
  • 网络shell model
  1. 在线性化的伏拉索夫一泊松理论框架下,分别采用球壳层模型和分子动力学模拟两种方法研究C6。

    In the framework of the linearized Vlasov-Possion theory , the spherical shell model and the molecular dynamical simulation are used to study the Coulomb explosion and energy loss of C60 in plasmas .

  2. 基于原子核壳层模型,分析了在强磁场作用下中子星壳层中的β衰变率,并以反应63Co(β-)63Ni为例作详细计算。

    Based on the shell model of nuclei ,β decay in the strong magnetic field of the crusts of neutron stars is analyzed . The reaction () ~ ( 63 ) Co (β ~ - ) ~ ( 63 ) Ni is investigated as an example .

  3. 快速C(60)离子团在固体中的库仑爆炸过程Ⅰ球壳层模型

    Coulomb explosions for swift c_ ( 60 ) Ion-clusters penetrating in solids ⅰ the model of spherical shell

  4. 稳定原子核的质子壳层模型

    Study on proton lamella structure model of steady atomic nuclear

  5. 原子核壳层模型的检验Ⅰ

    Examination on the shell model of the nucleus I

  6. 原子结构壳层模型的近似性

    On approximation of the shell model in atomic structure

  7. 迈耶夫人与核壳层模型

    Mrs Mayer and shell model of the atomic nucleus

  8. 壳层模型中的两体相互作用矩阵元(三)

    The Matrix Elements of the Two-Body Interactions in the shell Model ( 3 )

  9. 罩壳压铸件充型过程模拟及性能研究氧化镁晶体高压物性的壳层模型研究

    Filling Process Simulation of Die-casting and Performance Study Comparative Investigations of Thermodynamic Properties of MgO with Shell-model MD Simulations at High Pressures

  10. 为了考虑氧化镁晶体中非中心力的影响,同时引入了呼吸壳层模型。

    In order to take account of non-central forces in crystals , the breathing-shell-model ( BSM ) is also introduced in MD simulation .

  11. 本文通过对波函数、原子能量、辐射跃迁等方面的讨论,分析了原子结构壳层模型的近似性。

    The approximation of the shell model in atomic structure had been assayed with discussion about the wave funtion , atomic energy and the radiant transition in this paper .

  12. 因此,常压下壳层模型分子动力学方法为研究物质熔化提供了一个很好的方法。

    Therefore , it is shown that shell-model molecular dynamics simulation at constant pressure indeed provides a useful tool for studying the melting temperatures of other materials under high pressures .

  13. 研究结果有效地确认了有向气体模型。同时,我们还提出了壳层结构模型(Shell-StructureModel),用以解决有向气体模型中的缺陷,可实现更为有效可靠地计算晶体宏观非线性光学系数。

    We further propose a shell-structure model to improve the oriented-gas model for reliably calculating nonlinear optical susceptibility molecular crystals .

  14. 等厚壳层网格模型的来历简介。

    The background of the isopachous shells model is introduced .