
wài shì
  • foreign affairs;external affairs
外事 [wài shì]
  • (1) [foreign affairs]∶外交事务;涉外事务

  • 外事活动

  • (2) [external affairs]∶外边的事;与己无关的事

  • 不问外事

外事[wài shì]
  1. 此事当由外事办承管。

    The foreign affairs office should take full charge of this .

  2. 加入WTO后外事工作如何更好地为我省的经济建设服务

    How to Better the Work of Foreign Affairs for Economic Construction of Guangdong Province After Entering WTO

  3. 首次申请申根签证人须亲自到领事馆或外事服务机构,提供指纹和一张数码照片。

    First-timers will have to apply in person at consulates1 or external service providers to give fingerprints2 and a digital photo .

  4. 湖南给我留下的第一印象是我的外事办主任David。

    My first impression of Hunan was actually that of my Foreign Affairs Officer ( FAO ), David .

  5. 现在加入到我们的是国家安全分析人士,前乔治·W·布什的国土安全顾问弗兰·汤德森,他目前协助中情局及在国土安全部外事咨询委员会中任职。

    Join us now is national security analyst and former George W Bush homeland security advisor Fran Townsend ,

  6. 负责CNN外事的伊莉斯·拉博特,跟我们谈论为什么这一事件如此重要。

    Elise Labott , who covers foreign affairs for CNN , talked with us about why this event is so significant .

  7. 让我们与CNN外事记者JillDaugherty一起来讨论一下。

    Let 's talk about it , with CNN 's foreign affairs correspondent Jill Daugherty .

  8. 通过对地方政府对外事务概念进行基本界定后,说明我国地方政府对外事务活动的主要特点,并系统介绍WTO基本原则约束下的地方政府外事工作的新特点。

    This article begins with the explain about the conception of the external affair of Chinese local government , and introduce the new trait of the external affair of Chinese local government being restricted by law of WTO .

  9. 利用JSD方法开发外事档案管理系统

    JSD Method Development Using the File Management System of Foreign Affairs

  10. 正如美国科学院外事秘书MichaelClegg指出,“(各国)对美国科学的态度比对美国社会的任何其他方面的态度都更积极”。

    As the US foreign secretary , Michael Clegg , points out ," attitudes towards US science are more positive than towards any other aspect of US society " .

  11. 笔者在长期在SWUFE外事部门的工作,目睹SWUFE近年来外事工作的飞快发展。

    The author worked in the foreign affairs office of SWUFE for more than one year , witnessed its rapid development in recent years .

  12. 论激励机制在高校外事管理中的构建

    Application of Incentive Mechanism on Foreign Affairs Management at University Setting

  13. 高校外事管理与国外智力的引进

    On Foreign Affairs Management and Importing Foreign Intelligence in Higher Learning

  14. 外事委员会对这事很恼火

    Foreign Affairs is up in arms about it . Yes .

  15. 这份官方文件是外事办公室签发的。

    This official paper is issued by the foreign affairs office .

  16. 论企业外事工作在生产经营中的地位和作用

    Status and Functionss of Enterprise Foreign Affairs in Production and Management

  17. 专科医院外事管理工作之实践与体会

    Experience and realize of foreign affair management in a special hospital

  18. 外事;外事翻译;意识形态;意识形态操纵;

    Foreign Affairs ; Foreign Affairs Translation ; Ideology ; Ideological Manipulation ;

  19. 外事委员会需要一名能够配合的国务卿

    The Foreign Affairs Committee needs a Secretary we can work with ,

  20. 外事处为外籍教师的主管部门。

    The Foreign Affairs Office is the management unit for foreign teachers .

  21. 试论高校外事工作的发展与管理

    Comment on development and management of foreign affairs in university

  22. 高职双师型教师外在激励机制的研究论激励机制在高校外事管理中的构建

    Research on the Construction of External Incentives Mechanism for Double-qualified Vocational Teachers

  23. 谈青年外事工作指导思想

    On the guiding ideology to work of Youth Foreign Affairs

  24. 加强国际合作交流,促进外事工作快速发展

    Strengthen International Cooperation and Promote the Development of Foreign Affairs

  25. 而他目前协助中情局及在国土安全部外事咨询委员会中任职。

    who currently assists on the CIA and DHS external advisory committees .

  26. 我成了董事长的外事助理,以下人员是我的同事。

    So I became a Foreign Affairs Assistant to Chairman of Board .

  27. 美国大使被召到法国外事办进行解释。

    U.S. ambassador was summoned to the French Foreign Office to explain .

  28. 您好,这里是台北市警局外事处。

    Hello , this is the Taipei Foreign Affairs Police .

  29. 科技外事人员要义不容辞地做好科技翻译工作

    Sci-Tech Foreign Affairs Personnel Are Duty-Bound to Do Sci-Tech Translation and Interpretation Well

  30. 鸡西大学外事工作简论

    Brief Discussion on the Foreign Affairs in Jixi University