
  • 网络Plastic bowl
  1. 当你把塑料碗重重撞到硬东西上的时候会怎样?

    What happens when your plastic bowl is knocked against something hard .

  2. 向每个塑料碗中放入一块毛巾,向碗中倒入冷凝过的白醋,直到毛巾浸湿。

    Put one towel in each of plastic bowl and pour in white distilled vinegar until the towels are soaked .

  3. 冷凝过的白醋,2块小毛巾,2个塑料碗

    white distilled vinegar , 2 small towels , 2 plastic bowls

  4. 廉价的塑料碗和塑料桶在市场上大量倾销。

    Cheap plastic bowls and buckets flood the market .

  5. 由于便宜的塑料碗、桶充斥市场,乡村陶匠变得多余了。

    Village potters become redundant as cheap plastic bowls and buckets flood the market .

  6. 将用白醋浸湿毛巾的塑料碗放在烟灰缸附近和后座上,静置过夜。

    Put your plastic bowls with the vinegar-soaked towels near the ashtray and in the backseat and leave them overnight .

  7. 你可以卖给他们一只塑料碗,他们会付给你1000万美元,一位美国艺术品收藏家鄙夷地说。

    You could sell them a plastic bowl and they would pay $ 10m , sniffs one collector of American art .

  8. 如果你的汽车比较大,烟味比较浓,可以放置更多用白醋浸湿毛巾的塑料碗。

    If you have a bigger car and really strong odors , you can use as many bowls filled with vinegar-soaked towels as you feel necessary .

  9. 白醋会吸收汽车的异味。拿走塑料碗的时候,醋和香烟的味道都会消失。

    The vinegar will absorb the cigarette odors from your car and when you remove the bowls , the smell of vinegar and the old cigarette smoke will be gone .

  10. 我花650日元从销售机中买了一张猪肉拉面票,交给服务生,他将浓汤倒在了一个塑料碗中。

    I bought a ticket for pork Ramen from a vending machine for 650 yen and handed it to one of the assistants who ladled thick stock into a plastic bowl .

  11. 我想也没想就狂按“拿走现金”的按钮,推出的硬币多的我都没法拿,只能叫服务生帮我拿了一个塑料碗接住。

    I pressed " cash out " without any hesitation , it threw out so many coins that I can 't be hold them by hands , I have to get a plastic bowl to hold them .

  12. 食物和水的餐具:当你购买鹦鹉笼时,里面通常包含着普通的塑料食品碗和水碗。

    Food and Water Dishes : When you buy a parrot cage , ordinary plastic food and water bowls are usually included .

  13. 阐述了注塑模(Moldflow)技术在塑料制品(碗厨上盖)注射成型冷却系统中的应用,进行模拟分析,并根据冷却分析的结果提出了相应的优化方案,最终获得了良好的冷却效果。

    The CAE ( Moldflow ) technology is carried out to simulate and to analyze the cooling system of the plastic-a kitchen upper cover , and get the good cooling result based on improving .

  14. 用塑料包装将碗包裹住。

    Cover the bowl with plastic wrap .