
  • 网络basic pension;Age Pension;basic state pension
  1. 中国基本养老金基金投资模式研究

    The Research on the Basic Pension Fund Investment Model in China

  2. 基本养老金替代率优化分析

    An Analysis of Optimum Substitution Rate of Basic Pension

  3. 基本养老金社会化发放率达97.97%。

    The social coverage of basic pensions reached 97.97 percent of retirees .

  4. 有关基本养老金替代率需澄清的几个问题

    Some Problems to be Clarified About the Return Rates of Essential Pension

  5. 企业退休人员基本养老金今年再提高10%。

    We will increase basic old-age pensions for enterprise retirees by 10 % .

  6. 新型农村社会养老保险中基本养老金仿真学精算模型

    Actuarial Model of Simulation on Basic Pension in New Rural Social Endowment Insurance

  7. 关于我国基本养老金支付能力影响因素的探讨

    Probing into China basic pension support ability influence factor

  8. 这一举措旨在确保基本养老金按时足额发放。

    The move is designed to help guarantee timely and complete payments to retirees .

  9. 基于帕累托优化的基本养老金替代率测算

    Counting the Substitution Rate of the Basic Pension Based on the Pareto Improvement Model

  10. 加快推进基本养老金社会化发放的步伐,对离退休人员实行社会化管理服务。

    Finally speed up socialization old-age-pension and implement social management and service for retired people .

  11. 增加的基本养老金在2011年春节前发放到企业退休人员手中。

    It was the seventh consecutive year that China raised the pensions of retired enterprise-employees .

  12. 本文研究思路和主要观点是:首先第一部分阐述我国基本养老金保险制度和企业补充养老保险制度及各自的特点;

    In this article , the writer firstly expounds Chinese pension system and summaries its character .

  13. 提前退休人员可以按照规定享受基本养老金的正常调整。

    Adjust what retiree can enjoy basic annuities according to the regulation normally ahead of schedule .

  14. 答:企业和被保险人应当根据按时缴纳基本养老金保险费。

    Answer : Enterprise and insurant ought to basis on time pay is basic annuities insurance premium .

  15. 研究人员表示,最低生活保障金和基本养老金的提高将会优化相关的政策环境。

    Researchers said raising minimum living allowances and basic retirement pension will optimize the policy 's environment .

  16. 离退休人员基本养老金

    Basic pensions for retirees

  17. 基本养老金实际替代率是在养老保险实际发展过程中形成的替代率。

    The practical substitution rate of basic pension is the substitution rate formed in the endowment insurance process .

  18. 企业退休人员基本养老金连续5年增加,去年又人均提高10%。

    Pensions for enterprise retirees increased for the fifth consecutive year and registered another 10 % rise per person .

  19. 为保证退休人员分享社会经济发展成果,国家建立基本养老金正常调整机制。

    Develop fruit to make sure retiree shares socioeconomy , the country builds basic annuities to adjust a mechanism normally .

  20. 它是职工办理退休手续后,计发基本养老金的主要依据。

    It is a worker after dealing with emeritus formalities , plan hair is basic the main basis of annuities .

  21. 这是全国性调整的第一步,将会有利于发展可持续的基本养老金制度。

    It will be the first step towards nationwide coordination , which will help to facilitate a sustainable basic pension scheme .

  22. 因此,国务院于1991年33文件中规定了参照在职工工资增长情况,对基本养老金进行适当调整。

    Therefore , the state of council ruled that reference to the salary growth of employees , basic annuities are adjusted .

  23. 在中国的一些农村县,基本养老金可能低到55元/月(合8.75美元/月)。

    In some rural counties the basic pension can be as low as 55 yuan ( about $ 8.75 ) per month .

  24. 第五部分:我国城镇基本养老金收支状况预测分析;

    Part five comes with the analysis and forecast on status of revenue and expenditure to the Town Basic Pension Fund in China ;

  25. 四是积极、妥地进行基本养老金计发办法改革,实现新老办法的平稳过渡。

    Fourth , reform the benefit formulae in an active and steady manner to reach a stable transition between the old and new systems .

  26. 今年国家将适当提高企业离退休人员基本养老金标准、优抚对象抚恤补助标准、城市居民最低生活保障补助标准。

    This year , the government will appropriately raise basic pension benefits for retired enterprise employees , subsidies for entitled groups and subsistence allowances for urban residents .

  27. 此次基本养老金上调已经从1月1号开始执行,人均上调209元,调整幅度为历年之最。

    The new policy has been put into effect on January1st.The pension is increased by209 yuan per person , the highest adjustment range in latest years in the region .

  28. 现行基本养老金基金投资模式下的基金收益率很低,无法满足基金保值增值的要求。

    Under the current basic pension fund investment models , the yielding rate is rather low and cannot meet the need of preserving and increasing the value of the funds .

  29. 目前,我国基本养老金空账率高、投资结构单一、收益过低;投资管理模式运行不当,出现违规操作。

    The management of the current basic pension requires improvement in terms of higher empty account , single investment structure , lower income , and improper running mode and illegal operations .

  30. 连续第7年提高企业退休人员基本养老金,全年人均增加1680元,5700多万人受益。

    Basic pensions for enterprise retirees increased for the seventh consecutive year , with an average increase of 1680 yuan per person for the year , which benefited over 57 million people .