
  1. 也许在视频旁边插入页面广告是可行的,但是这种广告形式又可能是价值不高同时在视频中难以施行的。

    Perhaps showing text ads next to the video might work , but that seems trivial and also is not as easy to implement for video .

  2. 比如在信息检索时,可能仅仅因为某一页面广告信息中包含用户所查找的关键字而将该页面返回给用户。

    For example , in information retrieval application , it may submit a Web page to users just because the page advertisement information contains the keywords searched by the users .

  3. 企业和品牌主要通过发布页面广告及建立虚拟品牌社区等方式进行宣传,而后者是本文主要的研究对象。

    In a social networking site a enterprise usually propagate itself and brand by publishing page advertising and establishing brand community , and the latter one is the research object of this paper .

  4. Security页面指定广告的用户权限。

    The Security page shown specifies the user rights for the advertisement .

  5. General页面显示广告名称、包和程序以及目标集合。

    The General page shows the advertisement name , package and program , and the targeted collection .

  6. Schedule页面显示广告的起始和到期日期,以及优先级设置。

    The Schedule page shows the start and expiration dates for the advertisement and the priority setting .

  7. 最近,InteractiveCorp同意Ask.com减少每个搜索页面的广告数量,以改善用户体验。

    InterActive Corp allowed the company recently to reduce the amount of advertising on each search page in order to improve the user experience .

  8. 这是出现在两个页面杂志广告的双页广告,展示了三个不同的刀的形象。

    It was a series of double-paged magazine advertisements that appeared across two pages , with images of three different knives .

  9. 利用这种现象来吸引你的用户的注意力到你的页面或广告中最重要的部分吧。

    Take advantage of this phenomenon by drawing your users ' attention to the most important parts of your page or ad.

  10. 根据这些条件,腾讯的后台系统将根据广告商和观众的匹配度决定在哪些公众帐号的页面显示广告。

    Based on those conditions , Tencent 's back-end system that matches advertisers and viewers will decide which corporate pages will host the ads.

  11. Facebook不向任何希望出现在Internet.org上的应用收费,不在用户的Facebook页面上发广告。而且,Facebook也不为信实通信公司提供的免费网络服务买单。

    Facebook does not charge for any application that wishes to be on Internet.org , and it does not post ads on the Facebook pages of the users . Also , the company does not pay Reliance to provide the free service .

  12. 他们并不在意页面上有广告,董旭表示。

    They do not care there are ads on pages , says Mr Dong .

  13. 尽管如此,这个月早些时候,网站改变了限制,允许在页面上发布广告。

    However , earlier this month the site revised its terms and conditions to allow advertising on its service .

  14. 显示在新闻搜索页面旁边的广告,其带来的收入只占我们搜索收入的很小一部分。

    The revenue generated from the ads shown alongside news search queries is a tiny fraction of our search revenue .

  15. 在结果页面找到付费广告、谷歌产品或竞争产品并非难事。

    It is not hard to look at a results page and to find the paid ads and the Google products , or to find its competitors .

  16. 为获得在多个页面上发布广告的能力,您可将此函数提取出来,放在一个单独的文件中,这样,每次需要在页面上插入广告时,只需包含此独立文件即可。

    To be able to put ads on multiple pages , you can take out this function and put it in a separate file you include when you need to insert an ad on the page .

  17. 谷歌则受益于中国网站的流量增长,其可以在网站的音乐搜索页面上销售搜索广告。

    Google benefits from increased traffic on its Chinese site , and can sell search ads on the music search pages on its site .

  18. 你会在电脑桌面上看到一大幅无法向下滚动的页面截图,包含文章第一部分的内容。截图把原文页面中用来显示广告或者导向其他文章的链接都去掉了。

    On the desktop , you get a large picture of a page with the first part of an article without the ability to scroll down , and cut off sides where ads or links to other articles tend to be .