
  1. 招标选择建设监理单位的评标方法

    Method of Evaluation of Bids for Selection of construction Supervising Unit by Tendering

  2. 对于设计机构进行招标选择,引入竞争机制,有利于优选设计单位并且节约设计费用。

    The design tender to choose and introduce a competition mechanism is conducive to optimum design and cost-saving design .

  3. 这些研究对健全代建单位的招标选择机制、促进我国代建制的发展和不断完善具有一定的参考价值。

    It has important value that above-mentioned research made construction agent system sound and boost market bidding mechanism of the construction agency choosing .

  4. 最后,论文提出多元化融资模式的市场化运作机制,即利用市场化招标选择投资者、形成中标价格。

    Finaly , marketization operating mechanism of DFM is put forward , namely selecting investor and forming winning bid by advertised bidding on market .

  5. 龙滩水电站工程安全监测项目从土建项目中分离出来,成为独立的施工合同,公开招标选择承包人。

    The safety monitoring system of Longtan Hydropower Station is a sole construction contract , separately from the civil engineering contract , and makes an open bidding for determining the qualified contractor .

  6. 威尔逊还采用招标方式选择合作伙伴帮助这个组织处理资金管理业务,最终把这项任务从ETS身上剥离了出来。

    Wilson also put the organization 's money management to bid and moved that task away from the testing contractor .

  7. 随着工程公司模式的不断完善,通过招标方式选择重要设备、材料的供应商已成为一种趋势。

    With the mode of engineering firm further improved , it has become a trend to select suppliers of important equipment and materials through bidding .

  8. 上海国际汽车城公园路工程采用公开招标方式选择承包商。

    The mode of calling for tenders in public has been used in Gongyuan Rd Project of Shanghai International Automobile City Works to choose contractors .

  9. 从定性与定量两个方面分析阐述了水利工程招标项目选择的策略和技巧。

    Analyze the tactics and skill that choose of bidding project of irrigation works with the method of qualitative and quantitative analysis . Expound the characteristics ;

  10. 用博弈论分析了在招投标过程中招标人选择报价最低投标人的原因。

    This paper uses the game theory to study the reason why tenders choose the lowest price bidder 's in the course of project bid invitation and bidding .

  11. 合理的方案、规范的投标报价,是提高中标率的基础,同时也有利于招标人选择优秀的投标者。

    Reasonable plan and quoted price are the major factors to redound to the rate of acceptance , also are essential for tenderee to choose an excellent tenderer .

  12. 介绍了施工单位在招投标工程中可以应用层次分析法(AHP法)的原理,通过构造判断矩阵、排序计算和一致性检验,在诸多招标项目中选择各项条件最佳的工程项目进行投标。

    The paper introduced the principle of AHP , it can help to make decisions and select the best project to tender among the crowd by forming decision matrix , sorting , calculation and consistency check .

  13. 任何小型企业,可以从招标书中选择自己有能力进行的课题,作出提案,然后申请SBIR的资金。

    Any small business can identify a topic that it is capable of pursuing from these solicitations and propose a project for an SBIR grant .

  14. 任务代理采用招标投标机制选择最佳资源代理。

    Task agents select best resource agent using biding mechanism .

  15. 业主在招标阶段,选择承包商。签订总承包合同后,项目业主便把项目完全交给咨询工程师来管理。

    After tendering procedure , the Employer entrusts the Engineer to manage the project .

  16. 在刀具资源代理选择阶段,刀具信息代理采用招标投标机制选择最佳的刀具资源代理。

    Tool Information Agent selects Tool Resource Agent by biding mechanism in Tool Resource Agent selection phase .

  17. 网络制造中基于网上招标的联盟选择系统的研究

    Research into the Choice of Alliance Enterprise Based on the Form of Inviting Public Bidding Online in the Situation of Network Manufacturing

  18. 建设工程采用招标方式择优选择施工单位,是从根本上杜绝豆腐渣工程的有效途径。

    Public bidding which is employed for engineering projects to select construction firms is the effective way to fundamentally get rid of the " tofukasu " projects .

  19. 本文利用实证研究方法,对投标主体的确认、工程险种和招标范围的选择、投标文件的组成以及编制招标文件注意事项等方面进行分析。

    This paper applies Demonstration Research Methods , analyses how to confirm bidders , selection of engineering risks and the scope of inviting-bid , the composition of the bidding documents and stressing items in writing inviting-bid documents .

  20. 本文结合实际工作,从招标代理机构选择、投标企业审查、招标文件编制、工程量清单编制和标底确定五个方面对高校的基建工程招投标管理提出了建议。

    This paper bases itself on the construcion practices in terms of bidding , and produces five suggestions as to bidding agent selection , bidders ' examination , tendering document filing , list of construction amount filing and the base price determination .

  21. 传统方式的招投标过程需要耗费大量人力物力,并且由于地域限制,招投标信息范围狭窄,既限制了招标方的选择空间也限制了投标方的业务发展。

    Moreover , because of area limitation , bidding information is limited in scope . This limits the choices of tenderers as well as business development of bidders . The openness and extensive coverage of the Internet makes up for the shortage of traditional bidding .

  22. 招投标,它让招标者有机会选择更好的产品并获得优质的服务,也给投标者搭建了一个可以全面展示自己实力的、公平的平台。

    The tender and bidding could not only provide tenderer more chances to choice better products and service but also give bidders a flat to show its strength .

  23. 用纯语言(包括属性值、属性权重、专家权重)形式对高等院校图书馆图书采购招标中书商的选择排序进行了量化处理。

    To deal with bookseller selection of books acquisition and bidding at university library amount using pure linguistic information including attribute value , attribute weight and expert weight .

  24. 要求在工程招标阶段要通过精心组织招标活动,选择有较强综合实力和品牌影响力的施工单位或材料供应商。

    Requirements in the phase of project invite public bidding through elaborate organization activity of invite public bidding , choose to have a strong comprehensive strength and the influence of brand construction materials units or supplier .

  25. 招标投标是一种有序的市场竞争交易方式,是招标人规范选择交易主体、订立交易合同的法律程序。

    The tender bidding of project is not only an orderly way of marketing competitions and transactions , but also a legal procedure of the transactions subject chosen and contract-setting to the tender side .