
  • 网络plastic shopping bag;Plastic Bags
  1. 更有趣的是,斯坦的其中一个任务就是为塑料购物袋背后的行业辩护。

    What is even more interesting is that one of   Stein 's jobs is defending an industry behind the plastic shopping bags .

  2. 一次性塑料购物袋的替代研究与环保方案论证

    Substitute Research and Environmental Protection Problems Discussion of Plastic Shopping Bags

  3. 它可能是一个不太知名的工匠制作的昂贵手袋,也可能只是从当地商店得来的塑料购物袋。

    It could be an expensive purse made by a lesser-known artisan , but it could be just a plastic shopping bag from a local store .

  4. 对超市不免费发放塑料购物袋,你的态度()。

    What 's your opinion on charged plastic bags of supermarkets ?

  5. 你甚至可以用塑料购物袋条来钩!

    You can even crochet with strips of plastic shopping bags !

  6. 塑料购物袋是地球上最常见的消费品之一。

    Plastic shopping bags are among the most widespread consumer items on Earth .

  7. 早在爱尔兰与英国之前,台湾就已开始对塑料购物袋收费。

    Taiwan began charging for plastic shopping bags long before Ireland and the UK .

  8. 对GB/T21661-2008《塑料购物袋》标准中印刷质量检测方法的改进意见

    Improvements on Detection for Quality of Printing in GB / T21661-2008 : Plastic Shopping Bags

  9. 这顶帽子是用家得宝连锁店和艾伯森公司的可回收塑料购物袋做成的。

    This hat was made from recycled plastic shopping bags from The Home Depot and Albertson 's.

  10. 做个加拿大人意味着现在为了用塑料购物袋你要多付五分钱,来鼓励布袋子的使用。

    Being Canadian means there is now a five-cent surcharge for shopping bags to encourage cloth bags .

  11. 说白了,他帮助治理的这个城市,正在禁止使用塑料购物袋。

    The city he helps govern , in short , is ridding itself of the plastic shopping bag .

  12. 塑料购物袋的材质及技术要求由国家相关标准予以规范。

    The material quality and technical requirements of plastic bags shall be governed by the relevant state standards .

  13. 同时,为减少塑料购物袋的使用,本地的一些媒体机构举行了一场活动。

    Meanwhile , some local media organizations launched a campaign to reduce the use of plastic shopping bags .

  14. 甚至是那些平凡,可恨的塑料购物袋也可以变为一个桥梁而且任何人都没想到可以如此坚固。

    Even those mundane , hateful , plastic grocery bags can become a bridge stronger than anyone imagined .

  15. 如果你仅买一样或者两样东西,拒绝使用向你提供的塑料购物袋。

    If you 're buying only one or two items , refuse a plastic grocery bag when it 's offered .

  16. 塑料购物袋是日常生活中的易耗品,我国每年都要消耗大量的塑料购物袋。

    Plastic shopping bags are everyday consumables , China 's annual consumption of a large number of plastic shopping bags .

  17. 尽量少用,重复使用,回收塑料购物袋,不要将它们丢到垃圾填埋场,既可以减少浪费,又可以保持环境清洁。

    Help reduce waste and keep our environment clean by making an effort to reduce , reuse , and recycle plastic grocery bags , keeping them out of the landfills .

  18. 据《今日美国》网站1月24日报道,旧金山环境委员会日前正准备向该市市长和监督委员会申请,要求对每个纸制购物袋和塑料购物袋收费17美分。

    The city 's Commission on the Environment is expected to ask the mayor and board of supervisors Tuesday to consider a17-cent per bag charge on paper and plastic grocery bags .

  19. 《纽约时报》援引卡尔扎伊前助手哈利勒·罗曼的话报道,中央情报局每个月都用旅行箱、背包和塑料购物袋把数千万美元的现钞运往阿富汗国家安全局。

    The New York Times quotes Karzai 's former aide Khalil Roman saying the CIA sent suitcases , backpacks and plastic shopping bags full of cash every month to the Afghan National Security Council .

  20. 如果别人看见你拾起垃圾,或是用布质而非塑料制的购物袋,他们也会这样做。

    If others see you picking up trash or using a cloth shopping bag rather than a plastic one , they will do the same .

  21. 塑料聚乙烯可用作购物袋、食品以及其他物品的包装,但这种塑料需要数百年才能被彻底降解。

    The plastic is used to make shopping bags and food packaging , among other things , but it can take hundreds of years to decompose completely .

  22. 每天可以向再循环机器中投放高达10吨的塑料废物,比如购物袋,器械,玩具,电脑和办公设备零部件。

    Up to10 tons of plastic waste , such as shopping bags and parts of appliances , toys , computers and office equipment can be fed into the recycling machine a day .

  23. 虽然它们是用不可再生的化石燃料制作而成的塑料袋,但是比普通的塑料购物袋经久耐用多了,反复使用很多次它都不容易坏。

    Although they are manufactured using non-renewable fossil fuels , they last much longer than plastic shopping bags and can be reused many times over .