
  • 网络page fault;page error
  1. 因为页面错误的成本很高,所以垃圾收集器正确管理引用的区域性(locality)是很必要的。

    Because the cost of a page fault is high , it is desirable that a garbage collector properly manage locality of reference .

  2. dar(数据地址寄存器)包含处理器尝试访问的地址,这一行为将引发页面错误。

    The dar ( Data Address Register ) contains the address that the processor tried to access , which then caused a page fault .

  3. PageFaults(页面错误):进程启动以来要访问的页面不在主存中的总次数。

    Page Faults : The total number of times since the process started that a page was accessed that wasn 't in main memory .

  4. 如果不能够通过VMM解决,或者在禁用中断的情况下发生页面错误,那么将造成系统崩溃。

    If it cannot be resolved by the VMM , or if the page fault occurs when interrupts are disabled , the system will crash .

  5. 如果对当前不在物理内存中加载的虚拟地址进行引用(这是一个页面错误),则会出现DSI错误。

    A DSI occurs whenever a reference is made to a virtual address that is not currently loaded in physical memory ( this is a page fault ) .

  6. 这个事件被称为一个页面错误并被硬件(MMU)删除,出现页面错误中断后该事件由防火墙管理。

    This event is called a page fault and is detected by hardware ( the MMU ), and then managed by firmware after a page fault interrupt occurs .

  7. 引起页面错误的数据地址为0x00(dar0000000000000000)。

    The data address that caused the page fault problem was0x00 ( dar0000000000000000 ) .

  8. dsirr(数据存储中断原因寄存器)表示发生的页面错误的类型。

    The dsirr ( Data Storage Interrupt reason Register ) indicates the type of page fault that has occurred .

  9. dsisr(数据存储中断状态寄存器)表示页面错误无法解决的原因。

    The dsisr ( Data Storage Interrupt Status Register ) indicates why the page fault could not be resolved .

  10. 指令存储中断通常是指在取出指令时发生页面错误。

    An instruction storage interrupt is a page fault on an instruction fetch .

  11. 页面错误是经常发生的错误。

    Page faults occur all the time .

  12. 处理环境与中断环境之间的主要差别是:当处于中断环境中时,不允许出现任何页面错误。

    The main difference between the process and interrupt environments is that no page faults are permitted while in the interrupt environment .

  13. 因此,文件系统一定必要产生附加的页面错误,因为这将导致无限递归调用。

    Thus , the file system must not generate additional page faults because this may lead to an " infinite " recursion .

  14. 这样就允许JSP页面使用错误类来提醒用户出现什么问题。

    This allows the JSP pages to use the errors to inform the user of a problem .

  15. 特别是,当错误页面返回错误的路径时,路径组件就有用了。

    In particular , the path component is useful when an error page returns the erroneous path .

  16. 然后您将看到一个例子,在这个例子中所有性能都是用来自动操作Web页面上Purify错误概要的报告行为。

    Then you will see an example where all of these capabilities are exploited to automate reporting a summary of Purify errors on a Web page .

  17. Firebug还会显示只与所查看的页面相关的错误。

    Firebug also shows errors related only to the page you are viewing .

  18. 在“用户帮助”中,欢迎页面可能显示错误或异常行为。

    In user assistance , welcome pages may show errors or unexpected behavior .

  19. 您输入的内容存在问题,请检查页面中的错误。

    There is problem in your input , please check error in page .

  20. 程序发生无效的页面意外情况错误。

    The program encountered an invalid page exception .

  21. 页面中存在错误。请至少在一个字段中输入数据。

    There has been an error . Please enter data for at least one field .

  22. 如果在试图下载时,发生页面未找到错误,请刷新页面。

    If you get a "" Page not found error "" when trying to download , refresh the page .

  23. 您一定还想创建一个类似的页面来显示错误消息,当一个用户请求访问他或她未被授权的功能时,就会显示错误消息。

    You 'll also want to create a similar page to display an error message when a user attempts to access functionality for which he or she is not authorized .

  24. 如果您没有看到这样一个页面或者如果出现错误,您可能需要启用cURL和/或运行支持jsondecode()的PHP版本。

    If you don 't see such a page or if errors come up , you may need to enable cURL and / or run a version of PHP that supports json_decode () .

  25. 膨胀已占用的页面是一个错误,因为它剥夺了客户资源而未实际节省内存。

    Ballooning a shared page is a mistake because it deprives the guest of resources without actually saving any memory .

  26. 本质上,这是确保捕获每个页面上的每个错误的最佳方法,并给予每个页面适当的关注。

    Ultimately , that 's the best way to ensure you catch every error on every page and give each page proper attention .

  27. 此服务器场上管理共享服务的所有管理页面将显示以下错误信息:无法在此服务器场上管理该服务。

    All administration pages for managing shared services on this server farm will display an error stating that the service cannot be managed on this server farm .

  28. vmstat工具输出线程/进程信息、内存/交换区使用率、换进/换出页面、磁盘I/O、页面错误和CPU统计信息。

    The vmstat tool outputs thread / process information , memory / swap usage , page ins / outs , disk I / O , page faults , and CPU statistics .

  29. 显示页面时将在页面上为错误信息分配空间。

    Space on the page is allocated for the error messages when displaying the page .

  30. 最后,页面使用try块捕获任何不可预见的错误,并在页面上显示错误描述。

    Finally , the page uses a try block to catch any unforeseen errors with the error description displayed on the page .