
wài ɡuó hé yínɡ zhě
  • foreign joint venturer
  1. 外国合营者如果有意以落后的技术和设备进行欺骗,造成损失的,应赔偿损失。

    If the foreign joint venturer causes losses by deception through the intentional use of backward technology and equipment , he shall pay compensation for the losses .

  2. 普:比如,在注册资本中,对外国合营者的投资比例,贵国有没有明文规定?

    For instance , is there any regulation regarding the foreign party 's share in the registered capital ?

  3. 鼓励外国合营者将可汇出的外汇存入中国银行。

    A foreign party is encouraged to deposit in the Bank of China any part of foreign exchange which he is entitled to remit abroad .

  4. 协助合营企业工作人员及其他相关人员办理进人外国合营者所在国家或地区的签证;

    Assisting the employees of T VENTURE , or other relevant personnel to be granted a visa to the state or district where the foreign co-operator resides ;

  5. 董事长由中国合营者委派,副董事长由外国合营者委派。

    The chairman of the board shall be appointed by the Chinese venturer , and its vice-chairman ( or vice-chairmen ) by the foreign venturer ( s ) .

  6. 外国合营者作为出资的机器设备或其他物料、工业产权或者专有技术,应当报审批机构批准。

    The machinery , equipment or other materials , industrial property or proprietary technology contributed by the foreign parties shall be submitted to the examination and approval authority for approval .

  7. 外国合营者将分得的净利润用于在中国境内再投资时,可申请退还已缴纳的部分所得税。

    A foreign party who re-invests any part of his share of the net profit within Chinese territory may apply for the restitution of a part of the income taxes paid .

  8. 外国合营者作为出资的机器设备或其他物料,可凭审批机构的批准文件直接办理进口许可证进口。

    Machinery and equipment and other materials contributed as investment by the foreign venturer may be imported with import licences obtained directly on the basis of the approval documents issued by the examining and approving agency .

  9. 外国合营者分得的资产净额或剩余财产超过其出资额的部分,在汇往国外时,应依法缴纳所得税。

    If the net assets or remaining property distributed to the foreign venturer exceed the value of its investment , it shall pay income tax in accordance with the law on such excess portion when remitting it abroad .