此在生产基因药物方面丝腺反应器有着很好的应用前景。

    Silk gland of silkworm is a highly specialized organ that has the tremendous ability to synthesize and secrete silk protein .

  27. 一旦找到了药物,那么由于基因药物制药商参加竞争,制药价格也可以被压低。

    Manufacturing prices could be kept down , too , because generic-drug makers could compete as soon as a drug was ready .

  28. 去年,美国食品及药物管理局批准了更多的新基因药物和医疗设备,比历史上任何时期都多。

    last year the FDA approved more new and generic drugs and medical devices than ever before in our country 's history .

  29. 在注射给药方面,泊洛沙姆188可作为增溶剂、乳化剂以及基因药物的载体。

    As a safe excipient , poloxamer 188 is often used as solubilizing agent , emulsifying agent and gene carrier in injection .

  30. 目的:用调整肝细胞靶向基因药物分子构形的方法,以期提高外源转入基因在目标细胞的表达效率。

    Objective To modulate the molecular conformation of the hepatocyte targeting drug to increase exogenous gene expression efficiency in the targeted cell .