
  • 网络multitasking;multitask;multi-tasking;Multitasking Capabilities
  1. 新的多任务处理控件,让启动和同时运行多个app更加简单。

    New multitasking controls make it even easier to launch and use multiple apps .

  2. 基于Windows多任务处理的原理,本文提出了两种通讯任务转让控制的策略。

    On the basis of principle of multitasking in Windows , the paper presents two tactics of control transferring of communication task .

  3. 安卓N会推出分屏多任务处理功能,让人们可以同时使用两个应用。

    Android N will introduce split-screen multitasking that allows people to use two apps at the same time .

  4. 高性能CNC系统中实时多任务处理

    Real-Time Multitask Processing in a High Performance CNC System

  5. 更适用于使用其动态UI框架进行的多任务处理。

    It is more applicable to multi-tasking handling , with its dynamic UI framework .

  6. 两周前,《时代》(time)杂志上的一篇文章写道,洛杉矶的人类学家非常担忧,因此展开了一项为期4年的研究,考察这种疯狂而长期的多任务处理将造成何种伤害。

    Two weeks ago there was an article in time magazine that said anthropologists in La were sufficiently concerned to have started a four-year study to see what damage this sort of frenetic and perpetual multitasking was doing .

  7. 虽然GalaxyNotePro的表现令人钦佩,但在多任务处理、文本输入和软件兼容性方面做得最好的却是SurfacePro。

    While the Galaxy Note Pro fared admirably , the Surface Pro did the best in multitasking , text input and software compatibility .

  8. 但是多任务处理速度最快的是安装Windows系统的平板,无论是并排锁定应用程序还是敲击键盘在应用间快速切换。

    But it was the Windows tablets that let me multitask the fastest , locking apps side by side , or quickly toggling between them with keystrokes .

  9. 尽管如此,与前述大多数PHP开发人员所相信的想法形成对比的是,PHP应用程序可以执行多任务处理。

    Despite this , and in contrast to what most PHP developers with whom I 've spoken believe , PHP applications can multitask .

  10. μXL实时多任务处理技术及与PC机的通信

    Communication with PC and μ XL real-time multi-task processing techniques

  11. 你们都知道“多任务处理”(multitasking)。

    You all know about multitasking .

  12. 嵌入式NT以多任务处理能力强、稳定性高和丰富的系统资源,能较好地满足现代工业对检测仪器的功能要求。

    The embedded NT well met the functional requirements of modern industrial detecting instruments because it features powerful processing capability , high stability and rich system resource .

  13. Android3.0“蜂巢”系统完全是为了屏幕更大的设备设计的,而且在Android系统最受青睐的小工具、多任务处理、浏览、通告和定制等方面都做了改进。

    Android 3.0 , honeycomb , was designed from the ground up for devices with larger screen sizes and improves on Android favorites such as widgets , multi-tasking , browsing , notifications and customization .

  14. 根据FPGA的模块化编程和多任务处理的特点,该方法在单片FPGA内实现采样脉冲同步,数据采集,采样值处理,以及以太网控制芯片驱动和数据I帧发送。

    According to the features of modular programming and multitasking of FPGA , this method realized sample pulse synchronization , sample values ( SV ) receiving , SV processing , Ethernet controller driving , and SV transmitting in single chip FPGA .

  15. 在复杂的实时系统中,多任务处理是比较关键的环节,采用前后台的单任务控制方式已经不能满足要求,在高速数据采集系统中RS232明显是个瓶颈。

    In most complex systems , multitask processing is a crucial aspect . It is obvious that the front-and-back platform cannot meet the request , in addition , RS232 technique is an obvious bottleneck .

  16. Python可以自动多任务处理地理信息,即可以执行一个处理任务,也可以处理多个复杂的工作任务,同时也可以形成一种分析处理模型。

    Python is able to handle geographic information with many tasks automatically . The language may implement one managing task , as well as many sophisticated once , in this way a kind of analysis managing model is taking shape .

  17. 本文在论述了μXL实时多任务处理技术的基础上,介绍了一种利用MOPS主板上的RS232口实现μXL与PC机通信的方法。

    On basis of describing μ XL real-time multi-task processing techniques , this paper introduces a method for the communication between μ XL and PC with a RS232 port on MOPS main board .

  18. 从性能、图像及多任务处理来讲,QNX是一个很强大的平台。Gartner分析师称,丰富的生态系统将决定着在平板电脑市场的成功。

    While QNX is a strong platform that delivers on performance , graphics and multitasking features , Gartner analysts said success in the media tablet market will be driven by richness of ecosystem .

  19. 实验证明此方法可以满足接口通信的多任务处理、高可靠性、强实时性和速度高等要求。3首次提出并实现了一种基于FPGA技术的合并单元同步的新方法。

    It is demonstrated that this method can meet the communication requirement of the interface , i.e. multi-task to be dealt with in parallel , high reliability and real-time requirement . ( 3 ) A new FPGA based method to realize the synchronization of the merging unit is proposed firstly .

  20. 预计11月上架销售的iPadPro拥有比之前的11寸屏幕更大的12.9英寸屏幕,能够并列运行两个“窗口”,便于职业人士进行多任务处理——微软(Microsoft)已经提供这一功能。

    The iPad Pro , which is due to go on sale in November , has a 12.9 inch screen compared to the previous 11 inches , making it easier for workers to multitask by running two " windows " next to each other - something Microsoft had already done .

  21. “金融市场的多任务处理能力较差,”吴写到。

    " Financial markets are poor multi-taskers , " woo writes .

  22. 电子竞技比赛对选手的反应速度和多任务处理能力都有很高要求。

    E-sports competitions require quick reaction speeds and incredible multitasking skills .

  23. 有策略地完成项目,多任务处理方面高效。

    Resourceful in the completion of projects , effective at multi-tasking .

  24. 单片机抢占式实时多任务处理的简易实现方法

    Simple Implementation Method of Preemptive and Real-time Multitask Processing for Single-chip Microcomputer

  25. 多任务处理往往很诱人,好像能让人更快地把事情做完。

    It is often tempting to multi-task to get things done quicker .

  26. 第一种更适合会议和多任务处理。

    The first one is better for meetings and multitasking .

  27. 我在进行多任务处理,拦截了警方报告

    I was multitasking , and intercepted a police report .

  28. 单片微机多任务处理能力分析

    The Ability of the MCS in Multiple Tasks Processing

  29. 综合保护装置中的多任务处理

    Multi - task processing in the integrated protection device

  30. 多任务处理能力被视为某些人独具的一个技能。

    Multitasking is typically viewed as a skill that only certain people possess .