
  • 网络training school;Outward Bound
  1. 廉署训练学校负责筹办各类课程。

    The ICAC training school organises a wide range of courses .

  2. 团办素质训练学校与大学生素质训练体系构建的探索

    A League-Run Quality Training School and Establishment of University Students'Quality Training System

  3. 怎么你们没有训练学校吗我是说真的

    What , no obedience school ? I 'm serious .

  4. 测绘处训练学校〔地政总署〕

    Survey and Mapping Office Training School [ Lands Department ]

  5. 年内,救护训练学校的训练课程编排得相当紧密。

    The Ambulance Command Training School had a very tight training schedule in the year .

  6. 通过生计巡回训练学校普及农民所需的科学知识,提高农民的素质。

    Popularized farmer needful scientific knowledge and improved farmer stuff by livelihood circuit training school .

  7. 东非民用航空飞行训练学校;

    East African civil flying school ;

  8. 为纳卯区同工训练学校祷告,求主带领更多乐意接受训练的人。

    Pray for our DFM School of Ministries that more lives will commit to be trained .

  9. 年内,共有41名督察及173名关员在该训练学校结业。

    During the year , 41 inspectors and 173 Customs officers passed out of the school .

  10. 警察训练学校牙科诊所

    Police Training School Dental Clinic

  11. 大学间中央体育协会国家中央职业训练学校

    National Central Vocational Training Institute

  12. 牙科治疗师训练学校

    Dental Therapists Training School

  13. 完成了护士训练学校的全部课程(包括医院实习)的人。

    Someone who has completed the course of study ( including hospital practice ) at a nurses training school .

  14. 我们认为,将黑人子弟排除在陆军和海军训练学校门外,是不公正的。

    And we regard as unjust , the exclusion of black boys from the military and naval training schools .

  15. 当地媒体报道称,这架直升机在飞往当地一所篮球训练学校途中坠毁。

    Local media reported that the helicopter crashed on the way to a local academy for a basketball practice .

  16. 消防训练学校及救护训练学校均为新聘人员提供26星期的初级训练。

    The Fire Services Training School and the Ambulance Command Training School organise a 26-week initial training for new recruits .

  17. 这是我的妻子第二次参加了马六甲超自然事工训练学校聚会后的见证。

    This is my wife 's testimony after second visit to Power Ministry , CKRM 's School of Supernatural Malacca .

  18. 指南爱犬训练学校辛勤工作,以配合犬与犬指南据相容的个性。

    Guide dog training schools work very hard to match handlers with guide dogs according to the compatibility of their personalities .

  19. 2001年经宁波市教育局批准更名为宁波原动力训练学校。

    Via peaceful wave city educational bureau was approved 2001 more the name is Ning Bo impulsion to train the school .

  20. 训练学校是一种离线的单人资格训练,而真实行动是只能在线的多人战争。

    The training schools are for off-line single-player qualification , but the real action is found in the online-only multiplayer battles .

  21. 从学校毕业后,拉里就加入美国空军,但由于视力不佳而被飞行训练学校拒之门外。

    After finishing school , Larry joined the U.S. Air Force , but was rejected from pilot-training school because of poor eyesight .

  22. 救护总区训练学校〔消防处〕山区放线、紧线过程中导线防损伤保护

    Ambulance Command Training School [ Fire Services Department ] Protection against damage for conductors during laying and straining in a mountainous area

  23. 香港外展训练学校的资源来自社会,也用于社会,为财政上有真正需要的人慷慨提供资助。

    Being supported by the community and for the community , the School offers generous subsidies to individuals with genuine financial needs .

  24. 该署更在屯门宝龙军营设立临时训练学校,以应付大量的学员。

    A temporary training school at Perowne Barracks in Tuen Mun was set up to cater for the higher number of trainees .

  25. 1861年,法国天主教神甫拉萨尔在兰斯创办的师范训练学校首开师范教育之先河。

    In 1861 , normal training school created in Rheims by French bishop T. B.Lasalle , which was the beginner of normal education .

  26. 如果全都通过,又完成了特工处训练学校的严格训练,才有机会为奥巴马当保镖。

    If all through the , again completed agent training school in strict training , just have the opportunity for Obama as bodyguards .

  27. 至于侦缉训练学校方面,特别设计的综合大楼已完成规划。大楼内除设有一间新学校外,还有一个中央在职训练中心。

    Plans are complete for a purpose-built complex at the detective training school , to house a new school and a centralised in-service training centre .

  28. 新招募的警员及督察会在黄竹坑警察训练学校参加住宿训练课程,警员的训练课程为期27个星期,而督察的训练课程则为36个星期。

    All newly recruited Constables and Inspectors must attend a27-week and a36-week residential course , respectively , at the Police Training School in Wong Chuk Hang .

  29. 可能的原告包括一家体育赛事公司和一家体育训练学校,不过尚未有人依据这部新通过的法律提起诉讼。

    The prospective plaintiffs include a sporting events company and a sports training academy , though no lawsuits have yet been filed under the new law .

  30. 除了服役当作一种军用教练机,雅可-152K也将会是适用于飞行训练学校和俱乐部的主要训练和特技飞行。

    As well as serving as a military training aircraft , the Yak-152K will also be suitable for primary training and aerobatics in flying schools and clubs .