
  1. 发展中国家外国投资问题研究小组

    Panel on Foreign Investment in Developing Countries

  2. 笔者受控外国公司税收法律问题研究认为随着中国对外投资的增加和以后外汇管制的取消,中国有必要建立CFC立法。

    The author is of the opinion that , with the increase of China 's investment abroad and the abolishment of foreign exchange control in the foreseeable future , it is necessary for the legislators of China to adopt the CFC legislation to protect its domestic tax base .

  3. 外国社会和经济问题研究所

    Institute for Social and Economic Problems of Foreign Countries

  4. 老挝外国投资法律制度问题研究

    On the Laos Foreign Investment Legal System Questions

  5. 我国中医院校外国留学生培养问题研究另外一项是允许外国投资者投资于专业医院项目和学校项目。

    Another point is foreign investors are now allowed to invest in specialized hospital and school projects .