
  • 网络basis matrix;base matrix;basis matrices;basic matrix
  1. 基矩阵b是幺模的。

    The basis matrix B is unimodular .

  2. 因此,与增强基矩阵稀疏性方法类似,本文还给出一种增强权矩阵稀疏性的非负矩阵分解算法,并给出了相应的迭代公式。

    Therefore , similar to the algorithm of enhance basis matrix sparseness method , this paper give an algorithm for learning more sparseness information of the weighted matrix , and given the iterative formula .

  3. 在引入重叠基矩阵的基础上,提出了加窗全相位等效FIR滤波器系数向量的计算通式。

    Based on introducing overlapping base matrix , the general calculating formula for the coefficient vector of windowed all-phase equivalent FIR filter is proposed .

  4. 货币样本组合成的矩阵V经非负分解,分解后的基矩阵W表示货币的局部特征信息,H的列向量可解释为各样本在各局部特征上的权重编码信息。

    The matrix V consisted of currency sample is decomposed by NMF , and the base matrix W can be achieved to express the local feature information while the column vector of H can be understood as the weight coded information of samples on corresponding local characteristics .

  5. 使线性变换对应的基矩阵比较简单;

    Simplifying basis matrices of linear variation correspondence ;

  6. 首先利用线性码的标准阵列来构造基矩阵,该基矩阵满足行距约束条件。

    With the help of the standard array for a linear block code , a base matrix satisfying the RD-constraint can be obtained .

  7. 在非负矩阵分解中,编码矩阵的非负性约束使得算法求解起来速度较慢,并且,在实际问题中,由于往往只需要部分分解结果(基矩阵)是非负的。

    When dealing with the problem of nonnegative matrix factorization , the nonnegative constraints make the algorithms run slowly . And also in the real applications , we only need the nonnegativity of the base matrix .

  8. 给出了反向累加生成的定义,主要讨论反向累加生成基矩阵构成,得到了反向线性累加生成空间。

    Firstly , the definition of reverse cumulation span is given . Secondly , the generating basis matrix composition of reverse cumulation is discussed . Finally , the generated spaces of reverse linear cumulation are obtained .

  9. 它通过数据矩阵的非负分解,产生基矩阵和编码矩阵,对大型数据矩阵进行降维,从而大大压缩数据存贮量,加快数据处理速度,并能够体现数据内部结构和特征。

    Through nonnegative matrix decomposition , NMF generates two factor matrices , the basic matrix and the code matrix , reducing the dimensions of the large data matrix , and as a result makes data storage capacity greatly compressed .

  10. 本文借助于递推的方法给出了在代数双曲空间Hn上以积分迭代形式定义的HPB-Spline基的矩阵表示。

    This paper presents the matrix representation for the HP B-Spline basis in a recursive way , which is generated over the algebraic space H_n .

  11. 利用B样条基转换矩阵的有关结果,本文给出了B样条曲线插入节点和升阶的统一方法及算法。

    Using the results about the transformation matrices of B spline bases , we present an uniform approach and its algorithm to knot insertion and degree elevation of B spline curves .

  12. 第二型优化正规基Lambda矩阵的快速计算

    Efficient Algorithm about Lambda Matrix of Type II Normal Basis

  13. 本文还讨论了B样条基转换矩阵在CAGD中的应用,特别讨论了B样条曲线的节点插入、升阶和分解问题。

    The applications of the transformation matrices of B-spline bases in CAGD are also discussed , including the problems about the knot insertion , degree elevation and decomposition of B-spline curves .

  14. 文章通过对第二型优化正规基Lambda矩阵所涉及的同余方程组进行优化并采用合理的预计算方法,实现了对第二型优化正规基Lambda矩阵的快速计算。

    This paper presents an efficient algorithm about Lambda matrix of type II normal basis by use of optimization calculation of the related equations and new technique about precomputation .

  15. 本文用类比方法求得特殊方程组的基解矩阵;对于不能求解的方程组,用积分不等式和Liapunov函数方法,得到解的有界性定理。

    We obtain basic solution matrix of special equations by means of analogy and obtain boundary theorem of solution for unsolvable equations by means of integral inequality and Liapunov function .

  16. 几类微分方程组的基解矩阵和解的有界性

    Basic Solution Matrix and Bounded Solutions for Some systems of Differential Equations

  17. 多项式基相关矩阵的关系

    The Relation of Matrix with Respect to Polynomial Basis

  18. 代数双曲空间中两组基的矩阵表示及其转换矩阵

    Matrix Representation and Conversion Matrix for Two Bases of the Algebraic Hyperbolic Space

  19. 用最小多项式求线性微分方程组的基解矩阵

    A Method for Calculating Basic Solution Matrix of Linear Simultaneous Equations by Using Minimal Polynomial

  20. f~3组态离子在四角场中的基矢矩阵元

    The Basis Vectors of f ~ 3 Ions in Tetragonal Field and Matrix Elements Related

  21. 拟阵的基关联矩阵

    The Incidence Matrix of Base

  22. 在讨论常系数线性常微分方程组时,基解矩阵的计算是很重要的一部分内容。

    Thus , we can explore and research the solution of differential equations'fundamental solution matrix from another angle .

  23. 定义了网基结构矩阵、弧结构矩阵和负荷矩阵等数据结构以及基形变换、点弧变换和弧点变换等数学变换。

    Several data structures are defined to describe the distribution system such as net base matrix , arc matrix and load matrix , etc.

  24. 作为例子,本文利用所构造的递推方法求得了4阶HPB-Spline基的矩阵表示的显式表达式。

    As examples , the specific expressions of the matrix representation for HP B-Spline basis of order 4 are given by the recursive method .

  25. 运用基解矩阵和摄动方法,给出了两类微分方程的通解表达式。

    By using fundamental solution matrix and method of perturbation , we give the expression of general solutions for two classes of differential equations .

  26. 本文给出了当系数矩阵A形如(☆)式时的线性方程组基解矩阵的简易求法。

    In This paper , we give a simple method for finding fundamental solution matrix of a linear equations which matrix A as shown as form (☆)

  27. 子空间基向量矩阵是由修正的低阶模态矩阵(包括刚体模态)和修正的被略去的高阶模态的剩余柔度矩阵组成的。

    The subspace base vector matrix consists of the modified lower frequency mode matrix ( ineluding rigid body modes ) and the modified residual flexibility matrix of neglected higher-frequency modes .

  28. B样条基的转换矩阵及其应用

    The transformation matrices of B-spline bases and their applications

  29. B样条基的转换矩阵具有重要的理论和应用意义。

    The transformation matrix of B-spline bases is significant both in theory and application .

  30. 由于其表达式较复杂,难以应用,作者通过重新参数化,基转换和矩阵变换,把它转化为均匀B样条曲线的形式。

    Because of complicated expression and difficult application , the author converts the singular blending curve to a uniform B-spline curve by reparametrization , basis transformation and matrix transformation .