
sù xìng tǐ
  • plastomer;Bingham-body
塑性体[sù xìng tǐ]
  1. Q2黄土可近似看成一种线性粘弹塑性体。

    Q_2 loess can be thought linear visco-elastic-plastic body approximately .

  2. 弹塑性体中波传播问题的间断Galerkin有限元法

    Discontinuous Galerkin finite element method for wave propagation problems in elasto-plastic continua

  3. ER智能材料是一种可控流体,它在电场的作用下可从牛顿流体变为剪切屈服应力较高的粘塑性体,且这种转变连续,可逆,迅速。

    ER intelligent material is a kind of controllable fluid . It can be transformed from the Newton fluid into the viscoplastic solid with a finite yield shear stress when an electric field is applied , and the transformation is continual , reversible and rapid .

  4. 泥床上的波浪衰减&伪塑性体模型

    Attenuation of water wave over mud bed & pseudoplastic fluid model

  5. 高耐热塑性体复合改性沥青防水卷材的研制

    Development of high - heat resistant plastomer modified asphalt sheet

  6. 由于松软含水层是属于弹性、塑性体、除具有弹性释水性能外、还有塑性释水性质。

    There are both elastic and plastic properties in loose deposited aquifer .

  7. 弹塑性体的可动边界变分原理

    Variational Principles of the Variable Boundary for the Elastoplastic Body

  8. 弹塑性体的动力安定性(Ⅱ)&杆系结构的动力安定定理及其应用

    Dynamic Shakedown of Elastoplastic Bodies (ⅱ) & Dynamic Shakedown for Framed Structures

  9. 一维非线性黏弹体和黏塑性体中的最优应变路径

    One dimensional optimal strain paths of the nonlinear viscoelasticity and the viscoplasticity

  10. 一种基于无网格方式的弹塑性体变形仿真方法

    Simulation Method for Elasto-plasticity Deformation Based on Mesh Free Method

  11. 基于锻件为弹粘塑性体的液压模锻锤打击力研究

    Hitting power study of hydraulic forging hammer based on elastic-viscoplastic body forging

  12. 有限变形下理想刚-塑性体动力学中的两个间断定理

    Two Theorems Concerning Discontinuities in Dynamics of Rigid-Perfectly Plastic Continua under Finite Deformation

  13. 粘-弹-塑性体的应力松弛

    Stress relaxation of visco - elasto - plastic materials

  14. 关于理想刚-塑性体动力学中速度唯一性的注记

    A Note on the Uniqueness of Velocity in Dynamics of Rigid-Perfectly Plastic Continua

  15. 提高非金属弹塑性体承压能力的途径

    A Proach to Improving Load Carrying Capacity of Non-metal Elastc ■ lastic Body

  16. 有屈服点的拟塑性体金属成形的塑性分析

    Yield pseudo plastic plastic analysis of metal forming

  17. 铁磁流体的拟塑性体行为对核的生成条件有影响。

    The pseudoplastic behaviors of the ferrofluid have an effect on the condition for core occurrence .

  18. 论岩土塑性体应变与剪应变的相互作用原理

    Demonstration of the Principle of Interaction between Plastic Volume Strain and Shear for Rock and Soil

  19. 然而天然土体并非刚塑性体,如果实际的土体离开刚塑性假设太远,则极限分析设计原则就只能当作一种半经验的方法采用。

    Natural soil is not rigid-plastic body , so limit analysis just only a semi empirical method .

  20. 为了描述该演化过程,引进了一个基于塑性体应变的损伤变量。

    A variable of damage , based on the plastic volume strain , was introduced to describe the damage evolution .

  21. 最后,根据三轴流变试验结果,将连云港软土作为弹-粘塑性体来研究。

    Finally , according to the results of triaxial rheological test , Lianyungang soft clay can be investigated as an elastic-viscoplasticity .

  22. 研究结果表明火灾中钢构件内力分析时,可把构件视为理想的弹塑性体;

    The results show that steel structure member can be regarded as ideal elastic-plasticity body when analyzing its internal force in fire .

  23. 在本试验研究中,得出以下三个重要结论。(1)泥炭土是弹塑性体。

    In this experiment study , I draw the following three important conclusions : ( 1 ) The peat soil is elastic-plastic body .

  24. 是什么制约着我国高等教育的发展?这种链状结构就使磁流变液的剪切应力增大,表现出塑性体的特性,因此离合器就可以传递一定的力矩。

    What restrict its development ? These chain-like structures restrict the movement of the MR fluids , thereby increasing the yield stress of the fluids .

  25. 对于粘土,卸载体缩完全是塑性体缩,表明粘土的结构性随着加卸载过程而遭到破坏。

    To clay , the volume contraction is totally resulted by plastic contraction , which indicates that the structure of soils destroyed with the loading unloading process .

  26. 过去常把盐岩作为弹性体或弹塑性体考虑,而没有考虑其时间效应。

    In the past , salt formation is often regarded as an elastic or elastic-plastic body , and the effect of time is not taken into account .

  27. 在保持口模压力不变的前提下,超声振动能够提高丙烯基塑性体的挤出产量。

    The presence of ultrasonic oscillations during extrusion can reduce die pressure and apparent viscosity , and increase the productivity of DP extrusion at the same die pressure .

  28. 以塑性体应变与塑性剪应变之间的相互作用原理为指导,对粘土本构关系的数值建模方法进行了研究。

    Based on the principle of interaction between plastic volumetric strain and plastic generalized shear strain , the method of numerical modeling for constitutive relations of clay is studied .

  29. 结果表明,似膏体料浆在较高浓度近似呈宾汉塑性体,在管道中的流态属于层流。

    The result shows that the rheological model of paste-like slurry is similar to that of Binhan and its flow state in pipeline transportation is of laminar flow type .

  30. 本文中建议了一个包含塑性体应变和偏应变两个硬化参数的封闭屈服面模型,可以同时应用于正常固结土和超固结土。

    In this paper a double hardening model with two hardening parameters ( i.e. plastic volumetric strain and shear strain ) and a single smooth yield function has been proposed .