
  • 网络Multiple interpretations;diverse angle reading
  1. 实施个性化阅读教学,必须尊重学生的主体地位,倡导对作品的多元解读,与学生展开平等对话。

    The instruction of individualized reading needs the respect for the studens'subjective status , the diverse angle reading to the text and the equal dialogue with the students .

  2. 对文学作品丰富意蕴的解读,是一个永无止境的阅读过程,从文学文本的多义性、个性化解读两方面论述在语文教学中对文学作品多元解读的必然性。

    It is an endless reading procession to the reading of the rich implication of literature works . This essay treatises the necessary of diverse angle reading of literature works in Chinese teaching from multi meaning and personality of literature texts .

  3. 高职院校大学语文教学文本多元解读策略

    Text Diversified Interpreting Strategy of College Chinese Teaching in Higher Vocational Colleges

  4. 第二部分多元解读的现实依据。

    The second part is the realistic basis of reading of diverse angles .

  5. 第一部分多元解读的缘起。

    The first part is the origin of the reading of diverse angles .

  6. 没有一元解读的目标导引,多元解读会陷入混乱。

    Meanwhile the multi-interpretation will get into confusion without the objective guide of unitary interpretation .

  7. 尊重学生的主体性和独立见解,允许学生对文本进行多元解读;

    Respect students ' subjectivity and their own opinions , allow students understand the textbook multi-dimension ;

  8. 评论者们各现纷纭,不断地对她的文本进行多元解读,探究其文学史地位及价值。

    They have interpreted her articles from different aspects , explore her value and status in literature history .

  9. 接下来一个部分笔者提出了解决策略&走向文本多元解读之途。

    The next part , the author proposes a solution strategy - the way to multi-dimensional interpretation of textbook .

  10. 语文课堂教学多元解读的过程是教师、文本、学生之间的对话的过程。

    Classroom Teaching of multiple interpretations of the process is the process of dialogue among teachers , text and students .

  11. 无论是对话理论、接受美学理论还是符号论美学思想理论都对文学作品的多元解读提供了有力的理论支持。

    No matter dialogic theory , recipient theory and symbolic theory , they provide strong theoretical sustain to the multi-interpretation of literary works .

  12. 把多元解读和文本回归有机地统一起来,使阅读教学务实高效,充满生机和活力。

    Organically unify the multi-dimensional explanation and the text return , causes the reading education practical highly effective , vital and the vigor .

  13. 研究方法有所创新,将经典作品置于多维批评理论视角下进行多元解读;

    Contemporary English poetry studies in China tend to apply new research methods , showing its diversity from multi-angled views and interdisciplinary approaches .

  14. 但对接受美学认识和实践的过程中,也出现了一些问题,一些教师主张的多元解读,脱离了文本,架空了文本,形成了对文本的歪读曲解。

    Despite the achievements , there exist some problems in acquisition and practice of receptive aesthetics . Some teachers misunderstand the text by a divorce from it .

  15. 这就要求我们改变传统的简单确定性的课堂教学模式,对语文教材文本进行多元解读。

    Requests we change the tradition " the simple determinism " classroom instruction pattern , carries on " the multi-dimensional explanation " to the language teaching material text .

  16. 其次,由于它明显具有的多元解读能力,霍布斯的原始文本在历史研究中逐渐丧失了其充当仲裁者的功能。

    In the second place , because of its evident multi-interpretability , Hobbes 's original text gradually lost its capacity to function as arbiter in the historical debate .

  17. 第五章:初中童话教学的实践构想,这是全文的重点,本章节从教学方法入手,探讨了比较阅读课、多元解读课、审美鉴赏课、走进童话世界综合性学习等童话教学设计。

    In this chapter , the paper discusses fairy tale teaching design of the comparative reading class , multiple reading classes , the literary appreciation class and the comprehensive study of " walk into the fairy tale world " .

  18. 对文学作品的多元解读,需要外在宽松的文化环境,从文学批评多元化、中学语文课程标准两方面阐述文学作品多元解读的可行性。

    The reading of diverse angles of literature works needs relaxing culture surrounding and the feasibility of diverse angle reading of literature works needs to be elaborated from the diversification of literature criticism and the course standards of middle school Chinese .

  19. 在这种理念下,阅读教学实践中应从三个方面入手,即关注阅读量,提倡多元解读作品,以言语表现为终极目标,从而来提高文学文本阅读的教学效果。

    Consequently , teaching practice of reading should be made in such three aspects as focusing the amount of reading , advocating the multi-decoding of works , taking speech ' representation ' as an ultimate goal so as to improve the teaching of literature-text reading .

  20. 因此,在文学作品阅读教学中开展多元解读,既要深入研究,全面把握接受美学的理论内涵,又要充分考虑并紧密结合阅读教学的客观实际和认知规律。

    Therefore , the teaching of reading literature in the " multiple interpretations ", it is necessary to in-depth study to comprehensively grasp the acceptance of the theory of aesthetic meaning , and also fully consider and closely integrated teaching of reading and understanding the laws of objective reality .

  21. 《古代英雄的石像》的个性化和多元性解读&整体阅读教学及新课标关于答案多元性之示例

    Individualized reading of ancient heroes ' stone images

  22. 论述后现代建筑的形成和特征,引入哲学解释学关于“理解的历史性”和“视界融合”等概念及理论,对后现代建筑的历史文脉性和意义多元性特征进行解读。

    This paper studies the origin of the post-modern architecture and interprets its characteristics by the theories of philosophical hermeneutics .

  23. 这种范式转换在课程与教学研究领域表现为由课程开发范式转向课程理解范式,课程被视为一种多元文本而加以解读。

    In the field of curriculum and instruction research , this paradigm shift represents itself from the paradigm of curriculum development to that of curriculum understanding , curriculum is thus seen a text that can be interpreted in multi-factors .

  24. 为了有效借鉴并应用该理论,本文基于对多元智能理论的解读,着重研究了该理论在课程设计中的应用,并结合当前我国基础教育课程改革的实际,提出了一些富有建设性的建议。

    For taking advantage of the theory effectively , the thesis mainly discusses the application of the theory in China based on the explanation of the Multiple Intelligences Theory , and then puts forward some constructive suggestions associating with the current curriculum reform of foundation education in china .