
  • 网络the YMCA;Young Men's Christian Association;y.m.c.a.;Y.M.C.A
  1. 我们住在基督教青年会。

    We stayed at the YMCA .

  2. 在被几个比较权威的机构拒绝后,卡内基开始在位于哈莱姆区125街的基督教青年会(YMCA)的一个房间里教授这门课程。

    Having been turned down by several more august institutions , he began teaching it in a room at the YMCA on 125th Street in Harlem .

  3. 我把他带到了基督教青年会旅馆。

    I took him to the Y.

  4. 1851年的今天,北美首个基督教青年会在魁北克的蒙特利尔成立(YMCA在全球130个国家有分支机构,PetShopBoys-宠物店男孩的名曲‘YMCA’即来源于此)。

    1851-First YMCA in North America established in Montreal , Quebec .

  5. 首个北美基督教青年会成立1851年的今天,北美首个基督教青年会在魁北克的蒙特利尔成立(YMCA在全球130个国家有分支机构,PetShopBoys-宠物店男孩的名曲‘YMCA’即来源于此)。

    First YMCA in North America established 1851 - First YMCA in North America established in Montreal , Quebec .

  6. 当时,YMCA(基督教青年会)在更广泛的区域推广这项运动起了很大促进作用。

    In that era , YMCA was a catalyzer to boom this sport with geometrical population expansion .

  7. 同样地,目标构想能帮助你决定每个月在基督教青年会(YMCA)花上40美元是否是保持体型的最佳方法。

    Similarly , goal factoring can help determine whether shelling out $ 40 a month at the YMCA is the best way to get in shape .

  8. 比方说,听说在基督教青年会(YMCA)的一位熟人想去一家商店取裤子,而我刚好要打那儿路过,于是我主动帮她取了,这桩小事让我俩都得到了快乐。

    For example , on learning that an acquaintance at the Y needed pants from a store I was going to pass , I offered to get them for her , an exchange that enriched us both .

  9. 我怎么也想象不出你在基督教青年会教人空手道的情形。

    I don 't picture you teaching karate at the local Y.

  10. 基督教青年会落户长沙原因探析

    The Analysis of the cause for building of YMCA in Changsha

  11. 中华基督教青年会与中国近代教育

    Chinese Young Men 's Christian Association and the Education of Modern China

  12. 北京基督教青年会与女青年会

    Beijing Young Men 's Christian Association and Young Women 's Christian Association

  13. 基督教青年会在中国的体育活动及其影响

    Sports activities of Young Men 's Christian Association in China and its influence

  14. 基督教青年会及基督教女青年会并开办了5所酒店式的国际宾馆。

    Five international hotel-type guest houses are managed by the YMCA and YWCA .

  15. 我开始对基督教青年会的工作产生兴趣了。

    I began to get interested in YMCA work .

  16. 基督教青年会通常缩写成Y.M.C.a。

    Young Men 's Christian association is commonly abbreviated to Y. M. C. a.

  17. 维斯在基督教青年会学游泳的时候我想到了中国。

    I think about China during Wes 's swimming lessons at the YMCA .

  18. 三双在这里屁用没有,不如去基督教青年会,办张卡随便嗨。

    Triple-doubles don 't count for nothin ' . Get a YMCA card .

  19. 天平老人宿舍〔中华基督教青年会〕

    Tin Ping Hostel for the Elderly [ Chinese Young Men 's Christian Association ]

  20. 我非学不可!我住在基督教青年会时。

    I had to learn . I was staying at the " y " .

  21. 基督教青年会(青年会)每年年会在一月份举行。

    Young Men 's Christian Association An Annual General Meeting is held in January .

  22. 世界基督教青年会秘书协会联合会

    World Federation of Associations of Secretaries of YMCAs

  23. 去基督教青年会最近的车站在哪?

    What is the nearest stop to ymca ?

  24. 观察你附近的区域是否有基督教青年会。

    See if your area has a YMCA .

  25. 柴湾综合服务中心〔香港中华基督教青年会〕

    Chai Wan Integrated Based [ Chinese Young Men 's Christian Association of Hong Kong ]

  26. 基督教青年会的尹想见你。

    YMCA UN wants to see you .

  27. 拉丁美洲基督教青年会联合会;

    Latin American Confederation of ymca ;

  28. 每到周五晚上,当地人都会在基督教青年会的健身房举行舞会。

    On Friday nights there was always a dance in the gym of the local YMCA .

  29. 我们住在基督教青年会。

    We stayd at the ymca .

  30. 拉丁美洲基督教青年会联合会新翠青年中心〔基督教协基会〕

    Latin American Confederation of YMCA Sun Chui Youth Centre [ Church of United Brethren in Christ ]