
  • 网络PolyPill;Drug Combinations;Vytorin;Exforge;Caduet
  1. 并对复方制剂对乙酰氨基酚维生素C泡腾片中维生素C的生物等效性进行了评价。

    And also , was to evaluate the bioequivalence of several vitamin C preparations by using this method .

  2. 复方制剂阿莫西林和舒巴坦钠含量HPLC测定法

    HPLC determination of amoxicillin and sulbactam sodium in compound injection

  3. HPLC法测定复方制剂中双嘧达莫、阿司匹林及水杨酸限量检测

    HPLC Determination of Dipyridamole , Aspirin and Salicylic Acid in Compound Preparation

  4. 对复方制剂中维生素U鉴别方法的建议

    Suggestion on the Identification Method of Vitamin U in Compound Preparations

  5. NMR法测定复方制剂3组份的相对含量

    Relative Quantitative Determination of Three Ingredients in Compound Preparation by NMR

  6. 复方制剂中诺氟沙星的HPLC法测定

    Determination of Norfloxacin in Compound Preparation by HPLC

  7. 中药复方制剂对大脑中动脉闭塞大鼠脑酪氨酸激酶受体B表达的影响

    Effect of Chinese herb prescription on the expression of tyrosine kinase receptor B in the brain of rats after middle cerebral artery occlusion

  8. 鸡胚复方制剂对小白鼠生长、脾脏指数及血浆SOD和MDA的影响

    Chicken Embryo Compound Preparation on Mouse 's Growth , Spleen Index , SOD MDA plasma

  9. 结论:X衍射分析法是鉴定与识别中药复方制剂一种可行方法。

    Conclusions : X ray diffraction Fourier pattern analysis is a feasible method for the identification of Compound Chinese traditional medicine preparation .

  10. TLC鉴别复方制剂中的人工牛黄

    Identification of Artificial Bezoar in Compound Preparations by TLC

  11. 体外实验测定肝细胞线粒体膜通透性(膜吸光度下降百分比),717复方制剂组明显低于内毒素组(P<0.01)。

    The experiment in vitro revealed that permeability of mitochondrial membrane in Compound 717 group was significantly lower than that in endotoxic shock group without treatment ( P < 0 01 ) .

  12. 二甲双胍与二甲双胍-牛磺酸复方制剂在Beagle犬体内的药物动力学考察

    Pharmacokinetics of single metformin hydrochloride and compound metformin-taurine capsules in Beagle dogs

  13. RP-HPLC法测定苦地丁及其复方制剂中紫堇灵的含量

    Determination of the content of corynoline in Corydalis bungeana Turcz and its compound Chinese medicinal preparations by RP-HPLC

  14. 从组织形态学,DNA梯状条带,免疫组化观察bcl-2表达三个方面观察茶多酚复方制剂诱导肿瘤细胞凋亡的作用。

    Observe the effects of tea polyphenols compound ( TPC ) inducing apoptosis by histology and morphology , the DNA ladder and the expression of Bcl-2 were examined .

  15. 方法将醋酸曲安奈德、硫酸新霉素等药物与乳膏基质制成复方制剂,并采用HPLC法测定醋酸曲安奈德的含量。

    Methods The compound cream was prepared with triamcinolone acetonide , neomycin sulfate , cream base , and the consistency of triamcinolone acetonide could be determined with HPLC .

  16. 另一个手段是对新药进行补贴,例如以青蒿素为基础的复方制剂疗法(ACTs),从而让所有抗疟药物价格相同,这样让患者可以自己选择药物。

    Another approach is subsidising new drugs , such as artemisinin-based combination therapies ( ACTs ), to make all antimalarials the same price and allow patients to choose their drug .

  17. 实验以不同配比的鸡胚尿囊液、枸杞和维生素C制成的鸡胚复方制剂对小白鼠进行了30d的灌胃,研究了鸡胚复方制剂对小白鼠生长、脾脏指数以及血浆SOD和MDA水平的影响。

    The mouse 's growth , spleen index , SOD MDA plasma have been studied by infusing stomach for 30 days with chicken embryo compound preparation .

  18. 结论:居主导地位的是钙拮抗剂、复方制剂以及第二代ACE抑制剂&依那普利。

    CONCLUSION : Calcium antagonists , compound preparations and the second generation ACE inhibitors ( enalapril ) are in leading position of anti-hypertensives .

  19. 研究了中药复方制剂对雏鸭肝脏、脾脏保护酶活性和MDA含量的动态变化。

    The effect of the Chinese herbal medicine preparation on the activity of protective enzyme and the content of MDA in liver and spleen of ducks were studied .

  20. 研究了中草药复方制剂对雏鸭血液和肺抗氧化酶活性和丙二醛(MDA)含量的影响。

    The effect of the activity of enzyme and the content of MDA in blood and lung of ducks with oral intake of Chinese herbal medicine preparation is studied .

  21. 同时各中药组小鼠心肌炎症性病理变化均明显减轻。结论:芪芍五味子复方制剂能减轻CVB3感染小鼠氧自由基损伤,对VM小鼠心肌具有保护作用。

    Conclusion : This Chinese compound medicine meliorates free radical injure and protects myocardium in VM mice .

  22. AV复方制剂的镇痛及抑制神经动作电位传导作用均大于其组分细辛和维拉帕米。

    A V compound had greater effect of analgesia and inhibition of nerve action potential transmission than its components asarum and verapamil .

  23. 目的研究中药复方制剂赛福思口服液(简称SFS)治疗失眠的作用机理。

    Objective To investigate the therapeutic mechanism of traditional Chinese medicine SFS oral liquid in insomnia .

  24. 以HPLC法测定了中药复方制剂消癃片中小檗碱(Berberine)的含量,可做为该制剂的一项质控指标。

    The determination of berberine in Xiaolong Tablets , a compound preparation of the Chinese medicine by HPLC , can be as an index of the quality control for this tablets .

  25. 本研究选择给药后血清中超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活力升高率为药效指标,对宠物保健中药复方制剂宠康进行了在小鼠和犬体内的药代动力学研究。

    In this article , the pharmacokinetics of the Chinese herbal medicine compound preparation ( CHONGKANG ) was studied in rats and in dogs with the pharmacodynamic index of the increased percentage of the SOD activity in serum .

  26. 目的建立RP-HPLC同时测定五味子药材及复方制剂中五味子醇甲、酯甲、甲素、乙素含量方法。

    OBJECTIVE Formation of a method for determination of the contents of schisandrin , schisantherin , deoxyschizandrin and r-schizandrin from medicinal materials and compound preparation of Schisandra chinensis simultaneously with RP-HPLC technology .

  27. 目的:用高频超声评价中药复方制剂对2型糖尿病(DM)患者血管内皮功能(EDD)的改善作用。

    Objective : To observe the improving action of TCM compound preparation on endothelium-dependent dilation ( EDD ) in the patient of type ⅱ diabetes mellitus ( DM ) .

  28. 方法:35只清洁级SD大鼠随机分为常氧对照组,缺氧复氧实验组和人参银杏复方制剂给药组。

    METHODS : Thirty-five SD rats of cleaning grade were randomly divided into normal oxygen group ( control group ), hypoxia-reoxygenation group ( experimental group ) and renshen ginkgo extract compound treatment group ( administration group ) .

  29. 近年来,大量的实验研究表明,许多复方制剂及单味中药的有效成分在体外实验中有逆转肿瘤细胞MDR的作用。

    In recent years a large number of studies have shown that many of the active ingredients of single herb and compound reversal in vitro in the role of MDR tumor cells .

  30. 结论本实验结果表明,用毛细管区带电泳(CZE)法进行氯沙坦钾复方制剂中氢氯噻嗪、氯沙坦钾两种成分的含量测定,方法准确、可靠,简便易行。

    CONCLUSION Capillary zone electrophoresis may be an accurate and simple method for the determination of the two components in compound losartan potassium tablets .