
  1. 环境外部不经济性内部化手段的评价与筛选

    An Assessing and Screening on the Internalized Methods for Environmental External Diseconomies

  2. 环境税收是一种能够有效促使环境资源价值化和环境外部不经济性内部化的经济管理手段。

    Environmental tax is an economic instrument which can make effectively environmental resources valued and external diseconomy internalized .

  3. 因此,这三者是将生产的外部不经济性内部化的最基本的、必不可少的法规和经济工具。

    Therefore , the three mentioned above are the most essential regulations and economic tools that can internalize of external uneconomicalness .

  4. 因此,应重新审视生态环境的价值,通过生态环境补偿等措施,使环境的外部不经济性内部化。

    Therefore , it is important to renewed survey the value of eco-environ , change the exterior diseconomy to interior via taken compensate measure of eco-environ .

  5. 所以,运用经济补偿机制进行环境管理,使环境外部不经济性内部化是我国矿区环境保护应解决的根本问题。

    Therefore dealing with exterior uneconomical problem of environment breakage using economy compensation mechanism is an foundation problem that we should resolve about mineral area environmental protection .

  6. 能够使经济活动外部不经济性内部化的法律手段包括两种:直接管制手段(行政命令控制手段)和间接管制手段(环境经济手段)。

    Law methods which make economy activities exterior diseconomy interior include direct regulatory measures ( administration order control measures ) and indirect regulatory measures ( environment economic measures ) .

  7. 外部不经济性难以实现内部化,导致土地破坏严重;

    Since problems of exterior diseconomy can not resolved in it , land destroys seriously ;