
duō kǒnɡ zhuān
  • Porous brick;porous/perforated brick
  1. 基于ANSYS的烧结多孔砖热模拟研究

    Research on thermal simulation of fired perforated brick by ANSYS

  2. 同时考虑砖的尺寸和孔型时,P型圆孔多孔砖砌体抗压强度与M型矩形孔多孔砖的相同;

    Considering the dimension of brick and hole shape synchronously , the strength of P type circle and M type rectangular perforated brick masonry is equal .

  3. 提出了考虑孔型、砖尺寸与孔洞率的孔洞率综合影响系数,并建立了考虑孔洞率综合影响系数和材料种类系数的P型圆孔与M型矩形孔多孔砖砌体抗压强度计算公式。

    The calculation formula for compression strength of P type circle and M type rectangular perforated brick masonry is presented , considering the material type , shape , percent of holes and dimension of brick .

  4. 七层KP1型烧结页岩粉煤灰多孔砖房屋非线性地震响应分析

    Analyses on Nonlinear Seismic Behavior of a Seven-story KP_1 Burned Shale-Farinose Coal Porous Brick Building

  5. KP1型烧结页岩粉煤灰多孔砖墙体抗震性能试验研究

    Experimental Analysis on the Seismic Behaviors of the KP_1 Type of Clinkering Porous Brick Wall with Shale-fly Ash

  6. 《多孔砖(KP1型)建筑抗震设计与施工规程》的内容与说明

    Essentials of Regulations on the Seismic Design and Construction of Perforated Brick ( KP-1 Type ) Masonry Buildings

  7. 为此我们对页岩模数多孔砖砌体的局部受压进行了试验研究,并对适用页岩模数多孔砖的局部受压强度提高系数γ及其计算公式中b值的确定进行了研究。

    Therefore , we have made partial compression tests on shale modulus porous brick wall and studied on factor of gain in partial compression strength γ suitable for shale modulus porous brick and on determination of b value in calculation formula .

  8. DM2(3)型模数多孔砖砌体的力学性能试验研究

    Test of the Mechanical Property of DM2 ( 3 ) Modular Cellular Brick Masonry

  9. 本文介绍了《多孔砖(KP1型)建筑抗震设计与施工规程》JGJ68-90的基本内容、特点,并对规程的编制情况、依据和具体应用,作一些说明。

    In this paper major content and character about " regulations on the seismic design and construction of perforated brick ( KP-1 type ) masonry buildings " ( JGJ 68-90 ) are introduced and their background , basis and practical application are also explained .

  10. KP1型矩形条孔烧结页岩多孔砖砌体墙上应采用空心砌体专用膨胀螺栓,因其能够形成可靠的“自螺母效应”。

    In KP1 type perforated brick masonry , expansion bolt especially design for perforated brick is prefer , because it can form " self-anchor " effect and hold tightly in brick hole .

  11. 介绍按苏北典型气候,分别应用混凝土多排孔砌块和KP1粘土多孔砖建筑的试点节能住宅,并从经济技术和功能价值方面进行综合对比,得出最优设计方案。

    S Introducing energy saving demonstrating constructions using hollow concrete blocks and KP 1 perforated bricks and considering climate in the northern part of Jiangsu province , comparing in the aspects of economic technologies and value of function , to obtain optimizing design solution .

  12. 模数多孔砖的建筑应用与工程设计

    Application of Modular Perforated Bricks to Building Construction and Project Design

  13. 科学发展高品质煤矸石烧结多孔砖和空心砖

    Scientific development of high-quality coal gangue sintering brick and hollow brick

  14. 混凝土多孔砖砌体弯曲抗拉强度试验研究

    Experimental Research on Flexural Tensile Strength of Perforated Concrete Brick Masonry

  15. 模数多孔砖与建筑应用的研究

    Study on Modular Perforated Brick and Its Application in Building Construction

  16. 混凝土多孔砖砌体单轴受压应力应变特征点试验研究

    Experimental Research on the Stress-strain Characteristics of Concrete Porous Brick Masonry

  17. 某商住楼煤矸石多孔砖的酥裂分析及处理

    Analysis and Treatment for Flaky Crack of Colliery Waste Cork Brick

  18. 粉煤灰模数多孔砖砌体的性能与施工要求

    Construction and Performance Demand of Fly Ash Modulus Air Brick Masonry

  19. 沸煮法快速测定烧结多孔砖强度的探讨

    Discussion of Boiling Process Rapid Determination of Fired Perforated Bricks Strength

  20. 混凝土多孔砖砌体试验分析及应用技术研究

    Experiment analysis and application technology for perforated concrete brick masonry

  21. 混凝土多孔砖砌体结构温度应力有限元分析

    Finite Element Analysis of the Temperature Stress of Concrete Perforated Brick Masonry

  22. 拉结钢筋在多孔砖砌体中的锚固性能

    Anchoring behavior of binding steel bar in perforated brick masonry

  23. 自保温节能承重多孔砖的研究与应用

    Study and application of self-thermal conservation energy-saving bearing porous bricks

  24. 粉煤灰多孔砖砌体基本力学性能试验

    Experimental on the Basic Mechanical Behavior of Fly Ash Perforated Brick Masonry

  25. 石墨尾矿砂综合利用生产烧结多孔砖初探

    Comprehensive Utilization of Graphite Tailings to Produce Multiporous Agglomerate Brick

  26. 煤矸石多孔砖对建筑能耗的影响

    Effect of Coal Gangue Porous Brick on Building Energy Consumption

  27. 煤矸石烧结多孔砖新型墙体材料施工技术

    Coal waste rock agglomerated lacunaris bricks-constructing skills of a new wall material

  28. 多孔砖保温夹心墙体抗震性能试验与分析

    Experiment and Analysis of Seismic Behavior of Hollow Brick Insulating Cavity Walls

  29. 是切割标砖和多孔砖的理想设备。

    It is a ideal equipment for making solid and hollow brick .

  30. 工业废渣混凝土多孔砖墙体干缩性能实验研究

    Experimental study on dry-shrinkage property of industrial waste concrete perforated brick wall