
Perhaps showing text ads next to the video might work , but that seems trivial and also is not as easy to implement for video .
For example , in information retrieval application , it may submit a Web page to users just because the page advertisement information contains the keywords searched by the users .
In a social networking site a enterprise usually propagate itself and brand by publishing page advertising and establishing brand community , and the latter one is the research object of this paper .
The Security page shown specifies the user rights for the advertisement .
The General page shows the advertisement name , package and program , and the targeted collection .
The Schedule page shows the start and expiration dates for the advertisement and the priority setting .
InterActive Corp allowed the company recently to reduce the amount of advertising on each search page in order to improve the user experience .
It was a series of double-paged magazine advertisements that appeared across two pages , with images of three different knives .
Take advantage of this phenomenon by drawing your users ' attention to the most important parts of your page or ad.
Based on those conditions , Tencent 's back-end system that matches advertisers and viewers will decide which corporate pages will host the ads.
Facebook does not charge for any application that wishes to be on Internet.org , and it does not post ads on the Facebook pages of the users . Also , the company does not pay Reliance to provide the free service .
They do not care there are ads on pages , says Mr Dong .
However , earlier this month the site revised its terms and conditions to allow advertising on its service .
The revenue generated from the ads shown alongside news search queries is a tiny fraction of our search revenue .
It is not hard to look at a results page and to find the paid ads and the Google products , or to find its competitors .
To be able to put ads on multiple pages , you can take out this function and put it in a separate file you include when you need to insert an ad on the page .
Google benefits from increased traffic on its Chinese site , and can sell search ads on the music search pages on its site .
On the desktop , you get a large picture of a page with the first part of an article without the ability to scroll down , and cut off sides where ads or links to other articles tend to be .