- 名biological production

Biological production and consumption of DMS , primarily taking place within the marine euphotic zone , are considered to be the predominate source and sink of DMS in seawater .
The supplies of the lands with better ecological service function such as farmland , grassland , water bodies and land for absorbing exhaust gas of fossil-fuel ( CO_2 ) are great smaller than requirement , the biological production lands including forests are losing with rapid speed .
Results show that the system 's bio-productivity is increasing , and energy flow is becoming more optimum , while ratio of material output to input should be improved , and K deficiency is still very serious .
Biological Production and Consumption Processes of Dimethylsulfide ( DMS ) in Oceans
The comparison of biological production between two shallow reservoirs with and without aquatic macrophytes
The land area for biological pro - duction transformed by such resources and their castoff .
Study on the activities and biomass production of breeding population of Chinese pond heron ARDEOLA bacchus .
Judging from the bio-productive land types , there was a phenomenon of asymmetry between supply and demand .
The construction of expressway meant reduction of biological capacity in terms of the occupy of the fertile land .
Analysis on the Biological Production and Soil and Water Conservation Benefit Under Different Types of Returning Farmland to Forests in Northeastern Yunnan Province
The major components of marine sediment contain efficient information to understand the biological production and the material sources in a sea area .
Ecological deficit appears since the biologically productive area demanded by consumption exceeds the ecological footprints supplied by a country within its ecological capacity .
In agroecological research , neural networks are always employed to predict crop yield , biomass yield , relationships between organisms and environmental factors and so on .
The ecological footprint model evaluates the effect of human activities on the global ecological system by quantifying the biological productive land area necessary to maintain human survival and development .
As the agency which is very important for the crop growth and provides food for the world , soil is the plant base for its growth reproduction and biological production .
This paper has systematically summed up the various models of the present agro - ecosystem of China in the three aspects of enlarging the scope of the biological production , exploiting the potentialities of the natural resources and raising economic benefits .
Ecological footprint is suggested to offer a conceptual framework and methodology to evaluate sustainability , and is described with the area of productive areas and water ecosystems , which is necessary to produce the resources and energy consumed in a region .
At the same time , the effects caused by the changes of 6 kinds of eco-footprints were illuminated too on the environment of Shaanxi province , which put reference to the development and harmony of the region 's economy and environment .
Fumaric acid is an important chemical raw materials and fine chemical products , has a very wide range of applications in pharmaceuticals , chemicals , resins and other fields , and its biological production methods have received wide attention , such as microbial fermentation .
The main results as follows : ( 1 ) With a new classification , the 12 categories of land groups which were used in forest inventory for management plan were ranged 6 categories of biological productive areas , and the footprints after this classification were more realistic .
Spain recently introduced a local content rule favouring domestic biodiesel producers , prompting Argentina to threaten a WTO case against the EU claiming unfair treatment .
The general technological process and main basis of using the regenerated biological energy to produce EG were introduced .
Although the stability of biomass production was higher the productivity was lower . Therefore , only balanced fertilizer can assure the high and stable yield in double rice ecosystem . 3 .
The GMP management implemented by a veterinary bio-products factory is an efficient way to improve competence and quality of products .
Some non-governmental organisations want a moratorium on ethanol output , saying this would cut grain prices by20 % .
The'analytical framework ' , developed by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization ( FAO ), uses country data to predict the effects of bioenergy production .
According to the design process , the simulation model of biodiesel production process is built by Aspen Plus , select the appropriate thermodynamic calculation model basied on the component and state of simulation model .
It was pointed out that using the regenerated biological energy to produce chemical fiber raw material EG , the lack of PET raw material EG can be solved , the green chemical product can be developed .
Study on Cotton Bollworm Resistance to Bt Pesticide and the Strategy of Resistance Management Modified Membrane Technique for Cleaner Production of Bt Pesticide
Germany 's pioneering role in the field of renewable energies ( RES ) can best be observed by its world leading position in installed wind power and photovoltaics . Also its first European rank in the production of biofuels and installed solar thermal collector space is remarkable .