
  • 网络basic volcanic rock
  1. 从基性火山岩到酸性火山岩,随着SiO2的增加,轻重稀土分馏程度越来越高。

    With the increase of SiO2 , from the basic volcanic rock to the acid volcanic rock , the fractional degree of HREE and LREE becomes more and more high .

  2. 蛇绿岩由变质橄榄岩、堆积辉长岩和上部层位基性火山岩系构成。

    The ophiolite is composed of metamorphic peridotite , accumulative gabbro and the upper-seated basic volcanic rock series .

  3. 晚侏罗世中基性火山岩更多来自于类似于EMI型地幔源区的部分熔融作用,俯冲交代成分贡献很弱;

    The mantle source of late Jurassic mafic volcanic rocks were contributed by dominant EMI and insignificant subducted Metasomatic components ;

  4. 基性火山岩具明显的富Fe、Mg、Na,贫Al、Ti、K的特征,微量元素显示形成于洋中脊环境。

    The basic volcanic rock enrich in Fe 、 Mg 、 Na , and poor in Al 、 Ti 、 K. According to the trace element , the palaeo-environment is suggested as mid-ocean ridge environment .

  5. 白垩纪为陆内裂谷阶段,形成的代表性地质要素有AA型花岗岩、大量陆相红色断陷盆地、基性火山岩、双峰式次火山岩等。

    The Cretaceous is an intraplate-rifting stage , characterized by representative geological elements such as AA-type granite , red down-faulted basins , bimodal subvolcanic rocks and basic volcanic rocks .

  6. 甘肃白银矿田基性火山岩的LA-ICP-MS同位素年代学

    A LA-ICP-MS chronological study of basic volcanics in Baiyin orefield , Gansu , China

  7. 中基性火山岩成分的ATK图解与构造环境

    The ATK diagram of basic-intermediate volcanic rocks and tectonic environment

  8. 基性火山岩有磁性玄武岩与拉斑玄武岩两个岩浆系列,且富集LREE与LIL,其岩浆源区为与洋岛玄武岩源相似的富集地幔柱源。

    The basic rocks , which belong to alkali and tholeiitic magma series , enriched in LREE and LIL . The magmatic source of basic volcanic rocks was enrichment mantle being analogous to oceanic island basalts sources .

  9. 该区地层为下元古界桃湾群(Pt1t),玉矿赋存于浅海相泥质碳酸盐岩及钙质泥岩,局部夹中基性火山岩的桃湾组中。

    The quality of the two jades was also appraised in the paper . The stratum of the area is proterozoic , Tao wan group ( Pt1t ) .

  10. 火山岩储集层有基性火山岩也有酸性火山岩。

    Volcanic rock reservoir involves basic and acidic volcanic rocks .

  11. 基性火山岩系具有同一岩浆源区。

    The volcanic rock series has same magma source .

  12. 燕山地区中生代中基性火山岩地球化学对岩石圈性质的约束

    Geochemistry of Mesozoic Mafic - Intermediate Volcanic Rocks and Its Constraints on Lithospheric Characteristics

  13. 东帕米尔及邻区古生界基性火山岩地球化学特征与构造属性

    Geochemistry and tectonic affinities of basic volcanic rocks of the Paleozoic in Karakorum area

  14. 变质基性火山岩的去硫作用提供了金矿化的硫源;

    The desulfurization of metamorphic basic volcanics provided the sulfur source for gold mineralization ;

  15. 福建新生代碱性超基性火山岩地球化学特征及构造意义

    Geochemical Features of the Cenozoic Alkaline Ultramafic Volcanic Rock in Fujian and Their Tectonic Significance

  16. 庐山星子群变质基性火山岩的地球化学特征及大地构造意义

    The geochemical characteristics of metamorphic basic volcanics from Xingzi Group , Lushan and the tectonic implications

  17. 黑龙江涌泉地区变质基性火山岩中钠质角闪石的成因及演化

    Origin and evolution of sodium amphibolite in metamorphic basic volcanic rocks from Yongquan area of Heilongjiang

  18. 甘肃礼县-宕昌地区新生代钾质碱性超基性火山岩的特征及成因

    Cenozoic Potassic Alkaline Ultrabasic Volcanic Rocks and Its Genesis in Lixian - Dangchang Area , Gansu Province

  19. 大兴安岭中南段中生代中基性火山岩岩石学地球化学研究

    Petrological and Geochemical Studies on the Intermediate-Basic Volcanic Rocks from the Middle-South Part of the Da Hinggan Mountains

  20. 矿床中钴可能也源自含有基性火山岩的盆地基底变质岩。

    Cobalt in the deposit may also derive from metamorphic rock of basin basement with basic volcanic rock .

  21. 山东东部中生代中基性火山岩的地球化学特征及成因探讨

    Geochemistry of the Mesozoic basic-intermediate volcanic rocks in eastern Shandong province ( eastern China ) and their genesis

  22. 在火山建造中以基性火山岩为主,酸性火山岩较少。

    The volcanic formation is dominated by basic volcanics ( basalt ) with less acidic volcanics ( rhyolites ) .

  23. 个旧西区拉丁尼克晚期基性火山岩铂族元素地球化学特征

    Geochemical Characteristics of the Platinum-Group Elements of the Basic Volcanic Rock of the late Ladinian period in West Gejiu

  24. 双峰式的酸性和基性火山岩组合的存在也证明部分表壳岩是形成在大陆环境。

    The bimodal association of acidic and mafic volcanic rock suggests that some supracrustal rocks were formed under continental rift .

  25. 酒西盆地旱峡和红柳峡等地有基性火山岩产出,它们曾一度被认为是新生代构造运动的产物。

    The volcanic rocks from Hanxia and Hongliuxia in Jiuxi basin are considered to be resulted from Cenozoic tectonic events .

  26. 济南市靖家庄地区玄武安山岩矿属钠质高钾类、钙碱型中基性火山岩;

    Basalt-andesite deposit in Jingjiazhuang area of Jinan city belongs to sodium and high-potasium type and sodium-alkali medium-basic magmatic rocks .

  27. 基性火山岩具大洋拉斑玄武岩特征,常量元素和稀土元素显示陆间洋盆性质。

    Geochemistry of major and rare-earth elements of the basic volcanic rocks indicates the features of an ocean basin between continents .

  28. 中空骸晶结构在湖南省元古界海相基性火山岩中的发现及其地质意义

    Discovery and significance of the central absent skelecton crystal texture in the marine basic volcanics of the Proterozoic group of Hunan

  29. 这些基性火山岩型和酸性火山岩型矿床被统称为昆仑式火山岩型块状硫化物铜矿床。

    All the mafic and felsic volcanic-hosted massive sulfide deposits are therefore defined as the Kunlun type volcanic-hosted massive copper sulfide deposit .

  30. 火山岩层中以溢流相的中基性火山岩为主,局部地段比较发育以酸性岩类为主的次火山岩,中基性火山岩的岩石化学类型属于拉斑玄武岩钠质类型。

    Intermediate basic volcanics of overflow facies mainly occurs in volcanic strata , acid rocks dominated sub volcanic rocks is locally developed .