
  • 网络Jishan;Rocky Mountains;Mauna Kea;Rigi Kulm;CherskiMountain;Great Smoky Mountain
  1. 胜利油田基山砂岩体产能预测研究

    On Reservoir Productivity Forecast for Jishan Sand Bed in Shengli Oilfield

  2. 惠民凹陷基山砂体沉积特征及成藏条件

    Sedimentary features and reservoir-forming conditions of Jishan sand body in Huimin Sag

  3. 基山砂体层序地层特征及成因类型分析

    Analysis on the characteristic of sequence stratigraphy and genesis type of Jishan sand body

  4. 基山砂体是惠民凹陷勘探的主力砂体,前景广阔。

    The Jishan sand body is the main sand body explored in Huimin Sag , the prospect for the exploration of Jishan sand body is broad .

  5. 通过研究,主要取得了以下成果和认识:1.基山低渗透砂岩油藏主力储层岩石结构致密,骨架颗粒轮廓不清晰,粒间孔隙分布不均,存在大孔隙和微孔隙。

    The main results as follow : 1 . Rock texture of the principal producing formation of Jishan low permeability reservoir is density , the framework grain outline is not clear , the distribution of intergranular pore is unequal which include macropore and micropore .

  6. 他看见有一艘小帆船扯起了所有的帆向基度山驶来。

    He discerned a small vessel crowding all sail towards Monte-Cristo .

  7. 提到基度山,邓蒂斯欢喜得吓了一跳。

    At the mention of Monte-Cristo Dantes started with joy .

  8. 现居美国新墨西哥州阿布奎基,是山迪亚国家实验室的科学记者。他很喜欢自己的眼镜。

    Neal Singer , based in Albuquerque , writes about science for Sandia National Laboratories . He is quite fond of his glasses .

  9. 梗阻性黄疸引起的大鼠肾脏病理学、氧自由基的改变及山莨菪碱的干预效应

    Changes of Renal Pathology and Oxygen Free Radical in Rats with Experimental Obstructive Jaundice and the Effect of Anisodamine