
jī chǔ má zuì
  • Basic anesthesia;basal anaesthesia
  1. 观察组采用EA加气管粘膜表面麻醉和基础麻醉。

    EA , tracheal surface anesthesia and basal anesthesia were used in the treatment group .

  2. 方法对63例进手术室后血压明显升高(≥24/13.3kPa)者,采用基础麻醉联合神经阻滞麻醉下手术。

    Methods Basic anesthesia connected with block anesthesia was operated on 63 patients whose blood pressure went up after entering into the operating room .

  3. 基础麻醉后监测鼻咽部温度。

    Temperature probes were placed in the nasopharynx after animals were anesthetized .

  4. 基础麻醉后,于患儿上肢采集静脉血样。

    After basic anesthesia , venous blood samples were drawn from upper limbs .

  5. 基础麻醉下腋路连续臂丛阻滞应用于小儿上肢手术

    Continuous axillary brachial plexus block in upper limb surgery on children with basal anesthesia

  6. 基础麻醉在眼科显微手术中的应用

    Effect of basic anesthesia on ophthalmic microsurgery

  7. 基础麻醉后行心电监护,硫喷妥钠缓推诱导,暴露声门后静脉注射司可林气管插管,机控呼吸。

    After basic anesthesia , the animals were induced with thiopental and intubation was facilitated with succinylcholine intravenously .

  8. 所有患者皆采用局部浸润麻醉(个别病例加用静脉基础麻醉)下,经气管前间隙向下方探查气管周围肿物和淋巴结,并进行活检。

    Exploration and biopsy were made to the neoplasms and lymph nodes around the trachea through pretracheal interstice .

  9. 麻醉采用局麻加基础麻醉2例、全麻38例、连续硬膜外麻醉158例。

    Local anaesthesia , general anaesthesia and epidural anaesthesia were used in 2 , 38 and 158 cases respectively .

  10. 基础麻醉后行连续硬膜外麻醉,常规紧闭面罩给氧、辅助呼吸;

    Continuous epidural anesthesia were performed after basal anesthesia , and assistant respiration were performed with mask oxygen inhalation .

  11. 异丙酚无痛基础麻醉下进行纤维支气管镜检术,使得操作更加容易,减少了风险,增加了安全性。

    Bronchofibroscopy through non-pain propofol general anesthesia is a technique easy to perform , with decreased impair risk and with increased safety .

  12. 结论:局部麻醉加基础麻醉下行鼻内镜下经鼻腔蝶窦垂体肿瘤切除术简单、安全,且效果好。

    Conclusion : Local anesthesia and sedation is a simple , safe and good selection for resection of pituitary neoplasms by endoscopic transnasal sphenoidal approach .

  13. 方法取健康雄性大耳白家兔20只,以乌拉坦腹腔注射行基础麻醉,氯醛酮耳缘静脉注射维持麻醉,气管插管置家兔于自发呼吸状态,同步记录呼吸、血压。

    Methods Twenty healthy male Albino were intraperitoneally injected with urethane for basic anesthesia and injected with alpha-chloralose via ear marginal venous to maintain anesthesia , spontaneously ventilated via tracheotomy tube , with the in-step record of breath and blood pressure .