
  • compound fertilizer
  1. 介绍尿基复合肥KT技术工艺流程;

    The K-T process of urea-based compound fertilizer is presented .

  2. 尿基复合肥K-T工艺技术分析

    The discussion on K - T technology for production of urea - based compound fertilizer

  3. 腐植酸复合肥增加土壤碱解N和速效P含量,促进土壤K的消耗;

    HA compound fertilizer increased the contents of available N and P and the consumption of K in soil ;

  4. 基于PLC和组态软件的低成本复合肥DCS

    Low-costs compounded-fertilizer DCS based on PLC and configuration-software

  5. 阐述了一种基于PLC和国产组态软件的低成本构造复合肥DCS的方法;

    This paper , expounded one means of developing compound-fertilizer DCS based on PLCand configuration-software .

  6. ⑵生物有机无机复合肥可降低土壤pH值和土壤容重,提高土壤总孔隙度。

    ⑵ The last type of fertilizer could decreased soil pH value and soil B.D , increased soil total porosity .

  7. HA复合肥的应用效果与增产机理探讨

    Studies on the Effects and Mechanism of the Humic Acid ( HA ) Compound Fertilizer

  8. HA复合肥的养分释放运移特点与土壤培肥效应研究

    Study on nutrient release and movement and soil fertility applied by humic acid compound fertilizer

  9. 生物矿质复合肥对水稻有明显的增产作用,其主要的肥效因素是N、P、K矿质元素。

    The biomineral complex fertilizer has bring about an obvious increase production , that the main factors of fertilizer efficiency are mineral elements of N , P and K.

  10. 10万ta尿基NPK复合肥装置技术改造及经济技术评价

    Technical Transformation and Economic Evaluation of 10 Ton t / a NPK Compound Fertilizer Plant

  11. 硫基NPK复合肥生产工艺的改进与发展

    Revamping and development of technology for production of Sbased NPK compound fertilizer

  12. 尿基NPK复合肥装置建设和生产控制要点

    Control Points in the Construction and Production of Urea-NPK Compound Fertilizer Plant

  13. 高浓度复合肥(NPK)结块原因及对策研究

    Causes and Solution of High Concentrations of Compound Fertilizer ( NPK ) Caking

  14. 硝基NPK复合肥的生产技术与市场前景

    Market prospect and production technology of nitro-based NPK fertilizer

  15. 尿基NPK复合肥装置的工艺分析

    Process Analysis of Urea-based NPK Compound Fertilizer Plant

  16. 挪威NorskHydro(海德鲁)矿质复合肥对毛竹的肥效试验研究

    Study on Fertility Effectivensss of Norwegian Norsk Hydro Mineral Composite Fertilizer to Phyllostachys pubescens

  17. 生产粒状NPK复合肥的改良美国TVA法

    Modified TVA process for producing NPK compound fertilizer

  18. 结果表明,相对于普通肥料、控释氮肥和控释复合肥提高了土壤中有效养分的含量,促进了草莓生长,提高了草莓糖酸比和维生素C含量。

    The results showed that the controlled-release fertilizers improved the changes of available N , P , K contents in soil , promoted the growth of strawberry and increased sugar / acid ratio and the Vc content of the fruit .

  19. 硫酸氢钾反应嫁接AZF工艺生产硫基复合肥中试研究

    Pilot Plant Study of S-based Compound Fertilizer Production with Potassium Bisulfate Reaction on AZF Process

  20. 对尿素、复合肥、结晶有机肥进行了NO3N、NH4N及K的模拟淋失试验。

    The simulated experiment of leaching of the NO 3 N , NH 4 N and K in soil was conducted after the crystal organic fertilizer , compound fertilizer and urea were applied in the soil .

  21. 通过对棉花施用造纸黑液固化物有机NPK复合肥的效果研究表明:棉田施用造纸黑液固化物有机NPK复合肥确有较好的肥效,其籽棉和皮棉产量达4749.15kg/hm2和2063.55kg/hm2。

    This paper systematically studies the effect of the compound fertilizer of organic NPK from the concretions of papermaking black-liquid on cotton yield and quality .

  22. 如何提高S-NPK复合肥产品质量

    How to improve the quality of S based NPK compound fertilizer

  23. 尿素熔融喷涂在S-NPK复合肥生产中的运用

    Application of Urea Melt Coating in the Production S-NPK Compound Fertilizer

  24. 与等养分的无机肥相比,施用HA复合肥可以促进葡萄对N、P、K的吸收,进而促进其向果实中运转,提高了N、P、K的利用率。

    〤 ompared to inorganic fertilizer , HA compound fertilizer could promote N , P , K uptake and utilization by grape , so that increased fertilizer apparent recovery . But the effects were more and more lower along with increase of fertilizer rate .

  25. 用S-NPK复合肥装置生产烟草专用肥

    Production of specialty fertilizer for tobacco in S-based NPK compound fertilizer plant

  26. 叶面喷施磁化复合肥对新红垦(Starkrimson)苹果树微量营养元素含量影响的研究

    Studies on the effect of the foliage sprayed with magnetized compound fertilizer on the micro nutritional elements content of Starkrimson Apple Trees

  27. 影响S-NPK复合肥产品质量的因素与对策

    Factors Influencing S-NPK Compound Fertilizer Product Quality and Countermeasures

  28. 复合肥各处理生菜中的Hg、Pb、Cr累积量分别占肥料总量的11.1%~63.0%、38.2%~78.7%和10.9%~53.5%。

    Total accumulations of Hg , Pb , and Cr in romaine lettuce account for 11.1 % ~ 63.0 % , 38.2 % ~ 78.7 % and 10.9 % ~ 53.5 % , respectively , under the compound fertilizer treatments .

  29. 找出了腐植酸苹果专用复合肥配方的最适NPK配比为2:1:1,腐植酸加量为4%&6%,基础肥料为无机类型。

    It was found the best NPK ratio is 2:1:1 , the suitable humic acid added amount is 4 % - 6 % and the favorite basal fertilizer is inorganic type .

  30. HA-Si型长效复合肥的特点及田间应用效果

    Characteristics and field application effect of HA-Si type long-lasting fertilizer