
  1. 中国拥有大量外汇储备资金,而且很难对它们进行配置。

    China has a war chest of foreign exchange reserves that it finds difficult dispense .

  2. 不过,由国开行签署的大宗贷款换石油交易有些交易是直接从外汇储备拨出资金是实现这一目标的途径之一。

    However the big-ticket loans-for-oil deals signed by China Development Bank which in some cases has been allocated funds directly from foreign exchange reserves are one way to achieve that objective .

  3. 这最终将需要从财政预算和外汇储备中拿出大笔资金进行纾困,美国西北大学(NorthwesternUniversity)学者史宗翰(VictorShih)表示。

    This will eventually require a massive bail-out from the budget and the foreign exchange reserves , says Victor Shih , an academic at Northwestern University in the US .

  4. 北京方面有越来越多的人呼吁,从中国外汇储备拿出一部分资金,投向“金砖四国”(bric:巴西、俄罗斯、印度和中国)和其它发展中国家。

    A growing number in Beijing are calling for some of the reserves to be channelled to the BRIC nations ( Brazil , Russia , India and China ) and other developing countries .

  5. 日本正在考虑仿照新加坡的淡马锡(Temasek),建立一只特殊的政府投资基金,管理其9090亿美元外汇储备中的部分资金,以提高回报,减轻日本人口老龄化带来的长期影响。

    Japan is considering establishing a special state investment fund – modelled on Singapore 's Temasek – to manage part of its $ 909bn in foreign exchange reserves and improve returns while mitigating the long-term impact of the country 's ageing population .

  6. 据中国官方媒体报道称,中国正准备进行第二轮金额高达数百亿美元的注资行动,从急剧增长的外汇储备中拿出一些资金投向国有银行。

    China is preparing a second round of billion-dollar cash injections from its bulging foreign exchange reserves into state banks , according to official media reports in Beijing .

  7. 相反,真正应该担心的是,外汇储备以及低利率资金带来的过剩的流动性大量涌入股票市场。

    Instead , the real concern is that excess liquidity , as a result of the surge in foreign-exchange reserves and low interest rates , is flooding into shares .