
  • 网络Limit state;uls;Extreme Condition
  1. 体外预应力加固后PC简支梁的极限状态分析增加率被增大的状态

    The limit state analysis of PC simply supported beam after strengthening by external prestressing

  2. 圆截面RC桥墩曲率极限状态和延性的概率分析

    Probability analysis of the curvature limit state and ductility of circular RC bridge piers

  3. 火灾行为下H型钢梁的极限状态分析

    Limiting state analysis of H steel beam under fire hazard

  4. 本文就岩土工程概率极限状态设计中抗剪强度参数(c,)的概率统计、相关性处理方法,结合实例进行了探讨。

    The shear strength parameters probability and correlation treatment for geotechnical limit state method is discussed according to the data of soil test in Baoding City .

  5. 提出了结构可靠度分析的变f序列响应面法和相应的收敛控制准则,并应用于非线性极限状态函数的可靠度计算。

    A sequential response surface method with various f and a criterion of convergence are proposed for calculation of structural reliability analysis .

  6. 本文基于挠度的思想建立了体外预应力RC梁在极限状态下承载力的计算方法。

    This paper presents a method to calculate the ultimate bearing capacity of externally prestressed RC beams based on deflection .

  7. 弹塑性矩阵D(ep)的特性和有限元边坡稳定性分析中的极限状态标准

    Properties of elasto-plastic matrix d_ ( ep ) and a criterion on limiting state of slope stability by FEM

  8. 提出以FRP片材等效折减系数来考虑PC受弯构件加固后极限状态预应力钢筋效能降低的影响,并结合理论推导和参数分析讨论了系数的取值方法。

    A equivalent reduction coefficient is suggested to consider the decaying effects of prestress strands after strengthening , and the proper value is estimated through theoretic deduction and parameter analysis .

  9. 根据结构系统可靠性理论和复合材料结构力学理论,建立了CFRP缠绕压力容器可靠性分析的极限状态方程。

    According to structural system reliability theory and composite structural mechanics , the limit state equation for reliability analysis of CFRP wound pressur vessels was set up .

  10. 以[0,1]区间为研究对象,利用单调递减的分割比例序列构造了Cantor集E,给出了该序列极限状态下E的盒维数。

    Start with the unit interal [ 0,1 ] , using a sequence of decreasing dissection ratios , gets a Cantor set and give its box-counting dimension when the sequence limit exists .

  11. 本文基于MATLAB软件,通过研究钢筋混凝土结构在单元刚度损伤变化下钢筋混凝土结构基于挠度的正常极限状态可靠度的变化规律。

    Based on MATLAB software , in this paper , through the study of reinforced concrete structures in reinforced concrete structures is based on the change of the element stiffness damage the normal limits of the deflection reliability variation .

  12. 美国偏心支持框架(EBF)的极限状态设计与实例

    Limit-state design method in strength of eccentric braced frame ( ebf ) and examples exercised in USA

  13. 本文分析了Monte-Carlo模拟法的基本原理,建立了基于简化Bishop圆弧法的极限状态方程;

    In the paper , the basic principle of Monte-Carlo simulation law is analyzed , and the limit state equation is set up on the basis of simplifying Bishop arc law .

  14. 首先建立神经网络响应面模拟疲劳裂纹扩展寿命的极限状态方程,然后使用遗传算法(GA)计算可靠性指标。

    First of all , a neural network response surface was established to simulate the limit state function of fatigue crack growth life , then the gene arithmetic ( GA ) was used to calculate the reliability index .

  15. 由于简化BISHOP法得到的极限状态方程是隐函数,不能直接进行逆可靠度分析。因此,本文将响应面法应用到其中,建立显式的土坡稳定极限状态方程。

    Response surface method is applied here to establish explicit slope stability limit state equation for that the limit state equation obtained by Bishop method is implicit and cannot be used directly .

  16. 论文在抗力衰减模型和桥梁荷载模型的基础上,建立了RC桥梁结构极限状态方程,编制了结构随时间变化的可靠指标计算程序。

    In this paper , based on deteriorating resisting force model and load model , the ultimate state equations of RC bridge were established ; the code to calculate the time-dependent coefficient of reliability were composed as well .

  17. 根据冻结壁的可靠性分析判断准则和变形位移方程,建立了冻结壁可靠性分析的功能函数和极限状态方程,并应用基于MATLAB软件的蒙特卡罗法对冻结壁的可靠性进行分析。

    According to the reliability of the frozen wall and deformation criterion equation , to established a functionality and reliability limit state equation of Reliability Analysis of the frozen wall and application of MATLAB based on Monte-Carlo analysis of the reliability of frozen wall .

  18. 针对这种情况,文章采用二次多项式函数重构响应面来寻求设计验算点;然后在设计验算点附近,采用BP神经网络重构响应面,拟合极限状态函数;

    In this paper , the quadratic polynomial function is used to reconstruct the response surface in search of the possible breakdown point , and the BP neural network is adopted to reconstruct the response surface around the possible breakdown point , fitting the limit state function .

  19. R1面与边界面的夹角较小,平均在11°左右,为单剪变形过程中达到破裂极限状态时形成的1组库仑破裂面。

    R 1 shear has an angle of about 11 ° to the boundary surface , indicating the formation of a set of Coulomb fracture during the process of shear deformation .

  20. 阐述了地震易损性分析的基本原理和基本分析步骤,将IDA方法运用于地震易损性分析,得出各极限状态的界限值,并绘出地震易损性曲线,求出曲线的拟合方程。

    Applied IDA method to Seismic Vulnerability Analysis of masonry buildings , and got threshold value of the limit state . Seismic vulnerability curves of 7 building were obtained , and the fitting equations were got .

  21. 以一铁路斜拉桥为例,着重讨论了在正常使用极限状态下当风速小于30m/s时的车桥系统动力响应的一些问题。

    By taking a real cable-stayed railway bridge as an example , some basic problems are discussed on the dynamic responses of train-bridge system under normal service conditions with wind speed less than 30m / s.

  22. 设计方法有基于挪威法的Q系统支护设计、极限状态法及能量原理设计法等,但基本上都是基于支护结构本身的设计方法,对衬砌混凝土的耐久性涉及很少。

    The design methods include Q-system support design method based on NMT , limiting status design method and energy principle design method , etc , but the above given methods are all based on the design methods for the support structure itself , referring to concrete durability rarely .

  23. 通过对美国联邦公路局(FHWA)的调查数据的分析,从IRI的可接受度的角度说明路面行驶质量的极限状态,建立了IRI对可接受度的隶属函数。

    By analysis of data investigated by FHWA , the paper illustrates the limiting condition of pavement riding qualities from angle of IRI 's acceptability , establishes the slave function of IRI to acceptability .

  24. 极限状态设计法在国家最新颁布的《起重机设计规范》(GB/T3811-2008)已经提出,同传统的许用应力法并列为起重机钢结构的设计方法。

    Limit states design method ( LSDM ) has been proposed as a parallel design method to the allowable stress method ( ASM ) in the standard of crane design ( GB / T3811-2008 ) .

  25. 通过SAP2000软件能很好的了解到支撑架在复杂荷载下的整体受力和变形情况,并和概率极限状态计算法的计算结果进行了比较。

    The paper emphasizes the computation of the formwork-support , makes a half-rigidity model to simulate the formwork-support by SAP2000.We can know the whole construction 's distortion by it .

  26. 应用动态松弛法(简称DRM)和分层法结合,分析几何、物理非线性薄板在横向荷载作用下的承载能力,讨论了不同边界条件对板的极限状态的影响。

    The bearing capacity of & geometrical and material nonlinear , isotropic thin plate under the action of transverse loading is analyzed by combining the dynamic relaxation method with multilayer method , with the influence of boundary conditions on the ultimate state of the plate studied .

  27. 在上述闸门有限元应力分析的基础上,应用概率断裂力学建立了裂纹的极限状态方程,并用JC法求出裂纹的失效概率,以此对闸门焊接缺陷的可靠度作出安全评估。

    On the basis of the finite element stress analysis of the gate , the paper establishes the limit state equations of cracks by probability rupture mechanics , and obtains the failure probability of the cracks . Finally , the failure probability of the cracks is elementary estimated .

  28. 本文以现行《公路沥青路面设计规范》(JTJ014-97)中的沥青加铺层设计方法为依据,确立了以弯沉及拉应力为控制指标的极限状态方程。

    According to the specifications for design of highway asphalt pavement ( JTJ 014-97 ), establishing two utmost state equations based on the deflection and positive stress .

  29. 新公式比独立变量情况下的失效概率公式增加了一个系数KQ,它包含了相关系数矩阵以及极限状态曲面验算点处曲率对失效概率的影响。

    Comparing with the formula in case of independent variables , there is a factor K Q in the asymptotic algorithm , which includes the influences induced by the correlation matrix and the curvature at design point on limited state surface .

  30. 鉴于适用性(正常使用极限状态)方面各规范对变形限值的规定还是以经验为主,而未根据《建筑结构可靠度设计统一标准》(GB50068-2001)的要求对其进行校准的实际情况。

    Because the regulation of deformation limits in some kinds of codes is mainly provided by experiences , not calibrated according with the Unified standard for reliability design of building structures ( GB50068-2001 ) .