
  • 网络shale brick
  1. 硼泥对页岩砖强度影响的研究

    Study on Effect of Boron Mud on Strength of Shale Brick

  2. 页岩砖的性能、特点及施工质量控制

    Performance and Characteristic and Construction Quality Control of Shale Brick

  3. 在紫色砂页岩砖红壤上,即使在pH仅为3.5的强酸条件下,仍会有氨挥发损失。

    Even if under the soil pH 3.5 strong acid condition , still could have the loss of ammonia to volatilize in the latosol from purple arenaceous shale .

  4. 烧结页岩砖外墙夹心保温技术亟待推广保温墙模复合剪力墙结构在低温条件下的施工

    The construction of insulated wall formwork composite shear wall structure in low temperature

  5. 页岩砖厂所生产的页岩砖偏差均小于标准要求。

    Shale size brick field produces the shale brick deviation are less than standard requirement .

  6. 我国页岩砖以实心砖和多孔砖为主,不仅产品单一,而且砖强度、外观、产品保温隔热等性能与发达国家相差甚大。

    In China , shale solid brick and perforated brick keep the main place of shale products .

  7. 页岩砖在外观、泛霜、爆裂等方面也完全符合国家标准规定。

    Shale brick in appearance and the frost , burst etc also fully conforms to the national standard .

  8. 在抗震性能上页岩砖完全可以取代粘土砖作为约束砌体墙的砌筑材料。

    In seismic behavior confined shale brick masonry wall can be a good substitute for confined clay brick masonry wall .

  9. 试验结果表明,在页岩砖砌体中,通过设置墙中柱,以及水平条带、圈梁的拉结作用,对砌体部分起到了有效的约束作用,从而使承载力得到了提高。

    The result shows that the masonry part of the CSB wall is efficiently confined by bonding of pillar , horizontal concrete band and beam .

  10. 结合页岩砖在某工程中的应用,介绍了页岩砖的性能、特点和施工质量控制措施。

    Combining the application of shale brick in a project , authors introduce something about shale brick , such as performance , characteristics and construction quality control measures .

  11. 下面,我们就围绕页岩,页岩砖,页岩粉碎机来做一个详细的介绍,让大家对这个产品有一个详细的认识!

    Below , we 'll around shale , shale brick , shale crusher to do a detailed introduction , let everybody to this product has a detailed understanding !