
  • 网络Training Course
  1. 生存训练课程让人积累了许多宝贵经验。

    The survival training course was a great experience .

  2. ERP沙盘对抗训练课程的原理与应用分析

    Analysis of Application and Principle of ERP Sand Plate Countermeasure Training Course

  3. 我们努力使这些训练课程尽可能地贴近实际情况。

    We try to make these training courses as realistic as possible .

  4. 羽毛球俱乐部每周五晚上为初学者与中等水平练习者开设训练课程。

    The Badminton Club holds coaching sessions for beginners and intermediate players on Friday evenings .

  5. 我和朋友们在山区参加了为期两天的生存训练课程。

    My friends and I joined a two-day survivaltraining course in the mountains .

  6. 受训人员接受了突击训练课程。

    The trainees were put through an assault course .

  7. 那位IT经理在辛辛那提和其他求职者及咨询师一起参加RightManagement的训练课程后改变了思路。

    The IT manager changed his tune after practice sessions with fellow job seekers and a counselor in Cincinnati for Right Management .

  8. 在中欧联合教育项目的总框架下,TechnicalUniversityofDenmark(DTU)和TroyesUniversityofTechnology(UTT)联合设计了‘机电系统设计’的训练课程。

    Therefore the training course of ' Design of Mechatronic Systems ' was designed and delivered by Technical University of Denmark ( DTU ) in collaboration with Troyes University of Technology ( UTT ) .

  9. 在基础护理技能训练课程中引进PDCA管理程序,使训练方法由直线变为环式。

    In the training courses of basic nursing skills , the PDCA management procedure is introduced , which makes the training method changed into the cycle model from the straight-line model .

  10. 然后我们将为这些审查人员进行一场90分钟的训练课程,在这个训练期间我们将给他们解释PBR-UP技术以及如何运用。

    We then held a90-minute training course for the inspectors , during which we explained the PBR-UP technique and how to apply it .

  11. 凯瑟琳•达格尔比(CatherineDuggleby)有一群朋友,他们大多数都是在曼彻斯特当地的健身馆参加同一个有氧训练课程时认识的,而她根本不去想象其它锻炼方式。

    Catherine Duggleby is part of a group of friends , most of whom met when they did the same aerobics class at their local gym in Manchester , and she can 't imagine doing exercise any other way .

  12. 培训、发证及值班标准训练课程

    " Standards of Training , Certification and Watchkeeping Training Course "

  13. 我们能设计出最优质及合适的体验式训练课程给贵机构。

    We design the best and suitable ET for your organization .

  14. 口语训练课程的设置:新闻教学的改革与尝试

    Oral Training Course Design & Reform and Attempt of News Teaching

  15. 可能是因为我们不再有训练课程了

    Maybe ' cause our training sessions aren 't happening anymore .

  16. 为新聘的消防队长而设的训练课程,除基本的灭火及救援技巧外,更包括现场指挥及控制的环节。

    Courses for recruit Station Officers also cover incident command-and-control elements .

  17. 如想成为一位有内涵的武林高手,请加入本中心为你而设的武术训练课程。

    Be a Kung Fu master ! Please join our courses .

  18. 加强高师工艺训练课程建设的途径

    How to Strengthen the Technology Training Course in Normal Schools

  19. 设置综合训练课程提高学生实践能力

    Arranging Integrated Training Course and Increasing Students ' Practical Ability

  20. 大学生口才训练课程教学策略研究

    Teaching Strategies Research on training courses of University Students Eloquence

  21. 试论口才训练课程的创设意义与教学创新

    The Significance of Setting up Eloquent Training Course and Its Teaching Innovation

  22. 行动安全及战术训练课程〔香港海关〕

    Operational Safety and Tactics Training Course [ Customs and Excise Department ]

  23. 我们提供全面化和个性化的瑜珈训练课程。

    We offer very comprehensive and personalized coaching to members .

  24. 在一九九九年,共有13000人参加这些训练课程。

    A total of13000 persons attended its training courses in1999 .

  25. 记得一定得搞清楚训练课程所包含的内容与价格。

    Remember to research inclusions as well as the cost .

  26. 工程训练课程的教学体会

    Experience on How to Teach the Course of Engineering Training

  27. 对高校运动训练课程改革的探讨

    A Study on The Reforms of the Course in Athletics in University

  28. 高校开设野外生存生活训练课程的可行性

    A Feasibility Study of Outdoors Surviving Training Course in Universities

  29. 格雷斯:你学了多少实验室训练课程?

    Grace : How much lab training have you had ?

  30. 参加训练课程能能使你胜任驾驶。

    A training course qualifies you to be a driver .