
  • 网络Plastics Gearing;Plastic Gear
  1. 塑料齿轮失效形式及机理分析

    The invalidation form and the mechanism analysis of the plastic gears

  2. 纤维增强塑料齿轮轮齿弯曲强度分析

    Finite element analysis of bending strength of fibre reinforced plastic gears

  3. 本文主要研究了塑料齿轮的强度问题,利用齿轮模型设计程序和ANSYS有限元工程分析软件进行主要的研究工作。

    The bending strength of plastic gear is main research content in my article . Most of studies are finished with designing program of gear model and ANSYS engineer analysis software .

  4. 介绍了组合音响的CD开门机构设计方法,分析了塑料齿轮的强度校核及减小机构体积的设计方法,对开门机构的降低噪声措施进行了研究。

    This paper introduces the design method of audio product ′ s moving mechanism , makes a study on plastic gear strength and shows how to minimize the mechanism ′ s size , and gives some details on noise reduction measures .

  5. 双联塑料齿轮注射模设计制造

    Design and Manufacture of the Injection Mould for Plastic Duplex Gear

  6. 齿轮成型磨削齿形误差在线测量技术塑料齿轮成型工艺最新进展

    On-line Measuring Technique for Total Profile Error in Gear Molding Milling

  7. 塑料齿轮啮合温度场的测试研究

    The Study and Tests of the Meshing Temperature Field for Plastic Gears

  8. 塑料齿轮轮齿疲劳折断机理初析

    Study on the Fatigue Failure Mechanism of Plastic Gear Teeth

  9. 塑料齿轮齿面接触应力计算及其变位系数选择

    Calculation of Contact Stress and Selection of Addendum Modification of Plastic Gears

  10. 塑料齿轮模具型腔的电加工技术

    Machining of Mould Cavity for A Plastic Gear by EDM

  11. 注射成型塑料齿轮的收缩规律研究

    Study on the Shrinking Pattern of Injected Plastic Gears

  12. 塑料齿轮成型工艺参数优化及注塑模具设计

    Process Parameters Optimum of Injection Molding and Injection Mould Design of Plastic Gear

  13. 小模数塑料齿轮轮齿弯曲变形的有限元分析

    Finite Element Analyses of the Bending Deformation of Small module Plastic Gear tooth

  14. 塑料齿轮传动的性能分析

    Analysis to the Performance of Plastic Gear Transmission

  15. 塑料齿轮强度研究

    The Research of Bending Strength of Plastic Gear

  16. 非对称塑料齿轮弯曲应力的解析法计算

    An Analytic Calculation Method for the Tooth Root Bending Stress of Asymmetric Plastic Gear

  17. 精密小模数塑料齿轮注射模具型腔尺寸计算及成型工艺

    Cavity Dimension Calculation of Injection Mold of Small-module Precision Plastic Gears and Its Molding Technology

  18. 精密塑料齿轮注射模型腔设计及制造工艺

    Design of the Cavity and Manufacture technology of the Injection Mould for Precision Plastic Gears

  19. 塑料齿轮的温度与材料性能之关系的探讨

    Research into the relation between the temperature of the plastic gear and the material properties

  20. 对填料在聚合物中的作用机理进行了分析,为塑料齿轮的进一步改性提供依据。

    The mechanisms analysis provides a theoretic basic for practical application and improvement of plastic gear .

  21. 塑料齿轮的热分析

    Thermal Analysis of Plastic Gears

  22. 塑料齿轮的结构设计

    Structural design of plastic gear

  23. 塑料齿轮设计新论

    Discussion on Plastics Gears Design

  24. 基于图像融合的小模数塑料齿轮齿形缺陷检测技术研究

    Research on Gear Defect Detection Technique of the Shape of Small Modulus Plastic Gear Based on Image Fusion

  25. 本文在粘弹性材料三参数模型的基础上建立了塑料齿轮接触问题的计算方法。

    A calculation method of contact problem of plastic gears based on three parameters model of viscoelasticity material is presented .

  26. 因为相比较于金属齿轮,塑料齿轮的成本更低、重量更轻、加工设计更灵活。

    Compared with metal gear , plastic gear has advantages of lower costs , lighter weight and more flexible design .

  27. 介绍塑料齿轮键槽和轮毂的设计原则,以及常见的结构设计方法。

    This paper introduces the design principles of keyslot and hub of plastic gear and common methods of structural design .

  28. 对该积分方程组经过数值处理和法向&切向问题的选代运算后,则可以求得塑料齿轮副啮合轮齿的法向接触应力、切向接触应力和接触区宽度。

    Through numerical treatment and normal-tangent iteration , the normal contact stress , tangential stress and contact width of plastic gears are acquired .

  29. 塑料齿轮在一个啮合循环中各啮合点的瞬时啮合效率的分布较均匀,变化较平稳;

    Also , the distribution of the transient gearing efficiency of the plastic steel gears along the line of action is quite even .

  30. 本文介绍了小模数塑料齿轮模具型腔尺寸的设计原则和成型收缩率的处理方式。

    The article discusses the design principle of the cavity of a mould for plastic gears with low module and the way to handle shrinkage rate during forming .