
  • 网络compound talent
  1. 而人才流动频繁、高素质复合人才紧缺,人力资源管理体系不够完善等现实问题将制约着企业的健康发展。

    The practical problems , such as frequently talent-flowing , high-quality compound talent scarcity and HRM system not perfect will restrict real estate enterprises development .

  2. 试析机电一体化复合人才与自组织教学

    Analysis of Versatile Talents of Mechatronics and Self-organizing Teaching

  3. 理工科大学英语专业复合人才培养探析

    On the Training of the English Majors with All-round Abilities in the Technological Universities

  4. 旨在培养具有扎实专业技能与较强应用能力的复合人才。

    It aims to cultivate the talents who have firm specialized skills and abilities .

  5. 新建应用型本科院校环境科学复合人才培养模式初探

    On the Training Pattern of Compound Talents in Environmental Science in newly-built Applied Undergraduate Colleges

  6. 商务英语教学作为英语教学的一个重要分支,在对以后复合人才的培养中显得尤为重要。

    As an important branch of English teaching , business English teaching plays a vital role in the cultivation of interdisciplinary talents .

  7. 同时,房地产企业高素质复合人才奇缺,人才流动频繁,人力资源管理体系还不够完善。

    At the same time , real estate professionals high-quality composite lack of frequent movement of personnel , human resources management system is still not perfect .

  8. 北宋司马光是集官僚、学者、文人等身份于一身的复合人才,是历史上著名的政治家、史学家和文人。

    Sima-Guang in Song Dynasty is a talent compounded by bureaucrat , academic and other professionals . He is a well-known politician , historian and scholar in history .

  9. 在知识经济时代,高校会计教师必须在教育观念、自身素质、教学方法等多方面做出努力,才能培养出高素质的决策型、国际化复合人才,才能满足社会发展的需要。

    At the times of intellect economy , college teachers have to do their best in educational ideas , self - quality , teaching approaches to train international compound talented persons with high quality to meet the requirement of the society .

  10. 针对开拓国际市场,需要做好市场调研和配音工作,培养适应国际竞争的复合人才,拓宽发行渠道。

    To explore the international market , we need to do a good job of market research and dubbing , improve the training of compound talents that adapt to the international competition , and widen the channels of distribution and so on .

  11. 物流专业是培养具有管理、经济、工程、计算机等方面知识和能力,从事物流经营、运输、仓储、管理、决策、系统设计及教学科研的高层次复合人才。

    The logistics specialty aims to cultivate senior professionals in the areas of management , economics , engineering and computer science , and capable of dealing with logistics operations , transportation , storing , management , decision-making , system designing , and teaching and academic research .

  12. 基于ANP的高职机电一体化教学体系构建研究高职机电一体化复合型人才课程体系的构建

    The study of constructing the Curriculum system of electromechanical integration in higher vocational education

  13. 面对加入WTO对体育人才的培养与素质教育提出了新的要求,需要培养创新人才,复合型人才、开放型人才、学习型人才。

    In the wake of entry into WTO , we confront with new situation on how to train sports talents and exert diathesis education . We need foster all kind of talents , such as creative talents , complex talents , etc.

  14. 中国加入WTO后,涉外法律服务需求日益旺盛,人才市场已经由原先的对纯英语或法律人才的需求转向于对掌握法律英语的复合型人才的青睐。

    Since China 's entry of WTO , the demands of legal services concerning foreign affairs are becoming more and more urgent . In human resources market , the need of pure English or law talents has already changed to inter-disciplinary talents of mastering law and English .

  15. 并从培养IE专业复合型人才出发,结合实际从课程体系、教材建设、师资建设、教学管理、实践教学、教学方法及教学目的等方面探讨了IE人才培养模式及其实现的策略。

    For the purpose of training IE compound personnel , the paper discusses the training modes and strategies to implement them on subjects of courses , teaching materials , teachers , teaching administration , practice , teaching methods and objectives .

  16. 创造性学习方法的掌握,是科技时代理工院校培养高素质复合型人才的客观要求。V.C高;

    Mastering creative learning methods is an objective requirement of higher schools of science and engineering training compound talents with high quality in the sci - tech times .

  17. 英语学习技巧与英语专业复合型人才的培养

    The Role of English Study Skills in Cultivating Multi-Talented English Majors

  18. 培养医学理工复合型人才的紧迫性和必要性

    On the Urgent Need for Integrated Medical Talent with Engineering Aptitude

  19. 交叉学科辩证思考&谈生命科学跨学科复合型人才培养

    Dialectical Thought of Interdisciplinary & Training of Cross-talent in Life Sciences

  20. 适应社会发展需要着力培养复合型人才

    Training of Compound Talent to Meet the Demands of Social Development

  21. 金融领域复合型人才培养研究

    Study on education of inter - disciplinary talents in finance

  22. 高师复合型人才培养初探

    On Fostering Talents of Multiple Abilities at Normal Institutions of Higher Learning

  23. 实施教育创新培育复合型人才

    Practicing Educational Innovation to Bring up All - round Talents

  24. 试论数控专业复合型人才的培养

    On the cultivation of compound talents of numerical control major

  25. 图书馆复合型人才必须具备现代化的职业技能和信息素质。

    An all-rounder librarian has to possess modern professional skills and qualities .

  26. 加快中药产业中各类型高层次复合型人才的培养。

    Speed the training of high level and compound talent .

  27. 英日双外语专业方向复合型人才培养模式的思考

    Reflections on English-Japanese Bi-foreign Languages Program for Training Talents with Compound Abilities

  28. 且具有市场营销与法学双学位,是不可多得的复合型人才。

    And with marketing and law , the double is rare talents .

  29. 论双语教学与旅游专业复合型人才的培养

    Bilingual Teaching and Training of Versatile Talents for Tourism Industry

  30. 襄樊学院体育教育专业复合型人才培养模式的研究

    A Study on Talents-cultivating Pattern of P.E. Education Specialty in xiangfan university