• shell;housing;case

  • shell;hard surface
  • 坚硬的外皮:鸡蛋~儿。

  • 义同(一):甲~。地~。金蝉脱~。


(硬的外皮) shell:

  • 核桃壳

    walnut shell;

  • 鸡蛋壳

    egg shell


{机} (作装饰、保护或支撑用的外皮) housing; casing; case:

  • 护壳

    protecting case;

  • 拼合壳{石油}

    split housing;

  • 涡轮壳

    turbine casing


(坚硬的外皮) shell; hard surface:

  • 地壳

    the earth's crust;

  • 甲壳


  • 金蝉脱壳

    a cicada sloughing off its skin -- an escape by strategy

  1. 蜗牛壳呈螺旋形。

    A snail 's shell is spiral in form .

  2. 这只乌贼有一个笔状的角质内壳。

    This cuttlefish has a horny internal shell like a pen .

  3. 今早有十只小鸡出壳了。

    Ten chicks hatched this morning .

  4. 用粗剪将龙虾壳剪成小片。

    Cut the lobster shells into small pieces with heavy-duty scissors .

  5. 检验表明水生有壳动物的毒素水平提高了。

    Tests showed increased levels of toxin in shellfish .

  6. 两只小鸟一出壳就离开了巢穴。

    As soon as the two chicks hatch , they leave the nest burrow

  7. 雏鸟出壳后不久就不见了。

    The young disappeared soon after they were hatched .

  8. 小鸡破壳而出。

    The eggs hatched and the chicks matured .

  9. 这种傲慢态度成了他的保护壳。

    The arrogance became his protective carapace .

  10. 煮豆荚时别加盐,因为这常会使豆壳变硬。

    Do not add salt to beans when cooking as this tends to toughen the skins .

  11. 欲吃果仁者,必先破其壳。

    He that would eat the kernel must first crack the nut .

  12. 把小麦的壳筛出来。

    Sift out the wheat from the chaff .

  13. 乔里富组内的化石主要是双壳类和砂壳有孔虫。

    The fauna in the Joli fou consists of bivalves and arenaceous forams .

  14. 葡萄糖氨是甲壳类动物帮助壳中几丁质的生成,可促进生长。

    Glucosamine can help to synthesize chitin in crustacean shells , which AIDS growth .

  15. 大多数蜗牛背上有壳。

    Most snails have shells on their backs .

  16. 双方意见分歧,会谈卡了壳。

    With both sides having differences of opinion , the discussions came to a halt .

  17. 但数百艘船的钢壳在冰冷的北大西洋中裂开,其中12艘船裂成两半而沉没。

    But the steel shells of hundreds of the ships cracked in the icy north Atlantic , and 12 broke in half and sank .

  18. 小船壳让巨浪打穿了。

    The boat 's hull has been staved in by the tremendous seas .

  19. 乌龟把头缩进它的壳里。

    The tortoise pulled its head into his carapace .

  20. 馅饼的壳皮常常烤得不透。

    The pastry crust was always underdone .

  21. 他轻轻地搔着甲虫光滑的壳,但这只固执的甲虫就是不动。

    He tickled gently at its glossy carapace , but the stubborn beetle would not budge .

  22. 在一个日益麻木不仁的世界上,我们的知觉都已生了硬痂,我们都生活在自己的茧壳之中

    In an increasingly callous world , we all exist with our own carapaces of scabbed-over sensibilities .

  23. 小小的象牙壳里,盛�

    In a tiny ivory cell

  24. 这套高级系统就安置在鞋尖处,配有防水防尘保护壳。

    The advanced system is integrated in the front of the shoes , in a waterproof and dustproof case .

  25. 这个观点推翻了之前的理论,即小行星和彗星的碰撞纯粹是一种破坏性的过程,以为月壳是由月球内部上升的岩浆形成的。

    The idea overturns previous theories that colliding asteroids2 and comets were a purely3 destructive process with the lunar crust being created by magmas rising from the interior .

  26. 他们的发现表明,月壳的大部分是在超过2300摄氏度的温度下形成的,他们说,这可能是由于外层的融化造成的。

    What they found suggests large portions of the crust were formed at temperatures in excess of 2300 degrees Celsius1 , which they say , could have been achieved by the melting of the outer layer .

  27. 火点着了,蜗牛也开始感觉到热了,他们纷纷退向坚壳的深处,同时还发出“咝咝”的噪音。

    for he meant to eat them . When it got well alight and the snails began to feel the heat , they gradually withdrew more and more into their shells with the hissing2 noise they always make when they do so .

  28. N,O-羧甲基壳聚糖制备工艺的优化研究

    Study on Optimization of Craft of Preparing N , O-carboxymethylated Chitosan

  29. 可再生羧甲基壳聚糖树脂的制备及对Eu(Ⅲ)离子吸附性能的研究

    Preparation of Regenerated Resin of Cmcs and Study on the Eu (ⅲ) ion Adsorption Capacity on Cmcs

  30. 本机专门破碎电视机、录音机、电脑壳及PVC管材;

    The machine specially broken televisions , tape recorder , electricity skull and PVC tubing .