
  1. 您需要在复兴门大街下车。

    And you need to get off at Fuxingmen Boulevard .

  2. 北京地铁复兴门折返站工程隧洞侧壁水平位移观测

    Horizontal Displacement Monitoring of Soil Sidewalls of Beijing Subway

  3. 复兴门不存在了,安定门也只是一个名字而已。

    Fuxing Gate didn 't exist ; Anding Gate was just a name .

  4. 灯火辉煌的复兴门(活门?)克里姆林宫的一个入口。

    Resurrection Gate , an entrance to the Kremlin , sparkles with evening lights .

  5. 丽丽:你得到复兴门地铁站去换。

    Lili : You need to go to Fuxingmen Subway Station to replace it .

  6. 本文介绍浅埋暗挖法施工技术在北京地铁复兴门折返线工程中的应用。

    This paper describes the application of the boring excavation method in construction of Beijing Metro .

  7. B:你从这儿坐红线地铁,但是要在复兴门中转换乘蓝线地铁,之后坐开往阜成门方向的蓝线地铁。

    B : You can take the red line train from here , but you 'll have to transfer to the blue line at Fuxingmen transfer station . After you transfer , take the blue line that is heading north towards Fuchengmen .

  8. 城市复兴不是一门新兴学科。

    Urban regeneration is not a fresh discipline .