
  • 网络poster advertising
  1. 浅析超现实主义对现代招贴广告创作的影响

    Surrealism and the upgrading of poster artistic creation

  2. 谈招贴广告设计的思维方法

    The Thinking Process of Poster Design

  3. 我国的招贴广告设计要挖掘本土、倡导原创。

    The design of advertisement should develop nativity and propose originality .

  4. 世界平面广告设计精选&特殊招贴广告类

    World Graphic Design Selection of Advertisement & Category of Special POP

  5. 招贴广告设计的原创性和本土性

    The originality and nativity of the design on pictorial advertisement

  6. 在大城市,你会看到许多触目的招贴广告。

    In big cities you can see many eye-catching posters .

  7. 招贴广告设计的休止符&空白的作用与经营

    The Rest of Bills and Posters ' Design

  8. 招贴广告设计的图形语言

    Graphic Language in Poster Advertising Design

  9. 超现实主义创造的形式和技法,对现代招贴广告设计具有非常重要的意义。

    Its form and technique are wildly applied in poster design , and plays an important role in modern poster design .

  10. 本文研究的课题是:招贴广告中设计语言的准确性和趣味性。

    The subject of studying in this paper is the accuracy and interest of language of artistic design in poster advertisement .

  11. 将中国传统美学融入现代艺术感强烈的招贴广告中,逐渐成为我国招贴广告设计行业、甚至是全球招贴广告行业的一种时尚和趋势。

    Integration of traditional Chinese aesthetics with modem art poster has gradually become a fashion and trends in the poster design industry both at home and abroad .

  12. 传统美学中对美的追求影响着现代招贴广告的设计,反过来,现代广告招贴又影响着传统美学的传承和发展。

    Traditional aesthetics in the pursuit of beauty influence the design modem poster , in turn , modem advertising posters influence heritage and development of traditional aesthetics .

  13. 于是,我感到在招贴广告中,设计语言的准确性、趣味性以及它们之间的关系是值得思考的问题。

    Then , I think the accuracy and interest of language of artistic design in poster advertisement and the relation between them are questions deserving to think deeply .

  14. 超现实主义是20世纪初盛行于欧洲并对当时思想界、文艺界产生深刻影响的美学思潮,其创作理念、艺术风格使招贴广告设计者产生强烈共鸣。

    As a trend of thought in aesthetics , surrealism prevailing in Europe greatly influenced the ideology and art at first of the 20th century , Which theory of produce and style of art resonated among poster deviseres .

  15. 当代招贴设计是广告视觉化的主要媒体。

    Contemporary poster design is the main medium for advertising visualization .

  16. 浅谈招贴在现代广告媒体中的发展

    The Poster Development in Modern Advertising

  17. 招贴设计是广告设计的重要表现形式之一,其内容十分的广泛和全面。

    Poster design is just one of the manifestations ; its content is very broad and comprehensive .

  18. 这是一张贴于北京首都师范大学男卫生间小便池上的、有着上个世纪五十年代公共设施招贴风格的标语广告。

    This is a1950s-public-service-ad style placard that appears above the urinals in all the men 's bathrooms at Capital Normal University in Beijing .