
  1. 金融衍生产品对对冲基金资产管理业务的影响

    Finance derivates ' influence on fund asset management business

  2. 基金资产管理中的信号传递规律

    Signaling Processes in Fund Management

  3. 去年的净赎回额达到了基金资产管理规模的5%左右,约合7亿美元。

    Net redemptions last year reached about 5 % of fund assets , or around $ 700 million .

  4. 按照现代资产组合理论,寿险基金资产管理者在资产组合选择中根据资产的收益和风险进行决策。

    According to the theory of modern capital combination , the manager of life insurance capital decides with the caprtal iname and risk in capital combination .

  5. 据上海咨奔商务咨询(Z-Ben)估计,以这种方式向对冲基金、资产管理公司和其它金融机构出租的额度多达30亿美元。

    As much as $ 3bn of quota is rented out under this arrangement to hedge funds , asset managers and other financial institutions , according to estimates from Z-Ben , a fund consultancy based in Shanghai .

  6. 配置型基金资产配置管理研究

    Research on the Asset Allocation Management of the Asset Allocation Fund

  7. 贝叶斯方法在养老基金资产负债管理中的应用

    The Application of Bayesian Method in ALM for Pension Fund

  8. 机构投资者、主权财富基金和资产管理公司也都在增持大宗商品。

    Institutional investors , sovereign wealth funds and asset managers alike are going overweight on commodities too .

  9. 本文建立了一个养老基金资产负债管理的动态模型,解决养老基金在相关性资产之间的配置问题。

    A dynamic model for asset liability management of pension fund which accounts for correlations among financial assets is presented in this paper .

  10. 他希望强调,亨德森是10年前英国同行中最早涉足对冲基金的资产管理公司之一。

    He is keen to emphasise it was one of the first asset managers among its UK peers to move into hedge funds 10 years ago .

  11. 第二个新奖项是年度可持续投资者奖,它将面向所有的金融机构,包括银行、私人资本基金和资产管理公司。

    The second new award will be sustainable investor of the year , open to all financial institutions , including banks , private equity funds and asset managers .

  12. 去年,对风投支持的创业型企业的投资规模达到600亿美元,较2013年增长了一倍,共同基金和资产管理公司等投资机构纷纷进入这一领域。

    Investment in venture-backed start-ups reached $ 60bn last year , double the level of 2013 , as investors such as mutual funds and asset managers enter the scene .

  13. 风险预算在国外正赢得学术界、养老基金和资产管理领域等许多方面的广泛关注,并认为是组合管理的一种创新。

    Risk budget is winning academic circle , pension fund and assets management field a lot of extensive concern abroad , and considered as a kind of innovation of portfolio management .

  14. 15年前,当信用衍生品首次开发出来时,人们的宣传是:这些产品会促进银行、对冲基金、资产管理机构及企业分散信用风险。

    When credit derivatives were first developed 15 years ago , they were presented as products which would encourage the dispersion of credit risk , among banks , hedge funds , asset managers and companies .

  15. 他们与数百名年轻的银行家进行了面谈,以查明采取何种措施更有可能把他们留在高盛,而不跳槽到对冲基金、资产管理公司和科技集团。

    The process included interviews with hundreds of junior bankers to find out what would make them more likely to stay at Goldman rather than decamp to hedge funds , asset managers and tech groups .

  16. 为解决第二个问题,监管者希望交易商放弃其对场外衍生品市场的部分控制权,允许对冲基金和资产管理公司等投资者直接参与清算。

    To address the second problem , regulators want dealers to cede some control of the OTC derivatives markets and allow investors , such as hedge funds and asset managers , to be direct participants in a clearing house .

  17. 开发商们正在寻求从一些新成立的房地产投资基金以及资产管理公司那里融资。资产管理公司也被称为坏账银行。十几年前设立资产管理公司的初衷就是为了清理中资银行的坏账。

    Developers are seeking financing from a crop of newly formed real-estate investment funds , as well as the asset-management corporations , also known as bad banks , that originally were set up more than a decade ago to dispose of nonperforming loans at China 's banks .

  18. 开发商们正在寻求从一些新成立的房地产投资基金以及资产管理公司那里融资。资产管理公司也被称为“坏账银行”。十几年前设立资产管理公司的初衷就是为了清理中资银行的坏账。

    Developers are seeking financing from a crop of newly formed real-estate investment funds , as well as the asset-management corporations , also known as " bad banks , " that originally were set up more than a decade ago to dispose of nonperforming loans at China 's banks .

  19. 日本基金公司日兴资产管理公司(nikkoassetmanagement)亚洲业务主管布莱尔皮克雷尔(blairpickerell)认为,因此导致的对另类投资产品需求的缺乏,在某些地区已经变得根深蒂固。

    The resulting lack of local appetite for alternatives is becoming almost ingrained in some quarters , believes Blair Pickerell , head of Asia at Japanese fund house Nikko asset management .

  20. Bridgewater管理着约700亿美元的对冲基金资产,还管理着500亿美元主要面向养老基金的贝塔产品。

    Bridgewater manages about $ 70bn in hedge fund assets , and another $ 50bn in beta products , mainly for pension funds .

  21. 养老基金动态资产负债管理模型与分析

    The Dynamic Asset / Liability Management Model and Analysis on Pension Fund

  22. 证券投资基金资产构建与管理部分。

    The construction and management of mutual fund .

  23. 这家集团向共同基金及其他资产管理机构售出了25亿美元的债券。

    The developer sold $ 2.5 billion in bonds to mutual funds and other major money managers .

  24. 长期以来,货币基金都是资产管理内一个死气沉沉的领域,在危机关头却发挥了巨大作用。

    Long an unexciting province within asset management , money funds have played a big role in the crunch .

  25. 他们虽然无法弄清私人股本公司、对冲基金和其他资产管理机构的相关数字,但断定其阵容和报酬已大幅增长。

    They couldn 't nail down numbers for private-equity firms , hedge funds and other money-management outfits but concluded that their ranks and compensation had grown dramatically .

  26. 我国证券投资基金的积极资产组合管理能力研究

    Study on the Capacity of Portfolio Management in China 's Securities Investment Funds

  27. 基金中基金:资产管理的独特机制

    FOFs : Unique Mechanism of Asset Management

  28. 这意味着划分成零售银行、投资银行和包含私人股本与对冲基金等业务的资产管理公司。

    That means retail banks , investment banks and asset managers , including private equity and hedge funds .

  29. 因此,必须采取相应对策,如让保险资金积极参与证券投资基金、推行资产负债管理模式以及将保险投资和产品开发统一起来等,以尽快改变资产负债与证券市场对接不协调的局面。

    So we must adopt appropriate countermeasures , as we make insurance founds into security investment founds , to change the inharmonic situation as quickly as possible .

  30. 按照有关法律法规、基金合同和集合资产管理合同的规定以受托人名义或其指定的代理人名义登记资产;

    Registering the assets in the name of the custodian or the designated agent in accordance with related laws , regulations , as well as the fund contract or the asset pool management contract ;