
  • 网络limit equilibrium method
  1. 本文介绍了各家刚体极限平衡法的理论和公式。

    Some authors ' rigid body limit equilibrium methods are introduced in this paper .

  2. 某露天矿高边坡极限平衡法对比分析

    Comparative Analysis of Limit Equilibrium Methods for High Slope at an Open Pit Mine

  3. 极限平衡法与FLAC~(3D)在边坡稳定分析中的应用对比

    Application Comparison of Limit Equilibrium Method and FLAC ~ ( 3D ) in Analysis of Slope Stability

  4. 在直接法里,安全系数由自编的基于刚体极限平衡法的FORTRAN程序来评价。

    In the direct method , safety factor is evaluated using computer program written in FORTRAN LANGUAGE based on rigid limit equilibrium equation .

  5. 用刚体极限平衡法概念分析重力坝的深层抗滑稳定,有三种典型方法,即被动抗力法,剩余推力法和等K值法。

    There are 3 typical methods in using rigid limit balance theory to analyze the dam stability against in deep layer , they are Passive Stress Method , Remained Pushing-force Method and Equal-k Value Method .

  6. 假定加筋土挡墙破裂面为H/2折线型破裂面,考虑填料的粘聚力c的作用,用极限平衡法导出了筋材的最大层间距的计算公式。

    Assuming the failure surface of reinforced retaining wall be H / 2 failure surface , considering the effect on the cohesion c of the backfill , the computation formula of maximum vertical spacing of reinforcement was induced by limit equilibrium method .

  7. 介绍了一种基于瑞典法和简化Bishop法分析抗滑桩加固边坡的极限平衡法。

    A limit-equilibrium method to study the stabilization of the river-side slope reinforced by stabilizing piles based on the Sweden and simplified Bishop theories is presented .

  8. 以某电厂高100m以上岩石高边坡为例,介绍了采用赤平投影图解法及极限平衡法,进行岩体边坡稳定性分析的方法。

    The Given the example of one 100m high rock slop on the power station , The integrated projection on equator plane and ultimate balance method is introduced .

  9. 本文对拱坝坝肩稳定分析方法进行概述,较为深入的研究了刚体极限平衡法,以及非线性有限元在ANSYS中的运用。

    In this paper , author has a summary to method of stability of arch dam abutment , research method of limited rigid body equilibrium and nonlinear FEM simulation analysis for arch dam designs based on ANSYS .

  10. 利用分块极限平衡法分析锦屏左岸由断层f5及f2形成的多刚体模型,并与单刚体模型做了对比。

    In this paper rigid block partitioned limit equilibrium method is used to analyse the multiple rigid block model formed by faults f_5 and f_2 in Jinping Dam left abutment .

  11. 对极限平衡法中广泛应用的条分法的通用公式进行了推导,并介绍了Bishop法和滑楔法,比较了各种计算方法的计算精度。

    Third , the general formulas of the band method in the limit analysis theory is deduced , Bishop method and sliding wedge method are introduced at the same time , whose precisions are also compared .

  12. 利用极限平衡法分析红层软岩坡体稳定性时,提出了采用极限平衡软件自动搜索滑移面的位置和利用Barton公式确定节理面的抗剪强度。

    During the process of limit equilibrium analysis , we use the software to search the position of slide surfaces . The Barton formula is introduced to confirm the shear strengths of interfaces .

  13. 取一均质土质边坡算例对计算结果可信度进行验证,与强度折减法和Spencer极限平衡法所得计算结果相吻合。

    First of all , using example of homogeneous material slope validates credibility of calculation result to be consistent with the result of shear strength reduction technique and the Spencer 's precedure of limit equilibrium .

  14. 采用蒸发和降雨模型对边坡进行非饱和-非稳定渗流分析,用总凝聚力表示的Bishop极限平衡法计算边坡安全系数。

    With raining model and evaporation model , unsaturated-unsteady seepage analysis was used to calculate pore pressure of the case slope , and Bishop Equilibrium balance method with total cohesion was used to calculate the stability factor of the case slope .

  15. 确定性方法包括刚体极限平衡法、有限元法和非连续性介质力学法(包括块体单元法,界面元法,离散单元法,DDA,拉格朗日元法,流形元法)等;

    And the former includes rigid body limiting equilibrium , FEM and Discrete Medium Method ( block element method , Interface Stress Element , Discrete Element Method , DDA , Lagrange Element Method , Manifold Element Method etc. ) ;

  16. 分析比较极限平衡法、数值分析方法和可靠性分析法三种边坡稳定计算方法,最终确定采用FLAC法计算坝体稳定性。

    The paper analyzes and compares three kind calculation methods of slope stability , which are limit equilibrium method , the numerical analysis and reliability analysis method , and finally the FLAC method is determined to calculate the dam stability .

  17. 现有的普遍极限平衡法沿用Morgenstern-Price法的条间力假设作为补充原则,然后分别求得整体力矩平衡和力平衡的安全系数分布图形,两者的交点即为边坡的安全系数。

    In the conventional general limit equilibrium method , the inter-slice forces assumption of Morgenstern-Price is employed and the safety factor is calculated through the safety factor graphs of the moment equilibrium and the forces equilibrium .

  18. 复杂基岩稳定分析的弹塑性极限平衡法

    Elasto-Plastic Limit Equilibrium Method for Stability Analysis of Complex Rock Foundations

  19. 极限平衡法在海堤稳定性计算中的应用

    The Application of Limited-equilibrium Method in Calculating Stability of Dike Seawall

  20. 三维极限平衡法边坡稳定性分析研究

    Study on slope stability analyzed by three dimensional limit balance method

  21. 被动土压力作用的变分极限平衡法研究

    Study on the passive earth pressure by variational limit equilibrium method

  22. 按极限平衡法计算四边支承的双向板通风机分离平衡法

    Calculation on Two-way Slab Supported along Four Sides in Limit Equilibrium Method

  23. 大变形弹塑性有限元与极限平衡法滑坡耦合分析

    Landslide analysis by coupling large deformation elastic-plastic FEM with limiting equilibrium method

  24. 刚体极限平衡法的重力坝深层抗滑稳定分析

    Gravity dam deep anti-slip stability analysis of the rigid limit balance method

  25. 三维刚体极限平衡法中荷载的计算方法及工程应用

    Load calculation in 3D rigid body limit equilibrium method and engineering application

  26. 对尾矿坝静力和动力稳定性进行了极限平衡法分析。

    Limit equilibrium analysis of the tailings dam static and dynamic stability .

  27. 三维极限平衡法在原位水平推剪试验中的应用

    Application of 3D limit - equilibrium method for in-situ horizontal push-shear test

  28. 比较了有限元法和刚体极限平衡法的优缺点。

    It compares the rigid limit equilibrium method with the finite element method .

  29. 提出了一种边坡稳定分析的三维极限平衡法。

    This paper described a three-dimensional limit equilibrium method for slope stability analysis .

  30. 基于极限平衡法和有限元法的边坡稳定分析研究

    Study of Slope Stability Based on Limit Equilibrium Method & Finite Element Method