
  • 网络plastic pipe
  1. 这个标准涵盖用于制造塑料管道、阀门和连接件的PVC和CPVC材质部件。

    This standard covers PVC and CPVC compounds used in the manufacture of plastic pipe , valves , and fittings .

  2. 市政排水中的塑料管道施工新技术

    New Construction Technology for Plastic Pipe in Municipal Drainage System

  3. PE塑料管道的快速裂纹扩展研究现状

    Research Status of Rapid Crack Propagation in Polyethylene Plastics Piping System

  4. 塑料管道规格说明中最常用到标准是ASTM标准。

    Standards most frequently referenced in plastic piping specifications are ASTM Standards .

  5. 利用数值方法得到了频散方程的完全解,对弹性介质中充液钢质管道和PVC塑料管道波传播衰减特性进行了研究。

    A complete solution of dispersion equation was gained with numerical method , and the attenuation characteristics of wave propagation in fluid filled metal pipes and PVC plastic pipes surrounded by elastic media were studied .

  6. 管道(塑料管道除外)数量已转化成吨,并列在BOQ中。

    Pipework , with the exception of plastic piping , quantities have been converted into tons and are shown in the BOQ 's.

  7. 本文从不同的管道材质的角度主要阐述了新型助剂在PVC-U管道中的应用、新型管道专用料在聚烯烃管道中的应用及一些新型塑料管道的材料。

    In this article , uses of new additives in PVC-U pipe and uses of new special pipe material in polyolefin pipe and some new pipe materials were discussed .

  8. 我国塑料管道产业的现状和发展趋势

    Current situation and development trend of plastics pipe industry in China

  9. 塑料管道或管子配件,一般用途

    Fitting , pipe or tube , general use , of plastics

  10. 工程塑料管道焊接质量检测和性能评定方法

    Methods of Welding Quality Test and Performance Assessment for Engineering Plastics Pipe

  11. 现代热塑性塑料管道和水箱现代控制系统的需求。

    Modern thermoplastic piping and tank systems demand modern controls .

  12. 塑料管道的溶剂粘接工艺及其控制

    Technique and Control of Solvent Cement Joint of Plastic Pipeline

  13. 建筑排水塑料管道水封破坏原因分析

    The Analysis of the Water Seal Destroyed Reason for Building Plastics Sewer

  14. 高强工程塑料管道断裂特性研究进展

    Research Advance of Fracture Characteristics of High Strength Plastic Pipes

  15. 管道工们已经尽可能地采用塑料管道来代替铜管。

    The world 's plumbers have switched to plastic piping where they can .

  16. 聚氯乙烯塑料管道生产粉尘治理实验研究

    Experimental studies on dust control in PVC pipes production

  17. 硬聚氯乙烯排水塑料管道施工技术探讨

    Discussion of Construction Technology on Plastic Draining Pipe Made of Hard Polyvinyl Chloride

  18. 硬塑料管道对气溶胶取样结果的影响

    Effects of PVC conduits on sampling results of aerosol

  19. 基于逆向工程的塑料管道模型的制备

    Preparation of plastic pipe model based on Reverse Engineering

  20. 近些年来,我国塑料管道行业迅猛发展。

    In recent years , plastic pipeline industry has been developed rapidly in China .

  21. 介绍了各个应用领域塑料管道系统近年技术发展的新动向。

    New developments of technology for plastics pipe system in various applications were introduced .

  22. 新材料在塑料管道中的应用

    Application of New Materials for Plastics Pipeline

  23. 住宅建筑塑料管道的选用

    Applying the Plastic Pipes in Residential Buildings

  24. 聚丙烯塑料管道的敷设

    PP Pipeline 's Butt Fusion and Laying

  25. 今天你只是被章鱼套装和塑料管道打败了的悲剧女。-

    Today you were defeated by an octopus costume . And a plastic tube . -

  26. 美国塑料管道发展之道

    Development of plastics pipes in America

  27. 金属骨架的形状与塑料管道形状相似。

    The shape of the metal framework is similar to the shape of the plastic pipeline .

  28. 要看到在建筑给水管领域内有多种塑料管道都在发展;

    Several alternative plastics pipes are being developed in the field of water supply in building ;

  29. 煤矿井下塑料管道焊接装置计时器的研制及应用

    Development of the timer for plastic pipeline welding equipment and its application in the coal mine

  30. 下面所列是工业塑料管道应用最广泛的一些标准。

    Below is a list and description of those standards most typically applied to industrial plastic piping .